It’s still very difficult for me to get my head around the presence and ubiquity of corruption in DC, I am constantly saddened and then infuriated. There are virtually no honorable politicians left in Washington, it’s a cesspool of greed, narcissism and a relentless duplicity that is a national disgrace. No one tells the truth. No one gives a straight answer to a direct question.

No one is interested in what’s good for the country. Honestly, as many here have suggested, I don’t see us voting our way out of this mess, in fact, the more I see the more I am convinced that 2024 will be the gravestone for the country. The elites are still running unchecked and the impotent and pathetic “conservatives” wander around cluelessly while the nation sinks deeper and deeper into a totalitarian-surveillance state, offering cliches and empty slogans as remedies. Nope, I just don’t see this current situation ending well at all. Sad and disheartening.

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I learned today that the word "Senate" comes from the Latin word "senex" which means "old" or "old man". Not really a surprise, is it?

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It's what "DC" stands for. The District of Corruption.

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The skullduggery continues. I share your feelings on Turley and I think his good friend scumbag Bill. So much at stake and so little awareness of this all. Just cheering on your side while ALL Constitutional norms float down the drain, with the Republic close behind. Mr. Turley and Barffbagbarr ought to step out here for a more clear look.

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My legal son tells me:

"It seems crazy to me that in the federal rules of criminal procedure the defendant is not entitled to an automatic substitution of judge. In plenty of states the defendant has the unconditional right to request a new judge one time, as long as he makes his motion before the judge rules on any substantive matter."

The difference being, I suppose, that federal judges are gods.

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What’s “grok”?

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"to understand intuitively or by empathy, to establish rapport with" although I've always used it as synonymous with "get", i.e., I don't get it, or I can't wrap my head around that subject.

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Thanks. You’re the first person I’ve ever seen use that word. Learn something new every day.

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I was never a science fiction fan. Therefore never read Heinlien. Probably my loss.

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Likewise. I picked that up from computer sites.

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The federal JustUs system has become very corrupt, lacks effective means to discipline, remove, disbar judges, justices and prosecutors that commit blatant acts of misconduct. We are doomed.

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It does seem to be loaded up with judges who believe the ends justify the means. Reflecting the general moral mood of the country.

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Obama had an opportunity to nominate a lot of lower court judges and he loaded them with activists masquerading as judges. These judges are reliable when the party needs to rail road people the party hates and wants punished.

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Unless Scotus steps in, Trump is going to be railroaded into jail.

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That’s going to happen first. Then will see what they do. Ten to one chutkin doesn’t recuse.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 8, 2023
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I assume they want him to win on appeal, as the Judge was put there to prevent him from defending himself. He will not be given an opportunity to prove the 2020 election was stolen. Her obvious prejudice will win him the appeal, but any facts about the 2020 election will not be allowed to come up at all.

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My view, too.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023
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Roberts will do what he did on the election. The decision will be procedural, on the irregularities of the trial, and not on the merits of the case. Result- no jail but no exoneration.

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Mark, you have nailed it. "My working assumption is that the Roberts majority in that case believed that some semblance of what they considered to be “normality” could be restored to the nation by acquiescing in the removal of Donald Trump from the presidency.... the entire removal project was coordinated among all branches of government. Instead of normality, what we have going on is a concerted coup on multiple levels that has the aim of overthrowing the American constitutional order." This echoes eerily what happened in Germany in the early 1930s. Many honorable Germans went along with Hitler as the best possibility for restoring Germany. Fortunately for the world, unlike Germany where the people were solidly behind Hitler, our government is on life support when it comes to popular support. Our future will likely mirror "1984" where the great majority of citizens whom he referred to as 'proles' go about their lives ignoring and being ignored by the government.

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I liked that sentence too. One man's "overthrowing the American constitutional order" is another man's "fortifying the American constitutional order."

And every federal employee and elected representative and political appointee and grant recipient, and military service member who hasn't committed suicide, and federal contractor and his or her dog and its dogwalker, thinks they are fortifying it -- they are doing good.

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The great majority are squishes unless they receive strong moral reinforcement.

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Correct. They will not defy the government, neither will they provide necessary support. The Ukraine? Where's that? What's that? So we can have low-level wars going on forever, and the big guys get their cut, and the media gets the ball scores right and maybe the weather, but a concerted effort to get us out of an economic mess or an international crisis will not be forthcoming.

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It was good to see the judge in the Mar a Lago raid case knock 'Giant Killer Jack' Smith back on his heels yesterday concerning the use of an out-of-state grand jury. She gave him until August 22nd to explain himself. I'm not sure a creative writing course can extract him and his minions from this attempted work around. Some might think this an unethical and subversive act against the court.

