Seems like Christian zionists are looking to Jeremiah 49 and rubbing their hands with glee with the destruction of Elam (Iran). Never mind it related to Nebuchadnezzar.

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Personally, I would love being a Houthi right now. They survived a brutal war with Saudi Arabia.

Now . . . the US Navy is easy pickings; they can cause whatever disruptions in global trade that suit them; they can keep working on Bin Laden's goal of having the US military overreact and spend itself into oblivion.

To use the US's horrible words from 1991: it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

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Great post. I have a public version of my private blog from yesterday on this Houthi attack situation that I think will help you fill in what the gambit is here from a different perspective. But, I do not disagree that the crazies in DC and GCHQ want/need a larger war over the ME... old views of geography and trade die hard.

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It seems clear to me that the crazies don't have the leverage they think they have and are getting into a situation that they won't be able to control. Time is working against them. I saw today that Malaysia is saying the biggest Israeli shipping company will no longer be allowed to transit the straits of Malacca. That's a big development. Dunno where Indonesia stands on this, but going to war against Malaysia and/or Indonesia in those straits seems like a really bad idea.

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As Larry J over at Sonar21 has pointed out, the US got rid of their supply ships to save money. Bad move! In my Navy days, I used to work in the ship's magazine. I wonder how my US counterparts are going to feel when they shove the 89th missile into the hoist, knowing that the Yemenis still have plenty of drones? After Iraq and Afghanistan, you would have thought the West would have learnt something about asymmetrical warfare.

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The Deep State is certainly throwing everything into the mix. Is it a coincidence that they are pushing desperately for war at the very time that they are pushing desperately to take Trump down. Colorado has just declared Trump guilty of insurrection without any trial. The pace will only pick up more in 2024.

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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023

Douglas Macgregor writes: "A group in Washington has decided the solution to all our trouble is to strike Iran. They think going to war with Iran will solve all the problems in the Middle East and help us. They must be responding to donors, I see no evidence of this whatsoever. This would be catastrophic."

Of course, going to war with Iran won't solve any of 'our' problems. What it will address, however, is Israel's problem with Iran. Israel has survived since 1948, despite having created the undying enmity of dislocated Palestinians, by projecting greater strength than its immediate enemies. I suspect that numerous Israeli strategists and their friends can now see that the re-calibration of Muslim power in the Middle East perhaps ultimately backed by a stronger and more powerful Iran is in fact an existential threat.

Like Macgregor, I don't think it will be successful. Like Macgregor, I think that it they prevail, it will be catastrophic.

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If all else fails, they take you to war. As I've said previously, this is the last best chance for Israel to take out Iran before they get too powerful. And Israel controls Washington's foreign policy.

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The world is going mad. I have to remind myself to not go with it.

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This is a clip from a podcast that I came across a couple of years back. Anytime I've felt overwhelmed by the world I find myself in I watch it and I always pass it on when I feel it's needed :)

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Thank you for sharing - very powerful!

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Thanks for sharing.

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Sometimes that can be hard, Athena! Not sure if you are religious, but I always found these words by a priest called Ronald Knox very comforting: "...It does not matter what the politicians do, does not matter even if our bishops seem to betray us, we belong to a spiritual kingdom complete in itself, owing nothing to worldly alliances"

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Yes. If we belong to Christ, He shepherds us. My life, like everyone else's, has not been perfect, without stress, without defeats, without loss of parents, in-laws, grandparents, etc.

I've had coworkers kill themselves, a brother with severe mental illness. I've had to battle my own anxiety. Throughout my whole life, as I look back, the Lord was always there with me, walking beside me, leading me, gently bringing me back when I strayed from the path. He is literally my rock.

So, I have joy and am learning wisdom, discipline. to love others unconditionally. The more I age, the more I recede and Christ becomes greater within me.

Find a church with a good pastor, priest or minister, and a loving congregation and become involved in it, or a Christian charity like a soup kitchen, bring communion to the elderly, give rides to someone who doesn't drive....

There are all kinds of opportunities to finding the true meaning of life. And, reject the Left and their lies!!!

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We Americans need to sit down at the kitchen table and "do the math" as it relates to the empire that has been foisted on us by TPTB. Economically, it is impossible to sustain our hundreds of far flung outposts and permanent so called "allies", said "allies" BTW are actually blood sucking parasites. Anyone who would volunteer to serve in today's US military is by definition mentally unbalanced, morally bankrupt, utterly foolish.

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The whole construct of the Western economic system (the "rules based order") is based on our presence in those far flung outposts. In other words, we (the U.S.) sold our military as the police of the world to ensure economic stability and minimize volatility for the Western economic structure. When we can no longer ensure that stability globally our "insurance" becomes worth nothing - to anybody.

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To our peril, our elites must never have studied physics! Amazingly I ran into the 2nd law of thermodynamics in a 19th century (English) lit course - we had a very well-read professor! Order to disorder…entropy, or “stability” to…chaos! With the agility and speed of the fleet-of-foot Houthis, on land and in sea, compared to our huge and slow but mammothly expensive and limited-.in-number missile systems, “what could go wrong?”

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Sounds like David and Goliath.

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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023

Yep. I was just reading about a Brit called John Glubb who wrote about the decline of empires. They all tail off after about 250 or so years. Law of Entropy cannot be defeated.

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Has anyone considered the question of reinstating the draft in this country in the event of a national emergency? Talk about a four alarm fire! Would make the Vietnam war protests look like a Sunday picnic. Things just keep getting more and more insane.

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Likely to include women this time. Do not comply

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Hey Grape: Guarantee you that will never fly.

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There have been moves in that direction. Too lazy to look it up for you. You could be right, but recent history says nothing is off the table

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The only solutions for the GAE's military are using nukes or trying to draft millions of illegals into the ranks. Neither will work.

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Seems like maybe volunteer enlistment has become "Democracy" in action? (Voting with feet.) The question then becomes does our current government really care about saving "our Democracy" like they always say they do?

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You can take that to the bank!

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Is this an army ready to go to war? God help us!


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As Mark noted, Amerika today! While our fighting ability may suck, our Pride Flag is pretty and just might scare an enemy somehow... Merry Christmas Mr. Kaplan! (WrH)

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Yep. The Pentagon has fulfilled its targets for this year: a "pride" flag flying above every US base.

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America today!

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Hey, it works for Raytheon, et. al., and that is what counts.

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That's the only maths that works in DC.

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Com’on Howard, they’ll make it up on volume! New math and modern monetary theory have suspended and superseded all standard mathematical laws. Didn’t you get the text message? It was the same one where genetics and biology were superseded as well; men can get pregnant and girls can have a Johnson :-). No? Well thanks for playing anyway and your participation trophy is on its way.

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Ha ha. Look in the mirror.

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