In the tweet from StarBoy which Mark includes in his post he says, "So the US admits that for the past eight years, America and its allies have planned and prepared Ukraine for war all along... The US began to supply weapons to Ukraine long before the start of the war - Pentagon spokesman John Kirby on Fox News"

I have a hunch they didn't tell Donald Trump what they were up to...another reason he had to go...

Remember Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman? At Trump's (first) impeachment proceeding he testified, "While my interagency colleagues and I were becoming increasingly optimistic on Ukraine's prospects, this alternative narrative [i.e., Trump's] undermined U.S. government efforts to expand cooperation with Ukraine."

Think about that.

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What a strange world, where the words of Putin, a product of the USSR Intel Community, is more trustworthy than the US President.

Is the matrix just glitching?

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022

Whoever stands in the shadows behind the wooden-headed puppet Biden has the world to which to answer:

"And we have just one world, But we live in different ones"

The eternal fires of Hell are going to be too comforting for the devil commanding this despicable regime.

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Lucky us who cannot believe anything "our" politicians tell us. Although I do give Putin credit for speaking the truth just on principle, he is also smart. There are two ways to fight disinformation: one is to put out your own disinformation and the other is to provide the truth. The truth has the advantage of being irrefutable either logically or evidentially and the promise of eventually prevailing in the eyes of the beholder. Advantage Putin. Even so, to have taken this advantage Putin must feel that he is in a strong position with no need for Dezinformatsiya as regards Ukraine or the larger geopolitical issues it implicates.

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@Mark, I was wondering what you thought, in retrospect, about the beating of the drum to arm Ukraine in 2014. I have been remembering that Charles Krauthammer was particularly adamant that we needed to send arms to Ukraine. At that time, I believed him. He was highly critical of the Obama Administration's decision not to arm Ukraine. Sample: https://www.politico.com/story/2014/04/charles-krauthammer-ukraine-105742

But I guess "we" did arm Ukraine after all...

In 2014, I also remember reading an honest appraisal by a Ukraine expat of the endemic corruption in the country, at that time incomprehensible to Americans.


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Joe Biden couldn’t deal out this much cogency at one sitting if his life depended on it!!

It is a truly sad state of affairs when the only place we can find clarity and a reasonable facsimile of the truth is from the mouth of Vladimir Putin.

Think Biden would ever say that we have a bunch of know nothing nimrods making decisions for this country. Think Crazy Joe would ever tell us that it’s stupid to assume that alternative energy sources are even close to being a viable option as opposed to the use of fossil fuels.

Is Zhou ever gonna tell us that the reason for runaway inflation is because of dumbass “experts” being allowed to make decisions without realizing that the unintended consequences of these policies could prove to be devastating for the United States.

Everybody in the entire world knows that Brandon is a completely incompetent buffoon who couldn’t find a coherent sentence with a flashlight and yet the msm in this country continues to play along with the fiction that it’s “jus Joe bein Joe”.

I’m beginning to see another dimension to the saying that, “those whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad”.

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I thought Putin was at death’s door? Dying from cancer, about to undergo serious surgery. Where did those stories go? Hmm. Misinformation perhaps?

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