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Jihad isn't a strong enough term! Bravo bravo for this excellent summary! Thank you.

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Sick. Very sick stuff happening to our country today. As I think CTH likes to remind people, “there are trillions at stake.”

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I beg to differ with CTH. This is only partly about money. What's the real factor here is raw, naked power. That was one of Orwell's great achievements in 1984: to show that pols can be in the game not for money, ideology or fame, but just for power for power's sake. There are psychopaths among us, folks!

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It’s the fundament Change project

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I'd like to change their fundaments. With extreme prejudice.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023
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So what are you going to do about it?

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Removed (Banned)Aug 9, 2023
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The first step is definitely knowing who the enemy is. Most people have no clue. The enemy in general is anyone who wants to seek and hold power over other human beings for their own wealth and status. More specifically, it is anyone with a globalist agenda, whether they are part of Davos, the MSM, academia or politics. As for blogs, this place is an excellent site, and there are countless others. I hold my nose and try to follow the MSM, then go to sites like The Duran, Sonar21, Colonel Douglas MacGregor, etc.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023
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Dear Ashowa - very reasonable questions. We who participate in Mr Wauck's MiH discussions wrestle with the possibilities and implications around these and other issues (great thanks to Mark Wauck). I personally shy away from big conspiracy frames, as it only takes a few people to wreck large damages and greed, stupidity, simple criminality, and power-tripping *can* explain a lot of badness in today's world. Having said that, there does appear to be a confluence of reinforcing evils driving Western political craziness (note, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that climate change nonsense is driven by competitive nation-states, much as the nuclear-free movement was a Soviet front). The media needs politicians for business support as their ad revenue blows away in the Internet era; the politicians need narrative control - one linkage. The horrendous growth of the administrative state appears to have jumped the shark and turned into a set of power centers that control the flow of lots of money, which politicians, 'NGOs'/academics, and the legal system are gaming as a source of revenue (see 'sue & settle'). Credentialism and class hierarchy seem to reinforce (just look at who is married & related to whom - tribal!) the politician/media/academic/legal nexus such that who prosecutes and judges has now gotten very suspect. The money involved and the corporate rent-seeking has become so efficient that corporations & financiers are skewed to wobbly out of balancedness. Big tech turned out surprisingly to be a fulcrum for info control. So ... we are at Hayek's condition of the worst being on top. Not through a huge conspiracy, but from smaller ugly co-interests. Too much money and authority in Gov't; a single place for the evil/selfish-minded to go for lucre - and so that is what we are seeing. I believe things will change when the money runs out - the rats will leave for other grafts. I agree with @perle that ignoring the bsatsrds and living your life anyway is a fine strategy for these times. I do wonder though, why the legal/justice system has proven so compliant in not holding up the principle of All before the Law. Here, I feel the likes of Holder, Barr, Garland, and to some extent Roberts show-case breathtaking dishonesty and failure. I wonder too if the legal-baddies understand they are not achieving any sort of protections for themselves; they have ensured they are all disposable. Such is life under Rule by Men.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 10, 2023
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Hmm ... what "secret power" (your words) would conspire to remove Donald Trump, the US president who recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, who offered to recognize Israeli jurisdiction over the West Bank if they wanted to declare it, and when they didn't, brokered the Abraham Accords so that Israel could enjoy peaceful and mutually profitable relations with several Arab states in a way that completely bypassed the traditional Palestinian veto on such matters?

What "secret power so powerful" would want to conspire to overthrow such a friend to Israel as Donald Trump? Whoever they are, they must hate Israel, that's for sure. The Iranian regime? - No, can't be them, since we're certainly able to "speak of them above a whisper" (your words). I give up. Do please tell us - unless you think this "secret power" would eliminate you no sooner than you'd typed their name in your reply. I wouldn't want you putting yourself in needless danger.

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I believe Ashowa believes that I'd ban him if he said "the Jews" are the "secret power" behind it all. I probably would, since that would be a very simplistic way of assigning responsibility for the circumstances he appears to have in mind.

I myself daily use the term "Neocons", which some people claim is code for "the Jews", but I reject that insinuation since there are many Gentiles involved in the American Empire movement who are generally linked to Neocon ideas and policies in the broader sense that goes back to British imperial strategies. That Zionist organizations have attempted to influence the policies of both the British Empire and the American Empire is beyond doubt. Those two empires have been the global hegemons in the past two centuries, and Zionists are not alone in exploiting ties to those empires. They have, perhaps, been more successful than, for example, the Poles have been overall. The Poles will soon discover the limits of their influence, but the same may be true of Zionists.

