So true! The tail is wagging the dog.

I know smart people from Chicago who are happily planning their springtime trip to Europe. The NYT and WaPo are their fodder, and they cannot be persuaded to look elsewhere.

I am reminded of the end of WWII when Emperor Hirohito came on the radio, and Japanese people were shocked to just hear his voice. Then he told them they had lost the war...another great shock since throughout the war their media had proclaimed them occupiers of the moral high ground and the clear winners (so your sacrifices are worth it). Finally, he described the Americans swarming ashore as monsters, and so for many citizens of the more delicate sort, it would be preferable to take their own lives.

Propaganda is the oxygen of all wars. How can people forget that!

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Hey Mark, what do you think? I have a really hard time believing Powell was not aware of the pandemic plan. https://brownstone.org/articles/maybe-the-fed-too-was-trolled/

And Jeffrey Tucker skips lightly over the near collapse of the repo market, and other bigger things that went bump in the night of Fall of 2019 quite aside from Event 201.

"On September 17, 2019, interest rates in the overnight repurchase agreement ('repo') market spiked to nearly 10%. That is to say that banks would not take 5, 6, or even 7 percent interest to lend out cash to other banks that was fully collateralized with Treasury bonds, which are generally called 'as good as cash' or 'risk free'.... More than $200 billion was injected as a backstop into the market to ensure liquidity.... But something else happened around that time, and most people never knew about it, or quickly forgot about. The Federal Reserve also loaned $4.5 trillion to just three banks.... It was only on December 31, 2021 that the Federal Reserve quietly released the names of the three banks: JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and Citibank." ~ Mathew Crawford, Monetary Wars.

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Thanks for giving me even MORE to read. I have recollections, but no more, that there was a lotta stuff going on in 9/2019 that relating, so it seems, to the upcoming Covid Regime. Or maybe it was coincidence.

Re those three banks. What do they have in common, besides being among the top systemically important banks in the world (JPMorgan is easily the #1)? According to Luongo they're the key backers for Powell's and the Fed's war against Davos. So one thing that would need to be looked at is how this happened. Was it an anomaly, as some say, or was it part of an effort to derail the Fed ahead of the Covid Regime. Malone says the release of the virus can be dated back to at least ... 9/2019.

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edit: Okay... how does Dimon feel about decolonizing Russia? depopulation? the great replacement? CBDCs? Will make time to listen to the Lira interview, thank you so much for the transcripted parts.

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Totally OT but fwiw, Professor Turley is in fine form this morning (tinyurl.com/4uy82252). One excerpt:

The President added “the ability of newspapers to have much impact is de minimis.” That last statement seemed to lament the loss of a close and active ally for the Democrats. Neutrality is anathema if you have largely been able to control political and social exchanges on social media.

What the President said next, however, was particularly telling and chilling:

“How do people know the truth? What do they — how do they make — make a distinction between fact and fiction? There’s so much — so much going on. And we’re in the middle of this.”

Indeed, perish the thought that citizens might be left to pursue the truth on their own without the government or surrogates in the media framing it for them. How could we possibly “know the truth” without our social media overlords?

This view of citizens as gullible dupes needing to be lead to the truth is a recurring theme among Democrats and media allies. It was the theme of a “Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy” conference at the University of Chicago with the leading Democratic leaders and media leaders in Chicago last year, including former President Barack Obama. The conference discussed how the views of the public could be shaped if government and media figures worked together to frame what is true and what is not.

Former President Barack Obama flogged this false line at Stanford in April 2022. He started by declaring himself “pretty close to a First Amendment absolutist.” He then called for the censorship of anything he considered “disinformation,” including “lies, conspiracy theories, junk science, quackery, racist tracts and misogynist screeds.”

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Read JT this morning and thanks for sharing. Unbelievable stuff. Lack of self-awareness, assumptions of being so gullible, thinking citizens lack ability to think for themselves. Amazing. All driven by fear.

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Nov 5, 2022
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So true. Each point you make. That much more reason why what direction that South African guy with the deep pockets ends up going over there in twitterville looks like it will make the takeover either a historically big deal or a tragically big bust. That cesspool has been a key node of the "journolist by other means" cabal from 2017 onward. God willing its new owner will realize he either sides with the free-speechers or his legacy is toast.

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Speaking of "More about Everything"... Look up Daniel Dale (CNN Fact checker) on Twitter. Read his recent article about Biden's lies. Peruse the Twitter comments. Fascinating sword falling.

