LOLing at the chickenshit, stupid, arrogant American assholes. Especially Blinken, aka Netanyahu’s lawyer. The bill for the evil and suffering that the U.S. monster has called is coming due. Time to pay up, you miserable sons of bitches.

Thanks for the update, Mark.

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Allowing long range missile strikes deep into the Russia homeland will not change the outcome on the battlefield. This trial balloon was intended as a threat in hopes that Russia would relent and be amenable to a ceasefire and negotiations. Now that Putin has made it clear that Russia will tangibly respond to this escalation with one of their own, the West has to either back down or prepare for a real war between NATO and Russia. And this has to happen during a presidential campaign in the US. And Russia can cripple EU energy systems with just a handful of hypersonic missiles and thereby crash the EU economy. The real issue here is what does the UK Central Bank do now that Ukraine is in default on its bond payments and they have guaranteed these bonds. The UK government will have to bail out the Central Bank and inflation will skyrocket as a result. And the recipients of the economic hardship will include a lot of non-British inhabitants (tens of millions) and they may become restless or even violent in protest. Putin has the West over a barrel.

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Yes to all.

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What's the dollar (or euros) amount of Ukraine bonds that the UK Central Bank has guaranteed? Any idea how big that is in relation to the rest of the UK CB balance sheet?

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Thanks very much for your take. I wasn't so sure there would be a "stand down" after reading this story:


Could it be that they are FINALLY taking Putin's red lines seriously? Almost hard to believe. After reading your post quoting Dominique de Villepin it occurred to me (not for the first time) that maybe all of these current Western leaders (Trudeau, Starmer, etc.) and/or the people backing them are so amoral and such liars that they are incapable of thinking that anyone else had morals or could tell the truth. Could this be a turning point? I sure hope so.

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Could it be that Austin has some convictions after all and is ready to forego dinner and cocktail invites on Dupont Circle?

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He could be convinced that the US is not ready for war with Russia. That would be a reality based conviction.

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I fervently hope so.

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It seems the military guys finally got through to the political guys.

What's really amazing is that this isn't the big story in the MSM.

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What would MSM say though? “Oh, and on top of all the scaremongering we’ve dumped into your soft undeveloped brain matter, now there's a fair chance you're actually gonna die”?

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Sec Austin must not sleep well anymore. No wonder he was in the hospital earlier in the year.

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Concur. The Pentagon would have had to be the ones to kill that stupid idea. For all the reasons you state.

If the NEOCONs really are trying to start a war....then we will have to wait and see what the next rabbit they pull out of their hat.

Funny, you would think the Neocons would completely stand down after this ugly and embarrassing beat down by the DoD. We shall see.

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They need to make aliyah and sign up for the IDF.

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They have no shame and they are like the living dead.

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‘…Putin’s words had put the fear of God into the normally atheistic White House and civilian national security apparatus,…’. Well said - definitely not enough of that amongst these psycho anglo-zionist midwits

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Folded up like a cheap umbrella in a hurricane. Nothing screams power and dominance like skulking off into the corner when someone with real power calls your bluff. What a bunch of amateur hour dipshits. It’s remains incredible that these are “the best and the brightest” that the neocons have to offer.

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Boy, you hit that nail on the head.

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