Too many blacks have a chip on their shoulder. Think about all that Jackie Robinson went through when he was the first black man to play in major league baseball. All the shabby treatment, etc. Now think of what is being done to Caitlin Clark for being a talented, straight, white woman, possibly one of the greatest female college basketball players of all time. One would think that any black with a memory and a sense of the outrages of the past would be telling the black players egregiously fouling her to knock it off.

I think I've said this here before. Thomas Sowell stated that he was old enough to remember when the racists were white. It's ten times worse when it comes out of black pastor's mouths.

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We've come full circle. Black militants are bringing back segregation. MLK is turning in his grave.

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The success of the Left is projecting their terrible traits onto the Right. The Dems were the party of the Ku Klux Klan, yet they succeed in hanging the racism rap on the Reps.

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Off-topic, I know, but MacGregor’s most recent discussion with Judge Napolitano was a tour d’force of geopolitical analysis. Many have said he’d make an ideal SecDef. I say he’d be wasted there. He’s the man we need at the Dept of State. However, I have the impression that he has little to no connection with the Trump campaign — so I’m not holding my breath.

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Yes. I listened, too. Very impressive. How about NatSec Adviser. That place needs housecleaning.

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You’re right. He could do much more damage to the neo-con deep state there than he could at the State Department.

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Yes. Because Trump's campaign strategy is to keep his strategy for Ukraine (and Israel) very close to the vest (in an inside zippered pocket) he can't openly invite the outspoken Macgregor on to the team.

But I (I suppose like many) hope that Macgregor (or at least his world view) will be an important part of any Trump Adfministration .

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I hope you are right about Trump. But as time has passed, I have arrived at a fairly dim view of him as a strategist.

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I agree. Fingers crossed, but prepared to be disappointed.

Still could never vote for any Dem. Ever.

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Race-based polity ain't gonna work when blacks, according to latest census figures, represent 13 percent of the U.S. population (and that probably shrinking due to dysfunctional families and abortion) and are outnumbered by Hispanics (19-20%), as growing demographic, and vastly outnumbered by non Hispanic whites (58%). That will only relegate blacks to politics of resentment and an urban-based racial spoils system that produces DEI (deceitful, entitled and inept) hires like Fani Willis

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Yes, exactly. Posted the same comment (and then deleted) before reading yours.

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Reading this collection of articles about the Dems' numerous quanderies, I get the impression that keeping Black voters happy is but one piece of a very complex puzzle.

As long as Trump remains in the (polling) lead, there will be no easy answers.

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Look, I'm neither black nor American but who the heck can think that black Americans are being held back? Trillions have been spent on giving them a leg up, and the system has bent over backwards to favour them with affirmative action and DEI. Maybe they need to take a good hard look at some aspects of their own culture such as fatherless families and the malign influence of rap music.

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The tragic irony of their situation is that the welfare state is to blame. Before the adoption of the so-called “Great Society” policies under Johnson Blacks showed few signs of the social dysfunctions we see today. By some metrics, divorce for example, they were actually doing better than whites.

Watch Thomas Sowell on the subject:

“The Rise and Fall of the Black Community in the United States” — https://youtu.be/xZHESkRTupI?si=FpXhDyGdaybvGb4s



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Agreed. A deadly combination of welfare dependency combined with race hustlers who keep the pot of "racial injustice" continually on the boil.

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Nailed it, Steg!!!

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As a group, Black Americans are the most well off group of black humans on the planet.

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Switzerland is a tiny outlier on this issue, but offers and interesting comparison. We've always taken in a lot of immigrants and recently, we've been getting quite a number from Africa. They are very family orientated, hard working and also strongly religious. I'm sure there are racist incidents, but in general, it's been an asset. It also helps that the Swiss don't take any crap. You either accept our values or get out.

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African blacks are very different than US coddled and enabled/weaponized by Democratic party blacks to blame everything on whitey for votes. Every African I know cant stand them. I know African lawyers doctors and other professionals all are hard working and stress education unlike American blacks where hard work is a white supremacy micro aggression and education makes you a sell out.

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Interesting Steg...In my mind I was comparing American blacks to their African counterparts. Perhaps many low income and/or impoverished American blacks are not as well off as black immigrants to Switzerland. What countries are black immigrants to Switzerland coming from?

And, as materially 'well off' as many American blacks may be in general, I doubt many analysts would characterize 21st Century Black American communities as highly family oriented, hard working or strongly religious. Perhaps in pockets, but both urban and rural black dysphoria seems overwhelming today.

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The blacks who come here are usually very, very poor, apart from some diplomats in the UN in Geneva. Most come from the French speaking former colonies like Cameroon and Senegal. There are also a lot of black Portuguese from Cape Verde. The immigration services are very strict about keeping out anyone with a dodgy background or history. The Swiss moan about immigration and every 10 years there's a big vote about it. However, the fact is, the Swiss like all of Europe just aren't producing babies anymore.

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All societies with womens lib don't. Seems working is a better deal for women than having babies. Asians fertility rates are even worse than Europes - for example, South Korea is 0.78 when replacement value is 2.1. Native Europeans hover in the 1.2-1.6 range. Only people really having abundant babies in Europe are Muslims who run a patrilineal/partriarchal social construct at around 3.4-3.6

I wonder when I see these numbers will Islam end up ruling Europe? Will rest of world save Africa (4.2 fertility) go extinct? wish I could live a 1000 years lol

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Clarence Thomas for philosopher-king. He could diagnose the problem and have a plan to ameliorate things. But it would not be to the Democrats' or Black Party's liking.

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He's the wrong kind of black, as are Ben Carson and Thomas Sewell.

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1) a reordering of priorities that would probably not be at all to the liking of the previous power brokers,

Immediately to my mind is the topic of reparations on a national basis. Ugh.

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Reparations: where white people who never owned slaves pay black people who were never slaves.

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