Sullivan would be quite the scalp if Durham has the cajones to go for blood.


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A side issue: how exactly would Russian Intel officials know the EXACT day Hillary approved Sullivan's Russia Collusion Hoax plan? I never seen anyone question how they would come by information of such specificity. Did they have a mole at the very top of Hillary's campaign (aside from Hillary herself, of course)?

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The thought occurs. It also raises the question of what Durham and Brennan talked about back before the 2020 election. I assumed it was about the ICA--and that probably did come up. But now understanding Durham's focus on Russia Hoax origins and the amount of time and effort he's put into that, perhaps he and Brennan talked about some of these matters as well. Certainly if they discussed the ICA it now appears natural to have discussed Alfa Bank.

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A follow-up thought ... if Russia had extraordinary access to the highest levels of Hlllary's campaign, would they be stupid enough to blab about what they had learned so that WE could "over hear" them gossiping about it? Protecting sensitive intel sources is one of the highest principles of intel gathering, so it's hard to imagine why Russian officials would openly gossip about it.

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Suppose a Russian living in the US who was aware of what Hillary was up to blabbed about it to a Russian defector source living in the US?

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Or.... Steele tells Oleg Deripaska, who passes it along.

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Ooooo; D-D-D-Da-Da ... Dan-the-man™? You DO have a dirty mind!

Now THAT is an excellent hypothesis.

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That's what I had in mind.

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I just finished reading Peter Strzok's book "Compromised", and I am writing a blog article about it.

In his discussion about his participation in the FBI investigation of Hillary Cinton's e-mails (Operation Midyear Exam). Strzok wrote something interesting about Jake Sullivan.

As Operation Midyear Exam was nearing completion in early 2016, the FBI team found that there were two laptop computers that still had not been examined. In order to examine them, the FBI had to overcome the legal objections of a female lawyer who worked for Jake Sullivan. This lawyer was not part of Clinton's legal team in this matter. Rather, this particular lawyer worked specially for Sullivan.

Anyway, this lawyer dragged the legal negotiations out for several months -- from about March to mid-May 2016. The FBI team was mystified by this months-long delay. Strzok, in his book offers several possible explanations, but he too remained mystified.

I have my own explanation, which is not among those offered by Strzok. I speculate that Clinton's team feared that DOJ/FBI might indict Clinton, thus compelling her to drop out of the election race. By delaying the DOJ/FBI decision for several crucial months, compelling Clinton to drop out became politically more difficult. After all, she had essentially won the primary-election race, and now there was too little time left for the Democrat Party to select an alternate candidate fairly.

Anyway, it was during that same period -- from March through May 2016 -- that the RussiaGate operation was launched. For example, Papadopoulos met with Mifsud and Downer, and Fusion GPS and Steele were hired. Maybe those events were just coincidences, but maybe not.

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I speculate that Jake Sullivan managed at least two tactics to deal with the possibility that the FBI's Operation Midyear Exam might result in an indictment of Hillary Clinton.

The primary tactic was to delay the indictment decision for several months. The closer the decision was to the Democrat Party's nomination of Clinton, the more politically difficult the indictment decision would be.

A second tactic was to concoct evidence that Trump was deliberately conspiring with Russian Intelligence. Perhaps Clinton had been negligent in the past, but Trump was deliberately conspiring right now. Why should merely negligent Clinton be compelled to drop out of the race while deliberately treasonous Trump be allowed to remain in the race?

I'm speaking from memory, but I think it was in March 2016 that Papadoupolos and Page became advisors to Trump's campaign. I suppose that Sullivan might have decided to try to use those two advisors in the second tactic. Both those two advisors were studied and were maneuvered into situations that Sullivan might be able to exploit in the coming months.

Of course, I am just speculating here.

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Where can I find your blog?

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Need to get ahold of those missing 33K HRC emails. Sullivan is toast soon.

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We don't know that Durham hasn't seen those "missing" emails. Didn't Huma have a complete inventory of every email Clinton had sent or received on the laptop she shared with her pervy husband? As I recall, the NYFO was pretty ticked at FBI Hq for sitting on that laptop until late October when Comey was forced to reopen the Clinton email investigation. We don't know whether Durham got access to Weiner's/Huma's shared laptop. And, NSA surely has them all, bleachbit or no bleachbit.

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Recall the Phoenix tarmac convo? Loretta Lynch shut down the pursuit of missing HRC email's. NYFO doesn't outrank LL. She's on record shutting down the field office and FBI HQ investigation.

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Totally different. Shutting down an investigation is one thing. Shutting down an investigation that has already gone to a GJ indictment is completely at a different level. Plus, I have to assume that Durham got Garland's OK for indictment--the SC answers to the AG directly.

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Yes, that's important to remember. We know SOME of what Durham has, but by no means all.

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Sep 23, 2021
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'Tis true. The truth almost doesn't matter to them.

And that J6 "insurrection" crap has poisoned most non-political folks about Trump. We who are more political know that the insurrection narrative is falling apart, but do the typical non-political Americans know? The lefties know, but they don't care and are happy to spread the lies.

I'm afraid with Big Tech's ongoing stranglehold on social media, and all "mainstream" news media on the Biden train, it will be very difficult to inform those who are not political conservatives.

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"but Orange Man Bad", but "These same folks voted either for Trump".

Which is it, or what's the point?

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Sep 23, 2021
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Sep 24, 2021
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Thankfully they did that, at least. Hitlary has proven to be more conniving than Nixon. We dodged a bullet there.

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Sep 23, 2021
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Don’t worry Giselle has big Bill covered.

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Biden will pardon all of 'em.

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CTD - you mean Susan Rice’s memo to self I think!!

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