Surprised by Hezbollah’s lack of air defence.

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I'm not surprised that they didn't have AD in Beirut. They probably have it where their frontline military units are stationed.

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No truer words have been spoken - the time has come to act and stop pontificating and all the other bullshit lies - the red lines - the attitudinizing threats - the grandstanding and posturing

Lessons from the Zionist Playbook

by Alexander Dugin


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Michael Tracey @mtracey

Biden says an "all-out war" is possible in the Middle East, and weirdly repeats that he is a "Zionist." His idea for reaching a settlement to avert this "all-out war" is apparently to plead for a "two state solution," which means he might as well be waiting for Santa Claus

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US, unsurprisingly, endorses war crimes:

Joe Biden:

“The US fully supports Israel's right to defend itself against Hezbollah. I have ordered Defense Secretary Austin to increase US forces in the Middle East to deter aggression from Iran and its proxies and reduce the danger of a wider regional war”

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And yet wasn't it Llyod Austin who claimed Israel would go it alone if they provoked Hezbollah? Anyone with even one living brain cell knew that was a pile of cack - define provoke versus retaliation? A politician is akin to a rapist it's all about power and control

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As many readers will know, Anya Parampil is Max Blumenthal's wife--fascinating exchange:


Arie Friedman @ArieFriedman

We will never again be the Jews you so deeply want us to be.

Anya Parampil @anyaparampil

No, instead you’re just being the Jews that every antisemite in history has said you are.

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What timing Lavrov's weighing in yesterday apparently to confirm Russia's standing firmly behind

Israeli security; see zero hedge. Martin Armstrong's computer Socrates predicts some October issue

for Putin to weather which Armstrong reported some time ago already. Populace all over the world are starting to get riled up. The power of media lies to manipulate and wreak havoc is horrifying. Reading the get of one side or another can be a show stopper and/or an invitation to the whirlpool.

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Probably not as simple as that:

Megatron @Megatron_ron

JUST IN:  Russia Foreign Minister Lavrov says that Washington carried out the terrorist attack in Lebanon together with Israel

Washington was involved in the terrorist attack on Lebanon using civilian technologies and they will deny it just like they denied involvement in NordStream pipelines sabotage

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We used to target the head of the drug organization in my former job, we’d take him out to big press fanfare and at the same time the new guy slid right in to take his place. Usually with no loss of institutional knowledge, only “good guys” close hold important information.

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In the military we called that. "depth of leadership". Each man in a unit knows where he stands in the chain of command. And just importantly, what the line of succession is all the way down to the lowest private. They may slow these guys down, but it will not stop them. to do that you have to have peace. Or exterminate them as a race..

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May the genocidal ZioNazi cesspool be wiped off the map for good. That vermin does not deserve to be anywhere in the region.

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Is it not obvious to everyone that Israel’s number one goal is not the return of its hostages or even the protection of its borders but rather the drawing of the US into a regional war with Iran? Bombing southern Lebanon and killing some Hez and even more civilians will not make anyone in Israel safer. It’s been nearly a year since Oct 7 and what do we have in the ME? Gaza is effectively destroyed yet Hamas is still in control there and now another front has opened up in southern Lebanon. The suffering of so many matters not to either side. Insanity. And the sheeple cheer it on.

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Glenn Diesen @Glenn_Diesen 

BBC reports "explosions heard in Beirut" - as Israel bombs Beirut non-stop for hours

- The choice of words makes it seem as if it is an unconfirmed rumor. Would the BBC have chosen different words if this was done by a country we are taught to hate?

Beirut being destroyed by Israel

- The US expresses humanitarian concerns while simultaneously supplying the weapons and intelligence to destroy Beirut

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The US leaders are duplicitous in all matters. Express concern over civilian suffering while supplying weapons and intel to enable it. Look at domestic policy. It’s the same duplicity. Hundreds of billions for infrastructure yet none of it reaches the areas of need. Our bridges, roads, and dams fail under excessive rainfall. Our medical system and schools groan under the weight of caring for all the illegals. There’s no problem that more money, improperly used, can’t exacerbate.

Imagine being an innocent in Gaza as US bombs rain down on you day and night. Your family is killed or injured. You are told that it’s Hamas’ fault and here’s some spoiled food and a leaky tent to live in, which is later mistakenly targeted. Hospitals - there aren’t any as they were supposedly hiding Hamas members and were destroyed. The magnitude of human suffering is not compelling enough for anyone to try another solution. Negotiations can’t work because they aren’t tried. We’ll bomb them and they’ll stop right? That strategy has worked where over the last several decades? Yet it’s the only play in the playbook.

Man’s inhumanity to man is in full display. And the US is exploiting it and the MIC is profiting from it and we are along for the ride.

