The fact is, the Framers almost certainly never envisioned a situation like this:
1) an illegal migrant invasion from literally around the world, from different continents; and
2) a federal government at war against the citizens, refusing to enforce laws, refusing to make good on the constitutional guarantee of a republican form of government by subverting elections.
In such circumstances one can hardly expect the SCOTUS to save the country. Only the states and their citizens can.
I feel their pain. In 1979 with my degree in hand I began the process of entering law enforcement. Unfortunately at this time most of the agencies had entered consent decrees or were trying to avoid them. In other words white men were not needed and any minority (white females minorities???) were desired. White males had to score 90% to pass entry exams and then only the top 50% were processed, all others had to score 70% to pass. Background checks were not a “scale of justice” type balancing act but a search to find a reason to exclude.
They finally got me with my 20/40 vision, 20/80 being the stated cutoff, they were only accepting w/m’s with 20/20. A friend with perfect eyes made it through and would tell be about all the disparate treatment in the academy. My favorite was w/m’s had to run quarter mile laps to work off each demerit, the other group had to spend quarter hours in study hall to work theirs off.
I moved halfway across the country to finally get into the profession I had chosen. Funny thing was a couple years later I got a call from that agency saying they were “reprocessing us rejects” under some new standard. Um no thanks, I kinda don’t trust you anymore. 35 years later when I retired I knew I’d made the right choice.
Thanks for your very personal and pertinent example - we now see the same thing happening in the military. I am glad that things worked out for you. I hope that with time reality will assert itself and the hiring processes will become truly equitable (based on merit rather than race or gender).
I should add that this has all been an intentional power play. They want to totally disassociate young men from traditional society and the benefits that might accrue from adhering to it; and then incentivize them to fight their wars through a strategy of "this is the only way you can succeed" anymore.
You experienced a precursor of this but now its being exhibited in its full flower. However, systems built on such utter bullshit and control are very fragile. The younger generations now are starting to understand the gaslighting and what a scam this all is and are no longer willing to play along.
Elimination of whites in the military is not an offshoot of woke policies, it is the exact intended result of woke. A white soldier is not going to be nearly as inclined to follow orders to fire upon his white civilian citizens as the diversity. Austin knows this. Simple math.
The Elites are in for a big surprise in the not-so-distant future. They have lost the Mandate of Heaven - which they never deserved anyway. Out-of-touch arrogance has usually seen off most "elites" thoughout the course of history and who are this lot to buck the trend?
Glad that you are taking a day Mr. Wauck. Staring into the abyss and having it stare back every day is burdensome. Appreciate the work you do to bring alternative perspectives to bear on the questions of the day.
1. It's not a done deal. This was a technical issue regarding a restraining order of some sort. However, it does indicate likelihood of siding with the Feds.
2. The issue, as I see it without having read too much, is whether a state can deny the Fed border patrol access to the nation's border.
3. This is really a political issue. We elect people to Congress as well as the WH. They are the ones who are supposed to look out for our interests as a nation in setting policies of this sort. We're in a situation now in which our elected representatives no longer represent the people who elect them, but represent the people who fund them. That's a political issue that's supposed to be decided by elections. But elections, well, ...
4. That said, there are interesting questions here about state sovereignty as regards their boundaries with foreign powers--do border states have legit security interests re national borders which are also their own borders, do federal interests exclude state interests, if there are shared interests where do the dividing lines lie? And probably more.
That seems like a smart move and could prove popular. The SCOTUS has to follow the law to maintain credibility, so when the ruling class fails to live up to its responsibilities--something law can't really reach--it's smart to turn to politics.
You're welcome. Obviously, like any sane person, I want control over the border established. But how we get there is very important. That's the problem in the SCOTUS' lap--balancing federal and state sovereignty issues. Every time in history that issue has become pressing we've had a national crisis.
