What is this New World Order?

The Ukraine offers an emergency to justify these actions.

Some guesses:

1. Transition to a green economy. This means lots of money to green energy, and higher oil prices to reduce usage of fossil fuels.

2. Price Controls? Rationing?

3. Digital Currency, to make sure those dastardly Russians, don't get around sanctions. And everyone pays their fair share.

4. Pushing of the Woke Ideology. Censorship, justified by the danger of Russian Propaganda.

5. Voting Regulations, justified by the danger of Russian interference.

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While a terribly brief and wholly incomplete web search showed me no direct evidence that Alinsky ever penned the 8 rules listed in the newspaper image above, that fact changes nothing for me. The words themselves describe spot on much of what's been going on for some time now, no matter who their true author may be.

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Another possibly apocryphal list, but eminently valuable no matter its origin:


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I understand snopes is not a trusted fact checking site so I tend to dismiss them. I did a cursory search myself and based on a number of articles on the subject I wonder if there is some melding of the Cloward-Piven strategy published around 1965 with Alinsky's rules for radicals published in 1971 that created this list? CPS outlines the goals and Alinsky proscribes the steps to achieve these goals. Just my $.02.

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Mark, a deeply compelling, valiant exposé on what has led to our present moral conflagration…reminds me of the poems of Yeats (the Magi and Second Coming) and Elliot (post WW1) and, when contemplating the “sterile formulae” served up, as if on cue, by the “pale unsatisfied one,” Zhou, his Schwaubian refried beans - all of it is so casual, as you point out, when he mentions the millions who have died, as though a great purge is just in the natural order of things!

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This may come as a surprise to some, but there are Russians who can read English and make it their business to read US think tank articles--and take them seriously as possible articulations of US policy towards Russia:


Overextending and Unbalancing Russia

Assessing the Impact of Cost-Imposing Options

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Karl Marx was a German philosopher and economist.

If you’re looking for a dangerous Russian-born philosopher who inspired oligarchies around the world, that’d be Ayn Rand.


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Important and cogent piece by Stephen Wolfe applying the theory of anarcho-tyranny to our current tsuris:


This explains very well what we've seen since Obama-- the encouragement of anarchist criminal forces in society paired with a refusal to punish the criminals while prosecuting anyone who dares resist the anarchy.

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“Solve et Coagula” — “Dissolve and Coagulate” (i.e., destroy and rebuild)

This ancient occult motto was the focus of one of Archbishop Vigano most bracing missives, sent to Trump in 2020. In it he alerts Trump to the agenda of the deep state (and the deep church) to foment chaos in order to engineer a new social and cultural order.

Taylor Marshall’s revealing (though a little long-winded) analysis of Vigano’s message:


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Wish I had more time to comment on this thoughtful, protein-packed post, but I’ll instead just point out how Alinsky casually refers to the left’s political opponents as “the enemy.”

Never in my life did I ever think of people with different political beliefs and priorities as “the enemy” (at least not until well after any of them made it crystal clear their only goal was utter destruction of all that made the West great, and even then I don’t actually *speak* of them this way), and I’m an intense son of a b…h when it comes to politics.

Thanks to Alinsky and his ilk throughout the ages, war truly has always been interested in us. And never more so than today.


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Michael Tracey


“New World Order” is just a synonym for America’s ever-evolving quest to maintain economic and military hegemony; no “conspiracy theories” required to understand this



China government official

We urge the #US to immediately revoke its so-called sanctions against #Chinese officials. Otherwise, the Chinese side will take reciprocal countermeasures.

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No. IMO this is not an American hegemony against the rest of the world scenario. This is a New World Order against America scenario. Soros said "The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States." Have Merkel, Macron, Trudeau, Freeland, the Aussie thugs, BoJo, Obama, or any of the other assorted WEF stoges given any indication they want U.S. hegemony under current conditions? Granted, I'm sure they see the U.S. as a vehicle for implementing their desires. But that seems to be only in conjunction with destroying it as an independent nation - its culture, economy, military power, and infrastructure. Don't believe me? Look at what Dementia Joe is doing to destroy our country via sanctions.

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Yes this is what Tom Luongo has been arguing for some time, although he organizes them as Davosians and European Central Bankers who want to be the last man standing, so to speak. Taking down the US into a subordinate position is key to their design. So, too, Russia. (It's interesting to note that Michael Matt on The Remnant podcast mentions that Putin outlawed all Soros charities in Russia as a national security threat, so Putin may be a globalist heretic which explains alot).

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I think this is a point that many bright and clear eyed patriots nonetheless fail to grasp about our evil times: these gangsters, these monsters...they are right out of the Solzhenitsyn and Orwell novels. They don't see the world anything like the way we do. We absolutely must come to grips w the nature of the evil confronting us now. These ARE the shock troops for the Gulags, for the mass arrests and death camps. We are headed right into a war with beasts who think nothing of killing millions of people so long as it serves their purposes. It sounds hysterical i know, but when you read and observe what these people are writing and doing...it isn't something we can argue them out of. There isn't going to be a civil debate and then a nice vote in Congress or in 2024. The demons have been loosed and we'd all best be girding our minds for action.

