You can find the article @ the New Yok Post. Hat tip to Kane at CFP.

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Right. I'm just now doing a brief post to email out. Tx.

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Sorry, it appears that this article is now behind the WSJ paywall.

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Better late than never Andrew McCarthy is finally opening his eyes as he tries to unload his book written in the midst of this national embarrassment. An embarrassment of the DOJ, FBI, and most importantly the worthless national news media. How anyone has any trust in these proven liars is beyond comprehension. https://nypost.com/2021/11/04/arrest-illustrates-how-steele-dossier-was-political-dirty-trick-by-hillary-clinton/

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Last on the bandwagon.

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Am I the only one who was shocked that Danchenko wasn’t a go between for Cody Shearer or Sidney Blumenthal? Who the hell has ever heard of Charles Dolan? (The Clinton operative and Gasprom lobbyist, not the founder of HBO obviously).

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I assume the Shearer/Blumenthal Dossier was fictional -- a wish list of allegations they could hang around Trump's neck if he was the nominee.

From such a work of fiction, one *could* set about the task of finding (or fabricating) evidence to support such allegations.

Thus, Shearer & Blumenthal's Dossier played a different role than Steele's, and hence the need for Danchenko to provide "cover" of having an intel network in Russia to whom they could attribute the detailed allegations, tailored to fit the fictional blueprint provided by Shearer/Blumenthal, and the specifics of actual people in Trump's orbit.

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