Roberts wimped out again and I’m afraid that’s what he will do on the Chevron case. Just don’t see him doing anything that would be so detrimental to the administrative state. I wonder if he ever reads a newspaper or looks online and not know that the border is a total unmitigated disaster that has placed this country at great risk. Guess it never crossed his mind that it might not be a good idea to allow a bunch of military aged males into the country without any notion of what they might be up to. Yeh, I’m sure it’ll be no problem at all. First shopping mall or Walmart that gets hit is on him.
From the article I quote, "According to Palladium, a subsequent off-the-record interview with dozens of Navy officers (both current and retired) laid the blame for the incidents at the Navy prioritizing diversity training over warfighting capability."
Based upon my civilian service at NGA, a DOD combat support agency and a member of the Intelligence Community, this is absolutely true. I have previously written many times that we took our eyes off of tradecraft in favor of DEI and leadership training.
How far will congress allow the military to deteriorate before taking action? And what action would, or could it take to solve the recruiting problem short of conscription? Monetary incentives are not working. You can bet there will not be any action prior to the election.
Trump should be beating on this drum at every campaign rally, tying together the self-inflicted parasites (CRT, DEI, trannies, drag queens, wokism, etc.) responsible for military unreadiness that is not being addressed while the risk of a major conflict becomes more likely with each passing week.
"How far will congress allow the military to deteriorate before taking action?" When they realize the military can no longer protect them from the deplorables (posse comitatus considerations aside).
This whole problem is self-explanatory and self-evident. It is all about a de-evolution in culture. Pat Buchannan was right.
You Replaced Meritocracy with a philosophy of DEI, and that is a disaster for the smooth functioning of any entity: social, industrial, military, Governmental. Throw efficiency out the window and replace with mediocre performance and you get potholes in the road, unsanitary food service and a host of other national wide problems. The system slowly, but surely breaks down. We are just in the beginning of that evolution, but it is accelerating fast.
The other part of the problem is that in the 1980s you started the replacement of the “Melting Pot” for the “Inclusive Grand Mosaic”. I have warned people for over 40 years. Diversity only works in highly disciplined societies. Think Singapore vs Yugoslavia. Throw in the concepts of game theory, intertribal friction and the concept of “High Societal Trust” vs ”Low Societal Trust” and you have a disaster on your hands.
The last point. As a military vet, I can tell you that I have had people tell me that they would never have their kids join the new woke service. I cannot blame them. Especially the ones from the Southern United States. (traditionally the biggest contributor to Military recruiting numbers).
What a Joke. Robert E. Lee is now a traitor? Really? Up until 10-15 years ago, Robert E. Lee was upheld as the epitome, of THE example, of an American Army officer. I guess Ike Eisenhower was a traitor too, since he had a picture of Lee in the Oval Office. That whole traditional Southern culture has been under attack for years. Who wants to die for a government that has you identified as a: male centered, racist, loathsome, historically oppressive deplorable? The attitude has become….sadly ……have somebody else die for you. And this a surprise?
(In an effort to show lack of bias, a self-disclosure. I am a proud Yankee. )
Diversity is only a strength when it is in the service of unity. Think of the incredible diversity in your average soccer team (at least here in Europe): different ethnic backgrounds, skills, characters, ages, etc. Yet a good team works because all the players sink their diversity into a unified effort. What we call diversity in our Western nations is simply balkanization: a potpourri of angry, squabbling special interest groups all vying for a bigger slice of the pie. Diversity is our fatal weakness.
My wife and I used to donate to the Salvation Army. They embraced Critical Race Theory so I embraced Critical Donee Scrutiny Theory and defunded them. Once they lose my trust, they never can get back on the list of charities we support.
Yes. We used to give to National Review and to the Thomas More Law Center. When I was fighting Biden's executive order mandating that I, as a federal employee, needed to take the jab, I emailed TMLC asking them to represent me. They never responded. Next, I called. No response. I finally sent an angry email letting them know that we had planned to leave them a substantial bequest upon our deaths. Lo and behold, they called and emailed! A little late.
