52 mins ago·edited 52 mins ago

I have no proof of this but the blatant stupidity of some of the "pro-Palestinian" protests, the way they intentionally antagonize anyone makes me suspicious that they're actually being run by people who are zionists and who are trying to discredit those of a different viewpoint.

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I am truly sad, disappointed, and angered that Pres. Trump is spewing this misguided and inaccurate junk about the Israeli government. With all that is now widely known about the 40,000+ genocide in Gaza, the raping of Gazan prisoners and hostages, the relentless bombings in Lebanon and in Syria, and the terrorist act of mass explosions of personal electronic

devices--how anyone can praise the heinous Israeli govt is beyond me. I hope and pray that Trump will have a great awakening and turn away from this wretched thinking, because I sure don't want Harris as President.

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D, don't by any EUA and Taiwan phone!!

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“Crush antisemitism”. Did Trump provide any details? Via denial of first amendment rights? Stopping misinformation? This is pandering of the worst kind. Anyone see where this leads?

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Dr. Rob Campbell mentions the fallout of the pager attack may be an avoidance of Western consumer goods:


Add to this the Snowden revelations about how U.S. networking equipment has backdoors required by the U.S. government for spying.

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The fall out should make most Americans wary of purchasing anything made in Israel and to some extent US made product. There are a lot of Israeli companies operating in the USoA. In my industry there are many companies who operate out of Silicon Valley, but are owned by Israeli's and they do lot's of business with the Military. One of the leading design and manufacturers of the 3-D printing revolution is a Twin Cities based company acquired by the Israeli's called Stratasys. They were the pioneers of this technology before the Israeli's bought them and one has to wonder if it was by money from the US tax payer. Would you buy their equipment knowing what you know today about their implanting explosives and snooping?

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https://robcampbell.substack.com/p/ukraine-weekly-update-006 - ‘… infantile irrationalism…’ - brilliant!! It is amazing to think there are some, even though breathing rarified air, that think they won’t be involved in the unthinkable. FITH syndrome for sure.

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Try to convince Americans that most of their electronic communications are not secure and that governments can and likely are sweeping them up and storing them for later. Email is not secure. SMS text messaging is not secure. Who knows if What’s App and IMessage are reasonably secure since they use end to end encryption but a state actor with enough resources can break them, perhaps by simply paying Facebook or Apple. Telegram is not secure. Signal may be reasonably secure.

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Pelham @Resist_05

Microsoft fired 20,000 employees in the United States to invest and hire in “Israel”.. most of these employees had served in the IDF Unit 8200

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There you go. This in line with my comments below. The U.S. citizen is being abandoned to fight it out with Haitians, Somalis, Mexican/C&S American as well as Chinese coming through our southern border. The building of a dystopian slave state is moving forward.

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I found this article incredibly enlightening with respect to Israel's ability to manipulate the manufacturing of many electronic devices and Trump's comments. That Israel could populate a large number of devices begs the question, "How wide is their operation and how deep is their penetration and how many and where have all these devices ended up?

My business has been in the tech industry with a number of years working with with the MAD market (Mil/Aero/Defense). My customers were the Lockheeds, Raytheon, General Dynamics, etc. Some years ago (lmid-late 90's) defense contractors began to move away from total in-house customization to buying hardware and software in a model known as COTS (commercially off the shelf). As they increasingly embraced this model more and more of the compute industry moved over seas to China. The defense contractors grew increasingly concerned with Chinese manufacturer's slipping in snooping devices into their hardware and firmware. Some mandated US only suppliers in mission critical applications, but how do you avoid Chinese manufacturing? This latest terrorist attack by Israel has to make the defense Industry nervous. One area that the US has subsidized and outsourced is cyber security and the Israeli tech sector in general. How do you explain their massive emerging tech sector if not for US involvement both financial and IP? I have to think our systems are compromised just as much by Israel as China.

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Most of the software written by the govt now includes huge libraries of free and open source code. Even if the software only requires a tiny bit of what is included in the free source, everything is usually brought into the code base. What’s there and is it safe? Who knows. There’s too much to check and no one has the time or money to write everything from scratch.

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This has long been a known danger. "Just as much?" More?

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I agree, probably more since China is considered an adversary while Israel is "our friend" and with friends like that you don't need enemies is the time worn truism. Trumps comments are more than troubling.

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Clinton knew he was being monitored by Israel.

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Unsurprising, after all he was one of Epstein's pals. I watch some part of a YT video with Brett Weinstein regarding Epstein. He said he was shaken by the encounter. That it was so obvious he was a made up character and evil.

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We are occupied territory; there will be no two-state solution, will there? In the olden days, they said the logic of Islam tends to control of the world and all its peoples, by force and deceit and terror as necessary. They omitted the other logic by which "Never Again" tends to control of the world and all its peoples, by force and deceit and terror as necessary. Look here, not there. Stay on-side. Do not look up.

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The Jews and Muslims are two sides of the same coin. Both want to rule the world and use force, deceit and terror to achieve their goals. One has money and control of a super power the other has a people advantage, but no control over a superpower, but they are beginning to align their interests with a known power and the other with a large population and an enormous economy. Trumps comments are exceedingly stupid and is intended to grab some Zionists on the left and the Christian Zionists on the right. Where does that leave the rest of us? I can understand why Putin states publicly he endorses Kamala.

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Crush antisemitism by all means, but spare a bit of crushing for the worse evil - ethnosupremacy, ethnonarcissism, and ethnopsychopathy in general. Esp those lunatics using the Samson option to give themselves carte blanche.

Moral Jewish people need to urgently clean house - it’s the only way back from pariah status, imho.

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But when have Jews, collectively, ever not been pariahs?

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Good point; question of degree - I reckon if they stop with the supremacy and rejoin the family of nations, then might they discard their pariahness, which at present is red-hot.

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