This explains a lot.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says doctors found a dead worm in his brain

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Perhaps died of starvation?

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I wonder why Trump didn't nominated Rafael (Ted) Cruz to the SCOTUS? I am getting more and more disgusted by the antics of the junior Senator from my state, the senior one is a real piece of work too, wannabe leader, what an absolute joke John Cornyn[holio] is.

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My take on Cruz is he is self-centered and egotistical. It's all about him and his alleged brilliance. I don't think he has the right characteristics for SCOTUS and he is so disliked by the Democrats he could never get through the nominating process which might have destroyed any usefulness Trump saw in an alliance with him politically. Cornyn is just another useful idiot for the neocons to exploit.

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The donation list above is GOP only.

Here is a list of both parties:


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Didn't I read somewhere that Trump took AIPAC money too? Then again, Mossad are "good people"

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“ He was a mighty hunter.”

This biblical verse about Nimrod always stood out to me as an unusual descriptive considering he ruled an empire.

Well, apparently Nimrod’s hunting prowess included kidnapping the families of competitors and holding them hostage in Babylon as security.

Gives new meaning to the, “Whores of Babylon.” The modern iteration is hunting and capturing rivals by money.

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Imagine Tim Scott as Vice President and Trump’s heir apparent. Or worse, Little Marco. The very thought makes me despair. And yet, rumor has it they’re both on the “short list.”

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I doubt either will be selected. They don’t add much. Both strike me as empty suites.

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I hope you’re right. I have little confidence in Trump’s judgment on such matters.

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Today he's out shilling for Johnson ("a good man") and saying that MTG needs to stop it. Apparently, it's time to all pull together to fight the far-left Dem agenda. He doesn't seem - or want - to see that the GOP is doing everything the Dems want it to do: crash the economy, back Ukraine and Israel till the end and keep the borders open. Oh, and keep up the surveillance of the plebs. Trump has been brought. Prove me wrong.

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And, as you suggest below, the tragic possibility is that he sold out for the sake of his ego.

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Bill Bar, Mike Pence, Fauci, Deborah Birx, Jeff Sessions, General Mille too name a few bad hires, or Trump should have fired.

And this latest from Emerald on Charlie Spires makes you wonder:


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This is why I have declined to support Trump. Would I vote for him, probably, what's the alternative? Would I consider RFK Jr., never! He's a dope and would be as disastrous as any other Democrat. His only redeeming quality was his stance on Covid which was not driven by facts, but to his aversion of vaccines in general. That does not make him a saviour of anything, but his own personal belief.

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I share your aversion to RFK jr. But to be fair, he’s also declared himself to be an enemy of the CIA/FBI. So, there’s that. Still wouldn’t vote for him.

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And, RFK is also opposed to the war in Ukraine. Although he supports Israel. Which is funny because at the end of the day it’s the same war.

I think RFK is one of the biggest reasons Trump is playing it so coy on his plans (if any) to end the wars.

Another thing that must concern Trump is how to box out RFK and Biden so that RFK takes more votes…in Swing States…from Biden than from Trump.

I think someone has persuaded Trump he has a shot at taking a large portion of the Jewish vote. This could be meaningful in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

I share everyone’s conclusion abt RFK. He would be preferable to Biden but I will not be able to vote for him. So that leaves Trump.

I agree w Ray that it would be very helpful if Trump can greatly exceed the margin of fraud and take both Houses.

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BA, good point, and more than fair but he's breaking no new ground here. Most people now a days have a revulsion for the deep state/CIA, FBI, et-al. Kennedy has a specific beef in that latent details of the murder of his Uncle (and Father?) are emerging and that would make any person, even a well connected democrat political operative like him to become at odds with the CIA/FBI.

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I view Trump as the least worst. And may be this time, if he exceeds the margin of fraud, he will have a friendlier senate and be able to get the right people confirmed.

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The problem, Ray, is that we no longer have the wiggle room at this time in history for the "least worst".

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BTW, Ray, have you heard of this site: https://www.alilybit.com on substack? I found her at another site I have been reading lately. First few articles are interesting. Different from MIH, but seems to have a good grasp of what's going on.

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Ain't it a shame we are once again at the corner of the evil of two lessors and least worst. A bad corner to be at where bad stuff happens to good people.

Based on his actions lately, and not just his betrayal backing Johnson, but his many declarations of support and love for those who oppress us has me wondering what a Trump presidency would look like and I'm afraid to look. I just don't think anything will change, people will not be held accountable and I'm afraid the deep state will fire up the crazies.

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