I'm glad that they showed their true colors before we wasted a lot of money based upon how I formerly perceived them. They are grifters, in my book.
There are many ways one could read this. First of all to the question of the military recruiting. I don't think our elites really care. They intend to replace White Christian America with immigrants. By allowing illegal immigrants to enter the military without regard to citizenship is telling. When you include the 70% of those illegals crossing our border as young men of military age once must conclude this will be the new military and they will not be worried about being asked to turn on the citizens of America, in fact they may relish this notion since there is non-stop trashing of White America as irredeemably racist and xenophobic. As to the disconnect between the richest Elites and regular Americans, much of the wealth has been a function of MMT or in terms we can all understand...........theft through corruption. They are the Caligula's of our world.
Boots on the Ground. Look what antifa and BLM managed to do without modern jets, ships, vehicles, guided artillery, radar, etc, etc. Those will be run by remote control, don'cha know. LoL
d1......AI will be misused you can have no doubt about that. My sense of AI is that it will be an enabler of vast array of evil rather than good. That's not to say there will not be positive use of AI, but in the hands of psychopaths it will be programmed (who will program the algorithms for which it is to be used?) to crush dissent or in the netherworld of AI it will be called misinformation. It will be used to advance the agenda's for those who seek dominion over us. Yes, there are positive aspects and some will be shown to us, but in it's early adoption it has shown a distinct pattern of error. IMHO
Cosmo, the "elites" may say they don't care. They may even really not care. However, they will be made to care. They only stay in power thanks to a compliant but efficient military. Otherwise all those neocon wet dreams go up in smoke and there's no-one left to shoot the peasants on the home front. As with everything they do, the globalists haven't thought this one through.
Rebuilding the military into an ideologically driven instrument of their will to power for purposes of terror and domestic control. It will be like being occupied by the Wehrmacht or Red Army from the 1930’s and 1940’s. Deplete the old force with ridiculous wars. Purge with things like Tailhook and the vaccine. Create avoidance with racist ideology to keep the kulaks from joining. After ten years the institution will reflect the values of the faculty and admin at Harvard. Hostile to middle America and there if needed for violent repression if the Antifa/Migrant shock troops do not do the trick via riots. Hopefully per Zhou’s wishful thinking we will not all need an F-16 and plenty of fuel. If he is blathering about it it is because the people around him are talking about the AR-15 vs F-16 thing that he keeps bringing up. He is a thug making threats.
When you feel discriminated against by the government, education, judicial system, election system, and large companies of course you will quite quit.
I’m sure it does not take to many struggle sessions, oops I mean crt / dei diversity education required sessions to figure out which way is up. As well as if you are passed over for promotion due to skin color. Or you don’t get admitted to a top school due to skin color, while a lesser qualified person gets a full ride. Wokism is being forced on you.
The result is Irish Democracy. Bud Light is an example of this. Sports illustrated is another.
The fact is, the Framers almost certainly never envisioned a situation like this:
1) an illegal migrant invasion from literally around the world, from different continents; and
2) a federal government at war against the citizens, refusing to enforce laws, refusing to make good on the constitutional guarantee of a republican form of government by subverting elections.
In such circumstances one can hardly expect the SCOTUS to save the country. Only the states and their citizens can.
Red State citing CNN:
Trump has 70 percent registered Republicans, 27 percent undeclareds.
Haley is the reverse — her voters are 70 percent undeclareds and 27 percent Republicans. In the GOP primary.
I feel their pain. In 1979 with my degree in hand I began the process of entering law enforcement. Unfortunately at this time most of the agencies had entered consent decrees or were trying to avoid them. In other words white men were not needed and any minority (white females minorities???) were desired. White males had to score 90% to pass entry exams and then only the top 50% were processed, all others had to score 70% to pass. Background checks were not a “scale of justice” type balancing act but a search to find a reason to exclude.
