Guys, guys, guys. It's the Jews. Just look at the surnames in this one article. Then look at any cultural issue of our day. Every. Single. Time.

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For those who are old enough, a reminder, and for those who are too young or missed this speech from the 1992 RNC , lessons from history:


Maybe Buchanan was the wrong messenger, his message was correct. Bush I was not all that great, Clinton has proven to have been a disaster. America's culture has only worsened over the past 30 years.

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Don’t forget the bureaucracy! The USPS is supposed to hold imaging files of all mail for six years! But in 2020, it stopped and held it no longer than 30 days. Hmmm. Then after the files that might show ballot mailings were deleted, in early 2021, they started keeping the files as required by law for six years again. It was April before the audit in Maricopa started….and the Republican senate didn’t want Runbeck or the USPS subpoenaed for records. Runbeck printed almost a million extra ballots! No accounting for those extras at all! no routers, no splunk logs. four of six Maricopa Supervisors are republicans, and the Republicans on the Senate called for the audit, yet didn’t want the fraud or forensic findings to be in the issued audit report. Brnovitch is running for the Senate, but is really not doing the right thing and prosecuting the obvious election fraud. Laws were broken. But politics trumps all for Republicans these days….it’s all just a Uniparty. They aren’t on our side.

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Here is a short essay I like that puts perspective around why the "culture war" (and its attendant politics) should be important to Christians:


Whether or not you are a Christian, it should not be difficult to recognize the war against reason and human nature being conducted by the Left (a war to which Mark often refers). Not only are religious beliefs and practices now under threat but reason and human nature are also. Without reason how can there be any order and governance in a society? There can't. What is "left" then is unadulterated power, tyranny, and governance by terror.

Happy Easter, everyone.

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I chuckled when I read this excerpt:

"It is the type of argument commonly used in China and other authoritarian nations–and an increasing number of American academics and writers. Indeed, his column is reminiscent of the professors who have called for the adoption of the Chinese model for censoring views on the Internet."

Reich, for a highly credentialed professor at Berkley, is a profoundly stupid man and huge hypocrite who would lie to his own mother if it served his ideological fantasies. French author, Jean Francois-Revel captured the mind set of academics like Reich and highly placed bureaucrats like Goldsmith (or the op-ed fool Thomas Freidman @NYT), when he wrote in his excellent book, "The Last Exit to Utopia" that :he found "that the mind-set of Western Intellectuals who, living in democracies, found much to admire in gulag countries like the old Soviet Union and Cuba (now China) and much to detest in free ones-like the USA. "Why was that," he asked. "The Totalitarian phenomenon," he observed, "is not to be understood without making an allowance for the thesis that some important part of every society consists of people who actively want tyranny: either to exercise it themselves or-much more mysteriously-to submit to it."

I found this to be an interesting observation and spot on.Turley has been highlighting these intellectual inconsistencies for some time and despite the fact he leans left for the most part he does remain true to the notion that our fundamental rights and laws under the constitution are more than worth our time to fight for their preservation.

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I read somewhere today that a grand jury has been empaneled in the case of the Loudoun County school board's actions in covering up/not reporting the rape of the young girl by a male student dressed as a girl. Also, in a separate article, that Governor Youngkin appended an amendment to a bill that would require an election this fall rather than two years from now, which is the current election cycle, for the Loudoun County school board.

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Apr 14, 2022Edited
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Interesting. Here in AZ we have tons of state level RINO pukes that undermine the America First agenda, but I've never heard of any retail level shenanigans like messing with signs. That happened all the time when I lived in CA. Basically, I had to abandon bumper stickers (keying was rampant) and yard signs (multiple signs were stolen) because the left was so virulent.

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Apr 14, 2022
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I really think that we have more of a ruling class now. There might be some political posturing on both the left and right, but most, if not all decisions have already been made. Sadly, I was not surprised with the appointment of Jackson to the Supreme Court in spite of her record when it comes to pedophiles. I do think that DeSantis, Cruz and Paul have sincere conservative values. I don’t know enough about Noem. Abbott is my governor and while I think he is sincere, I wish he was stronger.

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Abbott is always late to the game, while I agree with his recent actions, I must point out that he has been in office since January, 2015, the invasion has been ongoing during his entire administration. I also will never forgive him for abusing his powers using the excuse of protection of public health. He has not allowed the disaster declaration to expire, renewed for another month March 24.

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