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Thank you for the article, and your references to Zerohedge. I had read both references. So people will avoid anything having to do with the law, and as for the food chain, there will be ways. The problem with Alinsky is it's all kind of negative. It makes you a good parasite, but does not make you self-sufficient. If all society goes Alinsky, there is nothing to feed off. Practically speaking, there are always those who can innovate a solution in the most dire circumstances. The Great Depression, which may be the role model for what is coming, may be traced to the 1929 crash, but it took two terms of New Deal to get to the "Grapes of Wrath". Steinbeck's book and the movie came out in 1939. Not everybody starved. Some starting with modest means even made a fortune. If you expect the government to help you.....

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The one about law was just appalling.

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True, but so was the article in Zerohedge where the law is likely stacked against you.

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My first thought: I have said for years that the primary problem with both Big Business and Big Government is finding someone competent to run it. Sooner or later the Peter Principle kicks in. I grew up in a UAW household; my father worked for Ford--in Quality Control. There were reasons why first VW and later Toyota and Datsun started eating Ford, GM and Chrysler's lunches in the '60s and '70s. I have been surprised how quickly the Peter Principle took hold in Silicon Valley.

Also, Alinsky's rules can be used by both sides. Trump has been rather good at 4, 5, and 6, and some others are following in his wake. He may be in danger of running afoul of #7. But we may have some backup coming--DeSantis and others.

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I apologize in advance for the lengthy post. I am not capable of commenting succinctly on this other than to say "Well Done."

Thank you for very eloquently tying what is going on now with human nature and the forces of evil on a historical basis, in particular with Marx, Hegel, Neo-Gnositicism, and Alinsky. How the proponents of the New World Order are so openly and brazenly using the principles you cite should greatly alarm everyone.

You may have seen this:


...about order, chaos, and entropy. I would be interested in any additional thoughts you might have about that.

Without judging the article as a whole, I thought the T.S. Eliot quote it cites (presented below) fit in nicely with your salient point about there being a "tearing down" associated with the New World Order but no real definition of what it might look like in the end. Perhaps those driving it would rather that not be known or discussed (even if they know it themselves):

"T.S. Eliot wrote of liberalism:

. . . it is something that tends to release energy rather than accumulate it, to relax, rather than to fortify. It is a movement not so much defined by its end, as by its starting point; away from, rather than towards, something definite. Our point of departure is more real to us than our destination; and the destination is likely to present a very different picture when arrived at, from the vaguer image formed in imagination. By destroying traditional social habits of the people, by dissolving their natural collective consciousness into individual constituents, by licensing the opinions of the most foolish, by substituting instruction for education, by encouraging cleverness rather than wisdom, the upstart rather than the qualified, by fostering a notion of getting on to which the alternative is a hopeless apathy, Liberalism can prepare the way for that which is its own negative: the artificial, mechanized or brutalised control which is a desperate remedy for its chaos."

Artificial, mechanized, and brutalised control, huh? Sounds familiar to what the WEF has been saying and is of course a particularly destructive form of idolatry.

Whether you are Calvinist, Protestant, or Catholic, it seems we are seeing the Augustinian idea of Total Depravity being played out to its ultimate effects in our lifetimes. As the Bible tells us, we live in a world and with a nature that is sinful and powerless to change that fact. Our only hope is through the grace of God, namely his offer of salvation to us through Christ. His enemies, to the extent they are successful, will try to eliminate Him and all His followers from the world. We must fight with the knowledge and the spiritual gifts we have been given. (Isaiah 59, Ephesians 6). Thank you for being part of this fight.

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Emerald has a report out of mesa county Colorado - IT experts found "shadow " election system databases on the election management system servers there, databases identical to the originals in production except for different tabulation results. One for 2020 and one for 2021. This should blow every last bit of confidence in digital election management systems out of the water. Remove them all NOW.

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Mar 22, 2022
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Right! A chance to be part of the solution. He can team up with Bluto.

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I respectfully suggest that you start a post - or even a section of the blog - to discuss the underlying reasons for what is happening. Too many people want to talk about how evil Schwab is, or how stupid Brandon is. I think there is a cold, terrible logic to what "they" are doing and would like to discuss it with you and your intelligent readers.

For example, the excellent discussion by TheDuran (linked through the Geroman tweet in this article) fails in one important aspect. Alex and Alexander seem to be under the impression that the U.S. government is being stupid and that someone should step in and reverse the mistakes made vis a vis China. No. The government knows what they are doing and are, so far, achieving their desired results. It makes a huge difference in how we pursue the conversation.

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Mar 23, 2022
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Not my logic :)

However, it makes perfect sense, given certain assumptions that appear to be popular with the WEF crowd...

Start a new post for this conversation?!?

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Mar 22, 2022
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I think that is the mobsters' advice not to "hoard" because y know, we don't want anyone having more than what the mobsters care to dole out.

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