These articles highlight some of the absolutely unavoidable realities that the West faces: declining native populations and cratering birth rates, loss of identity and the delusions of the greenies. Here in Switzerland, the birth rate just hit the lowest it's ever been (1.64 kids per woman). Yet, all our local newspapers see fit to talk about are the summer rock festivals and how the world is running out of pink material because everyone is going crazy about the new Barbie movie. This is how civilisations die.

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G'eveing S'21,

I feel a bit dumb - (well in general, but relating to your comment in today's case). I had presumed you were located somewhere within the Great State of Texas... Presumed being so very close to assumed I'll accept blame for ignorance...

In any event, thanks for your input and insight - I am always made a little more aware via them! Best Regards! (WrH)

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No worries, Wayne! The way things are going here in Europe, I might be moving to Texas in the near future! Stay strong, my friend.

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RFK is a Democrat. He will never be anything else so of course he won't disparage the bidens

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Playing devil's advocate: RFK has to think politically at this juncture; he cannot afford to alienate the Democrat base. He needs to be diplomatic and walk a fine line. Look what happened to Trump because he spoke like a person rather than a politician. This could be ways and means tactics for RFK. I'm rooting for Trump so don't kill me...

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You are 100% correct. He's a democrat through and through. The problem with the Republicans/Conservatives, as they are always to quick to accept a left leaning Democrat if and when he embraces a stance (and usually it's one issue only) that animates the right and they are ready to hail them as their next savior. I don't see Kennedy making an impact that would be acceptable to those who seek some common sense in our government.

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And RFK has a lot of skeletons in his closet, including drug use, cheating in wife, etc.

So i can understand his position. I disagree on the corruption, that’s a huge, uniparty issue.

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I thought the plan was to reduce the population. Now the elites have all these new mouths to feed, and in New York the illegals are very insistent on choice food and lodging. Without bread and circuses the newcomers may decide to act up. Now that you routinely rig the vote, what do you need them for?

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We have families of them standing on the street corners and parkways here with their cardboard signs. And the numbers are growing. We aren’t talking a major metro area either. Crazy.

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Yes, we have had an influx of Hispanic looking people on corners selling water, snow cones, sodas, etc. where I live. Pestering people sitting at stop lights. Another variation of the squeegee people.

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Removed (Banned)Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023
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I believe apparatchik is the Russian word you were seeking.

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