
Realizing it’d be speculative theory at best, what is your assessment as to the chain of events that would be rolling out right now if the 1st assassination had been successful?

Who would be the R candidate now, inter alia?

And since we’re spit-balling, how about assassination #2?

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I think it's possible that there were still some hoping for Nikki Haley.

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Did you see the other day that Sen Susan Collins (R-Me) said she is actually still planning to vote for Nikki Haley. WTF? Does she think her constituents are idiots? Is she an idiot?

She must be an idiot.

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The Brits were putting on an act, they're playing the guttsy we'll do anything for Ukraine part. All this is a show now, the war is over. The brits (city of London) have won their bit, destroying the city of Frankfurt. That's the prize they wanted most of all.

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The DoD did not get to Zhou. He is not capable of managing his bowels let alone our Foreign Policy. Some might say Obama is the decision maker, but he's just another Mortimer Snerd for TPTB on this kind of thing. That being said, it is properly observed there are competing factions in the Five Eyes deep state(s). Or as us peasants have a saying, "when thieves fall out". So, TPTB in the West are hellbent on subduing us peasants. They are also hellbent on making as much money as possible, likely the two are different manifestations of the same soulless egos. Ukraine is set up as the perfect money laundering state for the politicos (hello AIPAC) assisting these egos. WEF, Five Eyes deep states, Zionist, Multi-national corporations and the bankers (Rothschilds & Rockefellers) who control them, and even more.

Stay with me on this - it's starting to sound like Dune. Multiple threads are now converging on this place in time. The subjugation of the peasants in the West is on track - Covid. They believe they can control the domain of the West down to the last nano particle. But there are obstacles in their march to total dominion. Russia, Russia and Russia. Vast tracks of land, with resources beyond belief plus the ever persistent British fear of Russia. Can't get into the Russian Jew heritage thing now. They just need to use Ukraine to take care of Putin and violá, the rest of the universe is ours, or so they think. But, but, but Putin is not putting up with this shit. And it turns out that winning a virtual war is not the same as what actually happens in the real world. So, some readjustment to their march is needed and one of the factions actually made sense this time. And finally, there is some threatening action in their rear front that needs attention, Mr Trump. Boy, this playing God thing is hard!

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I tend to agree with your general observations. But if the DoD didn't get to Zhou, who put the kibosh on the long-range missile attacks on Russia? It wouldn't have been Sullivan, since he doesn't have that authority even though he is the one under attack by the NeoCons for the decision. It wouldn't have been Blinken. Based on the past, it wouldn't have been Mr. Bagels. And the DoD doesn't have the authority to make that decision unilaterally - else they wouldn't have gone searching for help in influencing the decision.

Granted, it is unsettling to say the least to depend on how a Dementia patient's day is going and what time of day it is for averting WWIII and/or nuclear war.

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They may not have gotten face time with SPOTUS, but by simply asserting that they would only act upon face-to-face CinC orders the effect is the same.

As far as Sullivan goes, I can't say, but someone had to make the announcement. I suppose DoD could have followed moderate-dog's "Tweets are not orders" precedent...

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Not that I wish death & destruction on anybody, but let’s hope the Russians get to the Dneiper before Nov. 5. It should help Trump win election (assuming he isn’t assassinated before then). A Trump victory is the best chance at ending the conflict & knocking the Deep State down a few pegs.

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To paraphrase the expression used by a US State Dpt official: “F ck Stormer..”

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On his program yesterday, Mercouris could hardly contain his contempt for the British ruling class (or whoever is ruling, as Mark notes) while discussing Starmer’s disaster of a visit to the great City on the Potomac. He speculates that either Starmer was not properly briefed or informed by those who know, or he chose to set aside (ignore?!) their advice and go full-bore to Washington and pitch the case for the Storm Shadows…must have been a very long and uncomfortable flight back to the UK.

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If Mark's thesis is correct (and I see no reason to think it isn't) Starmer would have had no reason to expect that the desires of Blinken and the rest of the Neocons in the administration would be thwarted by the DoD and Dementia Joe. After all, it had never happened before (apparently).

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Great point.

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Mercouris confirmed via London Times that the UK military was also opposed but ignored. It sounds like CIA/MI6 have largely been running the war, as has been reported.

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Which would make sense in that Ukraine is their bailiwick. Then again it appears that the politicians in Europe and the U.S. thought that any effects of the war could be contained to the Ukraine and Russia. Now they are feeling the economic and political pain they didn't expect.

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I’ve been thinking some about the use of the term “Anglo-Zionist”.

I’m thinking that if you criticize an “Anglo” for supporting, say, genocide, and other things which are happening in Israel, is that antisemitic? Is it antisemitic to call a non-Jew an Anglo and criticize him or her for doing things which Jews are doing? I just don’t know. But maybe not.

But I do know that you can’t criticize a Zionist, or at least a Jewish Zionist, for doing things like oh, say, genocide, without being accused of being an antisemite. That is certain for sure.

So what happens if you lump the two categories together and create a compound like “Anglo-Zionist” to describe them both? Can you then get away with criticizing the Zionists for doing bad things because you have lumped them in with the Anglos?

Maybe. Perhaps it is an elegant solution to the problem of criticizing people who do bad things who happen to be Jewish…

But I just thought of something…What if there aren’t really any real “Anglos” doing bad things? Or what if all the Anglos doing bad things are really Jewish? Then maybe the compound word strategy doesn’t work and using it is really antisemitic?

Well, this is too hard and I give up. This just may be a problem without a solution.

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“Or what if all the Anglos doing bad things are really Jewish?”

I don’t know that it's “all” of them, but it’s becoming ever clearer to me at least that it’s ALOT of them. Look up Alejandro Mayorkas (not an Anglo, but certainly part of the Anglo establishment) in Wikipedia, for instance. And I thought he was just a run-of-the-mill Latino Commie. But no. Didn’t see that coming.

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Well, Brother, its kinda like your sex, or gender, as they like to say. It can be whatever you say it is. Same is true with Anglos and Zionists and Anglo-Zionists. Your choice. Easy peasy.

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The term does communicate that support for hard core Zionism--up to and including genocide--among non-Jews is largely a phenomenon of the Anglosphere. That has to do with the nature of Protestantism in the Anglosphere as well as the political and financial influence of Jews in the Anglosphere. The two go together, and it's not merely a matter of wacked John Hagee types.

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Yeah, its a nicely descriptive and comprehensive term. Leaves out the Eurocrats and WEFers, though.

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Cass, have you thought of a Venn diagram?!

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It might look like a total eclipse, ML!

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Yeah, best not to go there!

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Sep 17
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Crank free zone.

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