They finally got me with my 20/40 vision, 20/80 being the stated cutoff, they were only accepting w/m’s with 20/20. A friend with perfect eyes made it through and would tell be about all the disparate treatment in the academy. My favorite was w/m’s had to run quarter mile laps to work off each demerit, the other group had to spend quarter hours in study hall to work theirs off.
I moved halfway across the country to finally get into the profession I had chosen. Funny thing was a couple years later I got a call from that agency saying they were “reprocessing us rejects” under some new standard. Um no thanks, I kinda don’t trust you anymore. 35 years later when I retired I knew I’d made the right choice.
Thanks for your very personal and pertinent example - we now see the same thing happening in the military. I am glad that things worked out for you. I hope that with time reality will assert itself and the hiring processes will become truly equitable (based on merit rather than race or gender).
I should add that this has all been an intentional power play. They want to totally disassociate young men from traditional society and the benefits that might accrue from adhering to it; and then incentivize them to fight their wars through a strategy of "this is the only way you can succeed" anymore.
You experienced a precursor of this but now its being exhibited in its full flower. However, systems built on such utter bullshit and control are very fragile. The younger generations now are starting to understand the gaslighting and what a scam this all is and are no longer willing to play along.
Elimination of whites in the military is not an offshoot of woke policies, it is the exact intended result of woke. A white soldier is not going to be nearly as inclined to follow orders to fire upon his white civilian citizens as the diversity. Austin knows this. Simple math.
The Elites are in for a big surprise in the not-so-distant future. They have lost the Mandate of Heaven - which they never deserved anyway. Out-of-touch arrogance has usually seen off most "elites" thoughout the course of history and who are this lot to buck the trend?
Given that straight white Christian European males are enemy number 1 everything is going to plan.
Ah, but will we go away quietly? Or will we build our own world?
Glad that you are taking a day Mr. Wauck. Staring into the abyss and having it stare back every day is burdensome. Appreciate the work you do to bring alternative perspectives to bear on the questions of the day.
LOL! Tx. Staring down range is preferable than staring into the abyss.
Staring down the range? I have trouble staring down my wife! Have a great rest, Mark. You're definitely one of the good guys on this planet!
So Atlas Shrugs.
Exactly what I was thinking, NAA!!
The unintended consequences can be a real bitch sometimes.
Look forward to your thoughts on the SCOTUS decision in support of the Biden Admin & the barbed wire at the border.
1. It's not a done deal. This was a technical issue regarding a restraining order of some sort. However, it does indicate likelihood of siding with the Feds.
2. The issue, as I see it without having read too much, is whether a state can deny the Fed border patrol access to the nation's border.
3. This is really a political issue. We elect people to Congress as well as the WH. They are the ones who are supposed to look out for our interests as a nation in setting policies of this sort. We're in a situation now in which our elected representatives no longer represent the people who elect them, but represent the people who fund them. That's a political issue that's supposed to be decided by elections. But elections, well, ...
4. That said, there are interesting questions here about state sovereignty as regards their boundaries with foreign powers--do border states have legit security interests re national borders which are also their own borders, do federal interests exclude state interests, if there are shared interests where do the dividing lines lie? And probably more.
Thank you for sharing further information and insight regarding this matter. Much appreciated!
Apparently, Texas is already ignoring the ruling. What's good for the Left...
That seems like a smart move and could prove popular. The SCOTUS has to follow the law to maintain credibility, so when the ruling class fails to live up to its responsibilities--something law can't really reach--it's smart to turn to politics.
You're welcome. Obviously, like any sane person, I want control over the border established. But how we get there is very important. That's the problem in the SCOTUS' lap--balancing federal and state sovereignty issues. Every time in history that issue has become pressing we've had a national crisis.
The SCOTUS cares, but its seems the other two branches, not so much.
Developments continue - Oklahoma, Florida, Montana, Virginia, Arkansas, and South Dakota have all declared that they stand with Texas.
Proud to be a Virginian.
