“Neocon ideology is an extension of the Trotskyite concept of a “perpetual revolution”, only this time in service of the “democratic revolution from Belgrade to Moscow”—and much, much more.”

This can’t be stressed enough. Neocons are “neo” because they were literally former Trotskyites who became late adopters of “conservatism” in the American (not the European) sense — i.e., what Patrick Deneen calls “Right Liberalism.” Which, in my view, makes them Exhibit A for the revolutionary kinship between Communism and Liberalism.

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Wow, bingo! Thanks!

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What an undeserved, twisted fate for our country! to have consented, in exchange for lucre, to the grand theft of freedom, not only domestic, but as Mark has exhaustively demonstrated, in our dealings and (un)doings with the world. “Weird and outlandish,” absolutely, to quote the wily Medvedev. And since we’ve become past-masters in this self-destructive skullduggery, why don’t we go ahead and rid ourselves of two enfants terribles, who are leading us to our own demise: Net and Zel. Oops, I forgot: our Neocons call the tune, and we ever dance to the jig of forever war. It’s no wonder these Albright-types hate Russia: they are actually trying to build (and defend) something, while the Neocons can only tear things down.

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Perversement divertissant

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that too…

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“America and its military was no more than a means to an end.” Double whammy.

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Insane internationalists, ignorant ideologues, indolent idiots . . . three overlapping groups that have sent the western world hurtling towards the brink of total destruction.

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Hubris, nemesis, and catharsis all over again.

America wags its army. Israel wags America. Who wags Israel? And it’s not God.

So, back to hubris.

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Great commentary! The insight neocons reverted back to Trotsky as the core is pivotal. How to get message out what do we want in Ukraine- our hedge funds, banks, invest in the bones of a Nation on doorstep of Russia? US citizens don’t want war with China.

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“…reverted back to Trotsky.” They never left him. They always maintained a commitment to his vision of Permanent Revolution, but merely adopted another ideological justification for that Revolution.

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The biggest winners? Wall Street War Profiteers from the Military Establishment and their lapdogs in the U.S. Congress like Senator Lindsay Graham and Chuck Schumer.

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We may as well give the combined entity a name. How about USrael?

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