Overall, the issue of the influence of ethnic/religious groupings in US politics is an important issue that deserves attention, but not one which I've attempted to tackle head on due to the complexity of it all. I prefer to keep things as they are at this forum. I can always expand discussion topics if the need arises, as obviously happened with the war on Russia.

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Thank you, Mark, for taking the time to reply. I appreciate that you have a certain range of topics you choose to cover, and don't want tangential squabbles breaking out in the comments. I found my way to your substack from "Eugyppius", by the way - I think the link was his, but it might have been given by one of the regular commenters there. Thank you for the several fine articles I've read so far.

Just for this one time, though, here goes. Some, like Ashowa, notice scraps of evidence that might apparently support the claim that a monolithic world Jewish conspiracy is the overarching force behind all the destructive governments, international bodies and NGOs pushing perpetual war, mass 3rd-world immigration, climate change, transgenderism etc. The trouble is that the more the evidence is examined, the more this case crumbles into dust. It would take them only second seconds of searching on the web to find out that Soros, far from being a Zionist, is anti-Israel, and funds a range of anti-Israel groups, whereas they invariably treat him as part of the supposed Zionist conspiracy. They are overimpressed by organizations like the ADL, which push for whatever the broader left wants (from anti-"Islamaphobia" to LGBTQ), but put their particular spin on it, which is to weaponize accusations of anti-semitism against all who stand in the way of the left's current projects (as RFK Jr recently discovered) - this is a kind of rearguard action by Jewish leftists to avoid being pushed out of the left altogether.

When it comes to actual Zionists, the Israeli left has demonized Netanyahu in a replay of the "literally H*tl*r" demonization of Trump that began a little earlier. Unlike the Democrats, the Israeli left lacks a party-political vehicle, but they have almost complete control over the courts and media, and largely control other institutions, including the military; their behavior suggests that they would sooner cause Israel's collapse than allow the political right to exercise the power they were given in the last election. The right, in turn, is dependent on the Ultra-Orthodox, who are permanent welfare recipients from the state while contributing nothing to the country; in the long term, they are a demographic time-bomb.

Even the psychopathic neocons don't fit the story of the Zionist conspiracy: their heyday was under the Bush II presidency, which tried to push Israel into the worst deal the US had ever devised for it. The Obama administration was also unfriendly to Israel (or at least to Netanyahu), while the relative weakening of the neocons under Trump saw the most Israel-friendly presidency ever. Saddam Hussein, while he was hostile to Israel, also served as a useful counterweight to Iran (from Israel's point of view), so the neocons' determination to destroy Ba'athist Iraq and destabilize the region was not, ultimately, in Israel's interests.

How this terminal disarray adds up to a world Zionist conspiracy is anybody's guess. The defiance of all logic needed to sustain the story is as bad as anything we can see on the left today.

I'm Catholic, not Jewish, and also Austro-libertarian, so not ultimately committed to the support of any state. But I <i>do</i> have a hope that our side will try to cling on to rationality, rather than become the flip side to the irrationalist left, hence my comment to Ashowa. But I promise to leave it there, since, as you said, it's a topic that you (sensibly!) prefer to avoid at present.

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In fact there are other topics as well--topics that interest me greatly--that I don't, or don't normally, introduce here.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023
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I will add that commenter Ashowa does have constructive views to share. I'd prefer that he stop dropping dark hints that he's pulling his punches to avoid being banned here. If that's the case, there are other forums to discuss those view--whatever they happen to be--without fear.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 10, 2023·edited Aug 10, 2023
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Removed (Banned)Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023
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Thanks, Ashowa. I'll try to reply within the next 24 hours - it's late in my time zone.

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I've never been a fan of GL.

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Who posts videos that the authorities can see, saying he's going to escape across the border?

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Re the Scott Ritter article. I say this having worked counterintelligence matters for over 20 years. While I'm leery of stating that any person is controlled by a hostile intel service without ironclad proof, I do believe that Ritter is correct that in the circumstances one should--as a practical matter--go with the probabilities. Ritter critiques his critics. I believe he makes valid points. LJ's claim that SR's concerns are "utter nonsense" is itself "utter nonsense." It's a matter of probabilities and from that standpoint Ritter's concerns are valid. People with an understanding of such matters should react in a measured way.

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I can guarantee you that that was not the case when I was still working, ~2006.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 8, 2023
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Hitler would killed them all. There’s a quantitative difference. Please stop with the Hitler bull shit

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Removed (Banned)Aug 8, 2023
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Correct about the bowtie. I mean who the heck still wears those? It's the conservative version of blue hair for liberals: an instant warning alert.

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