
Israel orders Gazans to flee, bombs where it sends them - Reuters


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Our strategic interest is to keep the pot boiling in the Israel-Hamas war as long as possible. I doubt there is any end in sight. This is what makes money. Hence the support for both Israel and Iran. Ideology is nice words to keep the American public engaged, and the gold rushing…A side benefit is the hotter the Middle East grows, the less attention is devoted to the huge and costly (in terms of dollars and unspeakable carnage) in Ukraine…the life of a neocon means you no longer get to call yourself human. These vermin are running the show, they hide in plain sight, and they are untouchable…I would love to be proven wrong. I would love a lasting peace, and I would love a free and fair election next year. Is this asking too much?

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Not only is it a distraction from the disaster in Ukraine, it is also a distraction from the surveillance state and the gradual but accelerating loss of our liberties. It also provides the perfect cover for the Congress to continue to cash in on the MIC. After all, now anyone who challenges Israel and the war automatically is considered an anti-Semite and the full force of the media and the blob can be brought against them as such.

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Not sure what you expect the Israelis to do; sit by year after year incurring attack after attack and do nothing?

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I would expect Israel to offer to suspend military action and enter into serious discussions with Palestinian stakeholders to effect a two-state solution which includes a guaranty to Israel of territorial integrity but with substantial territorial concessions to Palestine and substantial reparations for dispossession and displacement of Palestinians since 1948.

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Well that’s never going to happen, so what’s Plan B?

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More of the same, Ludwig. More of the same.

But along the way the status quo is changing. The U.S. is doing enormous harm to its international standing by supporting the Netanyahu regime and the Muslim world is coalescing in support of Palestinian rights. Arab and Turk. Sunni and Shia. Zionism is being discredited as rascist and authoritarian. Israel is increasingly friendless and surrounded by enemies. More of the same might not go so well for Israel.

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Not sure what you expect the Palestinians to do; sit by year after year incurring attack after attack and do nothing?

Jewish Dissent on the Balfour Declaration https://original.antiwar.com/srichman/2023/12/05/jewish-dissent-on-the-balfour-declaration/

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I’d be interested in a timeline showing these Israeli attacks you refer to and what might have preceded them. We’re they just out of the blue? Unprovoked? Is it okay to respond forcefully to calls for, and actions taken to effect, a genocide? Lastly, who is it calling for genocide, of Jews worldwide? Is a call for destruction of Hamas similarly genocidal? Is Hamas now considered a race?

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It looks like it will work for the Israelis in the short term. They will destroy Gaza and claim victory over Hamas while the rest of the Arab world does nothing. However, I don't see how this ends well in the long term for Israel. Even avid supporters of them are shocked by this genocidal approach. And muslim memories are long.

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