The US has lost all of its moral authority if it ever had any. Every nation either hates us or is bribed to feign support. Even the Israelis view us as chumps under their sway.

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Why WWIII will solve all of this. Once Russia and China get involved - it's lights out for Israel and the USA. Europe knows to stay out of it as they've already suffered tremendous financial loss at the hands of the USA because of Ukraine.

Will people die, obviously yes. But what is the alternative? How many millions of people have been murdered because of the US and Israel and will continue until finally stopped. There is no other alternative the USA has to be stopped. They are no match for Russia and China and North Korea should they too decide to join forces. It has to happen! How long can this carnage by the USA continue? I believe the threat of using nuclear means will also expedite an end to WWIII. The USA is in it's final throws and the time has come to nail the coffin shut once and for all so that they may never - ever rise to hegemony ever again.

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Translation of humanitarian concern: have all these (sub)- humans been eradicated yet? Asks the state department.

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Israel media says about 85 so-called “bunker-buster” bombs were used on Beirut yesterday and overnight.

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Yes but we all know there is not an ounce of veracity to anything Israel claims. What deeply concerns me is is how Netanyahu was able to leave his bunker and travel to the airport for his visit to the USA and NOT be assassinated - either by Iran, Hezbollah or even the Houthis?

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Better to let Netanyahoo live to see the destruction he brought on his country and to experience his legacy going down the drain.

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I'm pretty sure over 95% of the world wants this guy DEAD! I wondered if assassinating him and his entire government in addition to offering a return and or actually releasing the hostages - as part of the peace process, would be enough to bring closure to all of this? I just can't see anyone (including the Israel's) shedding any tears. Just a thought.

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The US, for nearly a decade, bombed the Vietnamese unrelentingly. It made no difference. Books were written about the limits of air power. Lebanon will require a ground invasion to bring it into submission. The bombs may soften up the resistance but the fighting will be ferocious if the Israelis try to invade.

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In 2023 and 2024, the United States transferred over 14,000 Mark 84 bombs to Israel, which used them extensively in the Gaza Strip during the Israel–Hamas War.


The MK-84 is 2,000lb ordnance, and one of the heaviest pieces provided to Israel by the US.

"The U.S. cannot beg Netanyahu to stop bombing civilians one day and the next send him thousands more 2,000 lb. bombs that can level entire city blocks,” Senator Bernie Sanders

I found the above information by doing a search for MK 84 bomb.

I learned that they were likely dropped by an F 15 or F 16. I am unclear if the two (American) AWACs nearby over the Meditteranean were involved in the bomb guidance, or if a satellite was used.

I thank you, Mark for providing details to us in your posts late yesterday.

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Who had war with Iran and Russia on their bingo card for 2024?

Thank God for Joe Biden!!! (Sarc)

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Brilliant DF Barr! And, hysterical.

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Trita Parsi @tparsi

Biden funded it.

Biden gave the bombs.

Biden knew scores of civilians would be slaughtered.

Biden is complicit.

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But we all know it's not Biden - who couldn't find his own ass in the shower with his daughter. Anyone who thinks Victoria Nuland is gone is seriously mistaken. I also believe Hillary Clinton is lurking in the background.

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A message I received yesterday:

"you are sickening in your sickness"

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I might have to use that in a song. Thanks.

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The people who report and shed light on the TRUTH are vilified and spit on. Their attackers project their own depravity of soul onto the moral exposers.

My heart is heavy with the knowledge of the senseless, heartless, cruel acts by all who knowingly and willingly commit and take part in them.

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I agree with aDoozy - they are confessing as they project.

‘christian zionists’ have me flummoxed as they cheer the zionists on. Have they learnt nothing? There is nothing Jesus teaches that accords with israel’s actions against their ‘enemy’, or can any readers set me straight?

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Mike, what I can offer about the 'christian zionists' is that they share in Net. & Co's belief that Israel as it exists now has a right to redeem 'the land God promised to them'.

They call anyone "anti-semite"who challenges Israel's wars to take land. So by these things, the CZs are saying they are okay with Israel doing whatever it takes. The CZs ignore the killing and maiming, the torture, and displacement. They won't speak of it.

This is not at all according to Jesus' teachings, as you wrote. I learned as a girl, and still know this as a grandmother: if you don't follow the teaching of Jesus, you are not a Christian.

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Thanks aD. They’re in league with the synagogue of satan.

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Consider the source. There is no sicker society than that committing these atrocities.

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And I don't suppose that person would think the 40,000+ who knows how many deaths in Gaza (many of whom were women and children, with numerous targeted assassinations of doctors, aid workers, and journalists and their families) plus the thousands of deaths likely to come in the region is sick at all. That is what I think is truly sick.

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Amen to that!

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