Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023

Apropos of Tucker’s musings about the Media as an instrument of control, I found the following analysis very insightful. I especially appreciated the author’s trip down memory lane, reminding us what the media was like in previous decades, even as recently as 2018, compared to today.

While granting that mass media has always been controlled to one extent or another, the author blames the recent descent of the aptly labelled “Legacy Media” into abject propaganda on its shrinking audience and desperate need for funding. They are now more than ever dependent on “advertising” dollars from government agencies, NGOs, and corporations who clearly aren’t getting anything for their investment other than influence over the messaging.

Well worth a read:


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10 points, 12 points, 14 points... you would think they would find at least 1 point to like. Aw, shucks!

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The more I think about charging Putin, the worst it is. Another norm has been destroyed.

Xie could easily be charged with Genocide.

Brazilian President with environmental crimes - tropical forest deforestation.

Any country that attacks demonstrators - unfortunately that includes many Western Covid Demonstrators.

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In a way, the ICC charge is a good thing for anti-globalism. It's like giving the Nobel Prize for Peace to Obama or the Pullitzer/Oscar/Emmy to some tick box transgender "woman". It devalues the whole system and makes it meaningless.

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The Left seems more focused on virtue signaling, and ignore the damage to respect, trust, and credibility for institutions of their actions.

The promised perp walk of Trump is another.

Another is the reputational damage done to Stanford’s law school by allowing the hecklers veto / denouncement of a Federal Judge. Unfortunately for Stanford, the Judge is not letting it go.

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When societies get too comfortable, as ours has done like no other these last 50 years, it's easy and personally painless to push crazy ideas. The wealth and security created by our ancestors offer a safe space for stupidity to flourish without consequences. That might well change as we careen at full speed towards Reality.

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Michael Tracey



This didn't just come out of the blue. The latest NDAA bill contained a provision declaring it US policy to arrest, prosecute, and imprison Putin. This was done knowing full well how drastically it would raise the existential stakes of the war in Ukraine. That was the whole point

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I want to be there when they try to arrest him.

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As I’m sure you’re already aware, Trump has indicated that he will surrender himself. He has also called for mass protests and while I certainly appreciate the contemptible nature of the actions that the SDNY is taking, I think calling for mass protests is exactly what the deep staters were hoping would occur. Not that they need any excuse to exacerbate this travesty beyond what has already been done, but it seems to me that it will simply allow the msm propaganda machine to shift into warp speed and start screaming about the continued threat to democracy DJT and his deplorable minions display. Just a short walk to Zhou issuing an executive order to lock all of these fanatics up in order to save the country.

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Is Assad the first Leader of a Nation to publicly say WW3 is now?

These times are no longer intersting, but dangerous.

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Interesting AND dangerous!

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"How much does Rubio get paid to spout this nonsense?"

Yes. That or what have they got on him?

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Same as Graham.

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Rubio in the Florida legislature was well known to have been a wholly owned product of a major real estate developer, so who owns him now?

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The US still doesn’t recognize the ICC’s jurisdiction over US persons, correct? Unless I’m missing something, our pushing this seems pretty rich.

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Not only don't we recognize their jurisdiction, but we have threatened in the past to arrest THEM if they took action against an USPER.

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A lot of people are saying that nukes any hope for a negotiated peace.

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Negotiated peace died a long way back. Peace will be "negotiated" at the point of a Russian gun.

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I’m sure Putin is terrified.

On a more serious note, I wonder how Russia will retaliate.

Much less how many other world leaders wonder if they are next?

So much for the Globalist Woke Elites knowing the classics:

Sun Tzu - When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard.

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