Many thanks for the prayers and encouragement. We sincerely appreciate it. Therapy starts today. I’ll let you all know when I make an appearance on Dancing with the Stars! Seriously, I’d be elated to just be able to take a walk with Mark. He’s been stellar throughout this ordeal. Thanks again!

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Best wishes for your recovery!

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Best wishes to you and the wife.

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Jake Sullivan's wife won the Democratic primary to be the Rep for my district in NH. So now we'll get another Dem who does not represent us. I don't think they live here, she rented a house in order to file.

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My wife had a stress fracture in her left femur. It's painful and the same pain. God Bless that she will recover, but the body's not the same after that surgery. I been there, and I'm still there with a right femur not healing. Pray and love on her! (softly)

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Will Schryver @imetatronink

 The fact that Israel has resorted to indiscriminate terror attacks is, in my view, a strong indication that they are desperately aware of their impotence to prosecute a real war against Hezbollah.

This also suggests an Israeli war against Iran is utterly out of the question.

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Great news! I am so pleased that the hip replacement went well. I hope she is shooting hoops very soon. BTW, I have a friend who had a hip replacement AND a two-inch extension to her femur! She is back to playing tennis at a good level. Again, my best wishes for you, your wife, and the family.

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Seconded. Do I hear a motion to pass this resolution? :)

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Thanks. We're thinking about accupuncture for the sciatica down the road. We've heard positive things from people who seem sensible.

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Thanks, Mark for telling us about your wife's successful surgery. I hope that her recovery time will be smooth. I will pray for.her.

And thank you for mentioning acupuncture for sciatica. My husband had back surgery Autumn 2021. Since that time his sciatica has been giving him the business in his left leg.

We will look into acupuncture for help.

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Physical therapy is key. Two cousins had hip replacements, one did physical therapy consistently and is doing great. The other did not, headaches with insurance coverage, and is using a walker.

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I lost 2 inches in height after two hip replacements by waiting til I could barely walk. I'm now 5'4" instead of 5'6." People who formerly looked "short" to me are now taller. As to sciatica, many problems are solved by hip replacement, that might be one.

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