Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022

I haven't referred to myself as a 'conservative' for several years now--mostly because the ersatz conservatives who have lost the plot in the face of wokeism, corporatism, and the Uniparty. Neither "MAGA" nor "constitutional conservative" is apt either. America First gets closer--but that has been hijacked by Nick Fuentes.

Conservatives are simply averting their eyes from reality. Maybe they can come back into the picture once the war is over, but by then I suspect that they will have further discredited themselves. Conservatives suffer from delusions of normalcy. They actually seem to think that we that we can assimilate the largest influx of foreign born residents of any country in history while asking no allegiance to our founding values. They think we can replace the current crazed lefties in Congress with the same feckless RINOs that have failed the country for decades.

Most of us have accepted that we are in the midst of a battle for the soul of the nation, but very few have accepted that the solution set needs to be fairly draconian: 1) the utter destruction of the Uniparty/RINO-Dem/Left politics and all its corruption and culturally cancerous policies 2) a complete end to illegal immigration, birthright citizenship, and a decades long legal immigration hiatus. It must become so difficult for illegal aliens to avoid deportation, to work, or to access our social welfare safety net that they leave of their own accord 3) a complete spending freeze until the tax receipts and/or sales of federal assets are greater than the amount spent and the debt paydown begins 4) Expunge the PRC/CCP influence from the USA. Revoke all visas and green cards for PRC nationals, delist their companies, hike tariffs on their goods, incentivize a massive repatriation of manufacturing of critical technology (esp. chips) and pharma (esp. antibiotics).

If it is not already too late, the solutions to our ills are unavoidably painful. Incrementalism is too easy to deflect and corrupt. Like the wise man said: Trump was their last warning. If they thought Trump was bad wait until they see what comes after Trump.

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@Lawrence: Some great points there. While there are hours of conversation to be had about those ideas, I'll mention two thoughts.

First, your suggestions will throw the US into a depression. Yes, we have lived in artificial wealth for much of the last few decades, but still, be ready for some pain.

Second, I would like to add to your list that we need to purge a number of totally corrupt government agencies, including FBI, DOJ, IRS, State Dept, DOEducation, and of course every "intelligence" agency.

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Tom: yes, I agree with everything you said. The benefit of taking hard actions is that we have nothing to lose. Whether or not we slash government and its spending, my social security and Medicare will disappear and my kids and grandchildren will see their standard of living plummet. As the USD loses its reserve currency status and/or hyperinflation kicks in our world will change irrevocably. Can-kicking has reached the end of its run as a strategy.

In the end, there is no way around pain. We may as well clean out the Augean stables and rebuild America with American citizens--reverting to using the Constitution as our absolute guide. The Great Reset will be resetting the federal government's scope to Article I, Section 8 enumerated powers. Make Congress actually write the laws--and be subject to them. Burn down the administrative state and administrative 'law.' Burn down the federal registry and the federal criminal code. Burn down any jurisprudence that obviously conflicts with the Constitution.

Like you said, there are hours, weeks, months, years of conversation to be had about the ideas to save, to resurrect our republic. We may as well all get used to the fact that whether we take on the immense and painful task ourselves--or whether we let events impose the pain on us--there will be pain.

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Given some of the people and sites calling themselves "Conservative" it is muddying the waters on what one is anymore -as if the Neo-Cons hadn't already done enough damage. I have considered myself one for many years but I will be fine with giving up the adjective if it means not having to be associated with idiots who leverage the term for their own monetary and political benefit only.

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Neo-Cons are insane, so insane that the Democrats disowned them decades ago.

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Removed (Banned)Mar 5, 2022
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Placing ones faith in politicians will yield disappointment almost every time. You are correct about the uniparty, hard to find hard core blue donkey vs. red elephant political contests anymore, it's mostly guppies vs. guppies, purple guppies being the Globalists United Party's symbol.

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Sad but to a large extent currently true. Maybe it can change but I'm not a betting man.

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Removed (Banned)Mar 5, 2022
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Here's the thing--you don't necessarily have to like the other guy to at least be open to the idea that the other guy may have a point of view to be considered.

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Other guy, oh, the bad guy!

And their point of view is “bad think”

And how can we risk allowing our immature, easily guided population to be exposed to their bad think?

We label it misinformation and censor it.

Sarcasm off?

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