Roberts wimped out again and I’m afraid that’s what he will do on the Chevron case. Just don’t see him doing anything that would be so detrimental to the administrative state. I wonder if he ever reads a newspaper or looks online and not know that the border is a total unmitigated disaster that has placed this country at great risk. Guess it never crossed his mind that it might not be a good idea to allow a bunch of military aged males into the country without any notion of what they might be up to. Yeh, I’m sure it’ll be no problem at all. First shopping mall or Walmart that gets hit is on him.
Sometimes I think that Scotus just tosses a coin to make these decisions. Pitiful.
Well Steg, that’s kinda true: “heads you lose, tails up I win. Wanna flip again?” Now that I think about it, does explain a lot of things. Hmmmm
I finished the ZeroHedge article.
From the article I quote, "According to Palladium, a subsequent off-the-record interview with dozens of Navy officers (both current and retired) laid the blame for the incidents at the Navy prioritizing diversity training over warfighting capability."
Based upon my civilian service at NGA, a DOD combat support agency and a member of the Intelligence Community, this is absolutely true. I have previously written many times that we took our eyes off of tradecraft in favor of DEI and leadership training.
How far will congress allow the military to deteriorate before taking action? And what action would, or could it take to solve the recruiting problem short of conscription? Monetary incentives are not working. You can bet there will not be any action prior to the election.
Trump should be beating on this drum at every campaign rally, tying together the self-inflicted parasites (CRT, DEI, trannies, drag queens, wokism, etc.) responsible for military unreadiness that is not being addressed while the risk of a major conflict becomes more likely with each passing week.
"How far will congress allow the military to deteriorate before taking action?" When they realize the military can no longer protect them from the deplorables (posse comitatus considerations aside).
They are ideologues. They will go a long way with this.
Trump is too busy grandstanding. He's not a details guy.
This whole problem is self-explanatory and self-evident. It is all about a de-evolution in culture. Pat Buchannan was right.
You Replaced Meritocracy with a philosophy of DEI, and that is a disaster for the smooth functioning of any entity: social, industrial, military, Governmental. Throw efficiency out the window and replace with mediocre performance and you get potholes in the road, unsanitary food service and a host of other national wide problems. The system slowly, but surely breaks down. We are just in the beginning of that evolution, but it is accelerating fast.
The other part of the problem is that in the 1980s you started the replacement of the “Melting Pot” for the “Inclusive Grand Mosaic”. I have warned people for over 40 years. Diversity only works in highly disciplined societies. Think Singapore vs Yugoslavia. Throw in the concepts of game theory, intertribal friction and the concept of “High Societal Trust” vs ”Low Societal Trust” and you have a disaster on your hands.
The last point. As a military vet, I can tell you that I have had people tell me that they would never have their kids join the new woke service. I cannot blame them. Especially the ones from the Southern United States. (traditionally the biggest contributor to Military recruiting numbers).
What a Joke. Robert E. Lee is now a traitor? Really? Up until 10-15 years ago, Robert E. Lee was upheld as the epitome, of THE example, of an American Army officer. I guess Ike Eisenhower was a traitor too, since he had a picture of Lee in the Oval Office. That whole traditional Southern culture has been under attack for years. Who wants to die for a government that has you identified as a: male centered, racist, loathsome, historically oppressive deplorable? The attitude has become….sadly ……have somebody else die for you. And this a surprise?
(In an effort to show lack of bias, a self-disclosure. I am a proud Yankee. )
Robert Fausti
US Army (ret)
Diversity is only a strength when it is in the service of unity. Think of the incredible diversity in your average soccer team (at least here in Europe): different ethnic backgrounds, skills, characters, ages, etc. Yet a good team works because all the players sink their diversity into a unified effort. What we call diversity in our Western nations is simply balkanization: a potpourri of angry, squabbling special interest groups all vying for a bigger slice of the pie. Diversity is our fatal weakness.
Thank you for your service.