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Really excellent summary of Luongo's views! Thank you, Mark. I have bookmarked this for quick reference. One thing I had not thought of was the immense cost to the U.S. of a war with Russia and the financial impact of such being used by Davos to attack the U.S. economy and stress the Fed. All the more reason to hope the Russian SMO ends as quickly as possible and that the Republicans will exert some influence to prevent any potential escalation after Nov. 8.

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Thank you guys. This talk absolutely blew my mind, not least because it explaines what Oz has been doing behind the curtain. For people like me, ignorant of world economics, it has been moral distress that wears down the feelings of outrage I would otherwise have. Perhaps it's age. War is always about money. It just breaks my heart that all these people in Ukraine have died and are dying for nothing, while Rishi and Christine and Ursula will not even be turning down the temperature in their swimming pools.

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Ukrainians are still being chewed up and spit out, while Americans chatter about visiting Europe now while the dollar is strong. Is everything we see with our eyes done by green-screen?

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"Meaning in History" - this post should be pinned! It does an amazing job ascribing meaning to this monumental shift in power, and its place in history. Great stuff Mark.

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I agree! I Finally “Get it”. I had to look up a bunch of financial terms because I’m not financially savvy beyond my meager checkbook. :) This is a most outstanding representation of the way the world is turning. Thank you so much for the great job!

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"... to get the US into the UK’s war. "

Given that I'm not an expert - when you look fe. at the body language between Klaus Schwab and different heads of state and other high ranking politicians. Most of the time it looks like their is a subtle power play going on between Schwab and high ranking politicians from the US (it's always in the handshakes).

They don't behave or look as servile as fe. people like Trudeau, Ardern or all the politicians from the EU.

That doesn't mean, they have noble intentions or different goals, but that there is struggle about who is running the show.

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Hence, US banks warming back up to Trump...

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Any thoughts on how this affects Canada?

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Canada is pretty much a wholly owned subsidiary of the WEF, at the national level, as reflected in its politics. With the difference that its banking sector is in good shape, as I understand it. Mark Carney, of course, is Canadian and serves as a key link to the UK at the Deep State level.

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Lot's of trees here...I'm not sure we're seeing the forest clearly yet.

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So who is the power behind the curtain? A lot of people say it's Barack Obama, or maybe Susan Rice. But the truth is that neither of them is capable of orchestrating something on this scale. Obama never really got anywhere on his own, and Susan Rice is a middleweight at best.

This has all the fingerprints of the Soros organization.

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I don't get it. This should be the one of THE most important questions in any/every sane Americans mind. Who wields the power? Yet no one - hardly - is asking it.

Even Republicans avoid it.

Surely there must be some constitutional protection against this kind of hidden rule. Hello?

Kudos Mark for posting this.

Can you dig around some more?

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Tom Luongo‘s theory does fit the facts.

The anti Nuclear fact of European politics is an exception.

WEF has globalist company influence.

I see this as more an elite credentialed class issue, which agrees with Loungo’s technocratic communist ruling class idea. And lots of Woke Ideology, basically a religion, driving this. And it’s being pushed in the school system brainwashing the masses.

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In the video that anti-nuclear aspect comes up for discussion. Luongo points out that the transition to not anti-nuclear is already under way among the Greens in Germany.

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A bit of a Rant

I have no proof.

But I think a lot of the anti Nuclear was funded by their energy competitors at one time. The anti Nuke Weapon movement in Europe had external funding. And that probably aligned with the anti nuke power movement.

And the entire environmental movement has become more of a religion, than anything making sense. The entire Climate Change will end the World Crusade, unless we stop fossil fuels, as well as Nukes.

And lots of the third world is very Happy to get payoffs for Climate Change, from the 1st world.

Plus the entire Carbon Credit stuff is a huge area for potential graft / corruption. And the elites are very happy to increase their wealth by cashing in.

The entire ESG through Blackstone, and putting pressure through "Community Activist" type activities (basically blackmail) on Company Boards using Alinsky Tactics. And the Top Management is happy to go along, so they avoid being cancelled.

Greenwashing is such a great term.

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Nov 4, 2022
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That topic came up in the course of the video. Luongo and Krainer believe that depopulation is definitely part of the WEF agenda. These people are loonies.

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Nov 4, 2022
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But the mandates are great for graft!

Texas with wind farms that somebody made money off of, is now experiencing blackouts.

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