There's an odd symmetry here. All of team D and most of team R were supporting the Ukraine war early on. Now we have all of team R and most of team D supporting the Palestine war. I like to try to find the fissures in the blocs.

So, I've posted this link here previously, but want to point out that Eisenstein is an RFK Jr advisor who broke with his candidate: https://charleseisenstein.substack.com/p/hamas-israel-and-the-devil-on-my

I had no idea that Cornel West was a candidate, but here's another "out there" Democrat hopeful with a more nuanced take: https://marianne2024.com/israel-and-hamas/

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No Biggie. I spend 10% of my time trying to figure out context sensitive acronyms and memes. You remain one of my favorite GOTO guys on important issues. Have a great day.

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Tx. I appreciate the correction. I learn from reader input.

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Interesting read.

Globalist Foreign Policy Has Brought Us to the Brink of WWIII


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Judge Nap had a good video on this subject--Zhou's war mongering address, Yellen's boosterism for multiple wars--yesterday with LJ and Ray McGovern.

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Yellen is operating on behalf of the WEF and the City of London and her actions are sp transparently obvious. IMHO

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And the switch to SOFR attacks that relationship--at least as it existed for lo these many years.

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Zhou’s speech seemed to have 4 goals:

1. Show he cares to us Jewish voters

2. Keep money spigot going to Ukraine

3. Delay Israeli actions

4. Reassure his leftist base

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What you mean "us", white man?

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Meant U.S. - United States

Not us.

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So you see--I really do read every single comment.

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Think he meant US, aka Americans? Would make sense

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your number two should be "keep money spigot going to Ukraine and Israel" the main centers of USA money laundering operations on behalf of neocon Oligarchs.

Zhou's playing both sides to keep the operation in high gear. IMHO

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AfD, Alternative, not alliance, fuer Deutschland;

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OMG! I doubted and then plunged ahead without searching. Lesson for me.

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Fixed online.

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Robert Barnes was correct about his criticisms of Amy, Bret and the elites at the Federalist Society when Trump nominated them - "Conservatives" attacked and mocked Barnes in retaliation. Every SCOTUS vote against us - the plebs - is a reminder that these parasites are slowly draining our blood, our freedoms, our rights. We are becoming a banana republic, we've been whipped into submission by the Communists in all branches of government- state and federal.

That buffoon from Israel who is poking Putin must be flown in a one way flight to Russia, along with his family, where he can deliver his threats in person. He can pretend to be tough and run his mouth because he knows the American neocons are happy to slaughter middle and lower class kids in order to protect Israel.

Dave Chapelle says it as he sees it. Innocent lives have been sacrificed while war mongers and their family members are protected. The demonic elites keep winning.

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I supported each of Trump's candidates when they were nominated, and they have, in fact, been a vast improvement overall compared to what could have happened and has happened under other GOP presidents. None would have been my choices, for varying reasons. Remember re Gorsuch, who has been very solid mostly, that he authored one of the single most destructive opinions ever: Bostock. Amy and Brett waffled on Covid and overall have been too easily manipulated by Roberts. Still, despite the gradualism, things are heading in the right direction. The problem is, the question: Do we have the time to afford that. I can certainly sympathize with the view that an Imperial SCOTUS should be avoided if possible, but the Progs are in a hurry.

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I tend to agree with you, Mark. However, what's missing in these judges? I sense it's courage. Holding trendy values often requires shedding your principals. Their path to SCOTUS has been wrought with tremendous political pressure and ideological zealotry creating much fear for themselves and their family. Classic bullying tactics to instill fear and force people to do what they would not do if they had retained their principals instead of going along to get along.

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Despite the events of the last 3 years, many of us still have a lingering belief buried deep in our psyches that people who become doctors, generals, judges must be morally superior to us. However, the truth is that these "elites" are just like the plurality of a ordinary people: a few heroes, a vast majority of go along to get along sheep, and a small number of psychos. Maybe we expect too much of them. It's a shame that our Western societies are so dependent upon the moral courage of such people for preserving what little decency we have left.

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I agree with you except for the morally superior angle. Perhaps we gave them such lofty perches in our society for the acquisition of such an advanced education and the level of expertise we do not possess (or believe we do not). Throughout history we've placed so much emphasis on obtaining higher learning as the path to success that we look to these professionals as holding the expertise that benefits society and therefore earns greater respect. I believe that is why we are so disillusioned as we come to find that many of the most ambitious have been cutting corners, ruthlessly stabbing others in the back to achieve the sort of success they did not earn or do not deserve and find they do not possess any more expertise than we do despite our lack of the right credentials.

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"Weitmann criticized Russia, saying that "we're gonna finish this war, we're going to win because we're stronger. After this, Russia will pay the price, believe me, Russia will pay the price." A perfect example of the emotional thinking that pervades the Deep State leaders. And why they will lose.

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Only that much stupidity could come from a strong reservoir of arrogance and driven by hate.

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And a PhD level education, Kat.

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Thanks for adding the equivalent of an exclamation point to my thought.

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Right. It's driven by emotional attachment to an ideology that's simply not reality based.

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Exactly. Mind you, I wonder if ANY ideology can be true? Aren't they all at odds with real life?

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At odds with reality, you mean? There’s a lot of magical thinking, or maybe cognitive dissonance, going on.

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When reality dares to deviate from ideology, reality must be changed.

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If things goes the way how they are right now I wouldn’t be surprised if we won’t have election next year. You never know what will come out of Neocons heads. Do you guys really think that The Rake will be able survive another term? He is falling apart on front of your eyes - his 2 balls chin etc.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 21, 2023
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The one thing he has not lost in his increasing dementia is his stupidity, arrogance and hate. Now it's all on display in each and every demented rant.

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The recent videos are particularly eyebrow raising.

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His obvious dementia and general unfitness for high office are rather like the Vaxx injuries and disaster in Ukraine. Even the dumbest normie knows about them, or at least senses their presence, but no-one seems to care.

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Much like A.H. when the realization the war was lost and he began spiraling out of control mentally and his unhinged rants grew crazier daily.

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I have a Jewish friend who, back in February 2022, supported UA.

"A Jew? Supporting Nazis? ", I asked. He hadn't a clue.

IMHO, these days, the Nazis seem more likely to be in Tel Aviv and DC and in EU.

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That's my very painful takeaway too, Jo. It's a very hard thing to acknowledge, but when I hear the way Bibi's team members talk about the Gaza folks and how they want to deal with them, I can't help thinking of the SS herding Jews into Ghettos in Poland in 1941. What an upside-down world we live in.

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I would suggest to replace term “ruling elites” for “temporary ruling parasites”.

Just a thought...

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I hope you are right about the "temporary" bit, Immigrant!

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There is more behind the comment of Amir Weitmann, I am not sure what.

A person with the same name was born in Switzerland and went into tech in Israel. If the same person, I smell Davos / Wef.


Typical of Scotus, sigh. I guess getting rid of Trump is more important than the threat of becoming more of a banana republic. Or the J6 person that has been imprisoned for over 1,000 days. So much for the constitutional right of a speedy trial.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 21, 2023
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I was always surprised at how little opposition there was to Amy, considering the treatment Kav got. Maybe the lefties knew something we didn't.

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