My wife and I used to donate to the Salvation Army. They embraced Critical Race Theory so I embraced Critical Donee Scrutiny Theory and defunded them. Once they lose my trust, they never can get back on the list of charities we support.
That's a good example of what Mark is talking about, IJM. We can all play a part in this.
Yes. We used to give to National Review and to the Thomas More Law Center. When I was fighting Biden's executive order mandating that I, as a federal employee, needed to take the jab, I emailed TMLC asking them to represent me. They never responded. Next, I called. No response. I finally sent an angry email letting them know that we had planned to leave them a substantial bequest upon our deaths. Lo and behold, they called and emailed! A little late.
I'm glad that they showed their true colors before we wasted a lot of money based upon how I formerly perceived them. They are grifters, in my book.
Having said that, the Salvation Army is probably more of a threat to our "enemies" than the US/UK armies are.
There are many ways one could read this. First of all to the question of the military recruiting. I don't think our elites really care. They intend to replace White Christian America with immigrants. By allowing illegal immigrants to enter the military without regard to citizenship is telling. When you include the 70% of those illegals crossing our border as young men of military age once must conclude this will be the new military and they will not be worried about being asked to turn on the citizens of America, in fact they may relish this notion since there is non-stop trashing of White America as irredeemably racist and xenophobic. As to the disconnect between the richest Elites and regular Americans, much of the wealth has been a function of MMT or in terms we can all understand...........theft through corruption. They are the Caligula's of our world.
I'm trying to picture those migrants operating modern jets, ships, vehicles, guided artillery, radar, AD missiles, etc., etc. It's not working.
Boots on the Ground. Look what antifa and BLM managed to do without modern jets, ships, vehicles, guided artillery, radar, etc, etc. Those will be run by remote control, don'cha know. LoL
Why do you suppose AI is all the rage among the intelligentsia/financial/social elite? I suspect that will work out about as well as EVs have/are.
d1......AI will be misused you can have no doubt about that. My sense of AI is that it will be an enabler of vast array of evil rather than good. That's not to say there will not be positive use of AI, but in the hands of psychopaths it will be programmed (who will program the algorithms for which it is to be used?) to crush dissent or in the netherworld of AI it will be called misinformation. It will be used to advance the agenda's for those who seek dominion over us. Yes, there are positive aspects and some will be shown to us, but in it's early adoption it has shown a distinct pattern of error. IMHO
Cosmo, the "elites" may say they don't care. They may even really not care. However, they will be made to care. They only stay in power thanks to a compliant but efficient military. Otherwise all those neocon wet dreams go up in smoke and there's no-one left to shoot the peasants on the home front. As with everything they do, the globalists haven't thought this one through.
Rebuilding the military into an ideologically driven instrument of their will to power for purposes of terror and domestic control. It will be like being occupied by the Wehrmacht or Red Army from the 1930’s and 1940’s. Deplete the old force with ridiculous wars. Purge with things like Tailhook and the vaccine. Create avoidance with racist ideology to keep the kulaks from joining. After ten years the institution will reflect the values of the faculty and admin at Harvard. Hostile to middle America and there if needed for violent repression if the Antifa/Migrant shock troops do not do the trick via riots. Hopefully per Zhou’s wishful thinking we will not all need an F-16 and plenty of fuel. If he is blathering about it it is because the people around him are talking about the AR-15 vs F-16 thing that he keeps bringing up. He is a thug making threats.
We shake our heads, like Dr. Zhivago.
When you feel discriminated against by the government, education, judicial system, election system, and large companies of course you will quite quit.
I’m sure it does not take to many struggle sessions, oops I mean crt / dei diversity education required sessions to figure out which way is up. As well as if you are passed over for promotion due to skin color. Or you don’t get admitted to a top school due to skin color, while a lesser qualified person gets a full ride. Wokism is being forced on you.
The result is Irish Democracy. Bud Light is an example of this. Sports illustrated is another.