Thought Experiment

Is America a Fascist State?

We’ve been taught since birth that Fascist governments are a terrible thing which germinated in Europe under the leadership of Hitler and Mussolini and other satanical dictators and which metastasized into the horrors of WWII. It was only after the intervention of the democratic and freedom-loving United States that the Fascist states were defeated, leading, according to our national mythology to a golden age of US-led benign global hegemony, which thirty-five years ago was forever cemented into place following the fall of the Soviet Union.

Given the cognitive dissonances and propaganda assaults of our present age, I have been wondering what this terrible fascism really was and how it explains or differs from what we are living through today. Are we living in a Fascist State?

According to Wikipedia, ‘Fascism’ is a “far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.”

Fascism is described as opposed to other political ideologies such as anarchism, democracy, pluralism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism. It is placed on the far-right wing within the traditional left–right spectrum.

Wikipedia describes Fascism as having risen to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. Fascists saw World War I as a revolution that brought massive changes to the nature of war, society, the state, and technology. The advent of total war and the mass mobilization of society erased the distinction between civilians and combatants. A military citizenship arose in which all citizens were involved with the military in some manner. The war resulted in the rise of a powerful state capable of mobilizing millions of people to serve on the front lines and providing logistics to support them, as well as having unprecedented authority to intervene in the lives of citizens.

I don’t and can’t pretend to be a political scientist or any kind of expert in the definition or terminology of political regimes, but please allow me to simply bumble forward. Let’s assume for purposes of this thought experiment that the Wikipedia definition is useful for the purpose of this exploration.

My question is: can America be characterized as a fascist regime under the Dems and Joe Biden (I’ll call their movement ‘Bidenism’), at least as the term is defined by Wikipedia? (I won’t try in this thought exercise to consider whether Donald Trump presents a Fascist alternative, although the question is a good one which also merits exploration.)

At first glance it would appear that Bidenism fails to meet the requirement of being a ‘far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement’. But what’s far right and far left these days is more than a little confusing. How ‘authoritarian’ in fact is Bidenism, for example, in light of its invocation of mandates enforced by criminal penalties during Covid, and its apparent advocacy for suppression of freedoms once thought to be inviolable in the US, such as due process of law, freedom of speech and assembly and the right to bear arms?

I will concede that Joe Biden appears not to be in sufficient control of the blob to be characterized as a dictator, but isn’t there something dictatorial about a faceless Deep State which increasingly imposes its will on the People without public vote or debate or even a nod to bipartisanship? Maybe it feels more like a Soviet-style system of a nameless, faceless bureaucracy imposing its authority on a population than a dictatorship?

We are also told that Fascism is also characterized by a “centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.”

I think many of us might find a reflection of these concepts in present-day Bidenism. It seems that political power is increasingly centralized in, as Mark calls it, the Imperial City on the Potomac. There is no question that militarism is ascendant in the US. Even though we have no troops on street corners in the USA we have hundreds of military bases around the world (nobody seems to know exactly how many), a foreign policy characterized by a willingness to go to war (and not to diplomacy) and a recent track record which can fairly be characterized as one of Endless War. Interestingly, there seems not to be any meaningful anti-war movement associated with Bidenism.

As for suppression of opposition, I don’t know whether one can characterize it as ‘forcible’, but the frequent use by Bidenism of censorship, intimidation and lawfare against ordinary citizens certainly counts as suppression, doesn’t it?

As for belief in a natural social hierarchy, doesn’t Bidenism promote a hierarchy, both social and governmental, which has an all-knowing and self-Chosen Ivy League-educated elite at the top running downhill to a smelly Walmart shopper, gun and Bible-toting deplorable mass at the bottom of the hierarchy? Isn’t this class hierarchy inherently anti-democratic?

Moving to “subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race”, isn’t this what suppression of historically cherished American freedoms is all about? Isn’t this what the covid lockdowns and vax mandates were all about? Isn’t this what suppression of freedom of speech in the name of ‘democracy’ is all about? There are dozens more examples.

Now lets go back to Wikipedia and see how the definition actually works.

According to Wikipedia, aspects of Fascism include (1) rejecting the assertion that violence is inherently negative or pointless, instead viewing imperialism, political violence, and war as means to national rejuvenation, (2) advocating for the establishment of a totalitarian one-party state, (3) advocating for a market economy in which the state plays a strong directive role through economic interventionist policies, with the principal goal of achieving national economic self-sufficiency, and (4) extreme authoritarianism and nationalism often manifesting as a belief in racial purity or a master race, usually blended with some variant of racism or discrimination against a demonized "Other", such as Jews, homosexuals, transgender people, ethnic minorities, or immigrants, and (5) use of violence, including massacres, deportations, and genocides, causing the deaths of millions of people.

My simplistic responses are (1) Bidenism is ok with the use of violence, both for extensive military operations, as well as in domestic politics, as seen for example in the street violence practiced by groups such as Antifa, (2) in its crude rejection of MAGA Trumpism, Bidenism implicity endorses a one-party state, (3) Bidenism is more than a little bit willing to insert itself into the operation of free markets, examples being the use of the government money printing press and legislation such as the Inflation Reduction Act, (4) while Bidenism hasn’t targeted historically oppressed minorities, it has ferociously attacked white, straight, male, European, and Christian citizens in a kind of perverse reverse discrimination, and (5) while Bidenism has not used violence extensively within the US, its policies certainly have used violence around the world, leading to the deaths of tens of millions of people over the last thirty years.

In summary, it would appear that a persuasive case can be made that Bidenism incorporates many of the defining features of Fascism.

Its worth thinking about.

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First, an explanation. We had a power outage last night and didn't get power back until 10:30am--so I'm playing catchup today.

Regarding comparisons of the current war to WWII on the Eastern Front ...

In fact, during WWII their were plenty of instances of collapse--on both sides. The differences between then and now ...

The Russians ended up falling back into a vast country with intact manufacturing and vast human resources. They took terrible losses, but the war was largely lost for Germany by 1942.

The German military leadership were masters of tactical defense, as they showed time after time. However, the Russians achieved breakthroughs that led to collapses of the German defensive lines and withdrawals over vast territories. Operation Bagration is only one example.

IOW, both the German and Russians--when either side was on defense--were able to trade area in large amounts to maintain cohesion. Each side also, on offense, at times had to rest and regroup before resuming the offense.

In Ukraine today the Ukrainian military is being destroyed largely in place--in their fortified front lines. If the Russians eventually force a large scale collapse Ukraine has no heartland to fall back to that offers either an intact manufacturing base and energy/transport infrastructure (even Germany maintained much of that until virtually the end) and lacks trained manpower.

The other factors make all this worse--morale is collapsing not only because of casualties but because of bad leadership, large elements of ethnic kinship and history, corrupt government.

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Seems all the West is doing is increasing the psyops.

Since you can’t negotiate with Hitler.


So what happens when at the end of a bayonet, Russia imposes peace by taking everything from Kiev and to the East, including the entire Ukrainian Black Sea Coast Line?

The other question is how soon this will happen.

I don’t see what the West can do, rational or irrational, to stop this.

There is zero chance I see, of official Western troops on the ground.

And the idea of f-16’s taking off from Romania to get armed in Ukraine, then attack Russian forces, will have no impact. If this happens, as soon as they land in Ukraine they will be destroyed.

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Macgregor been predicting collapse for 2 years now. I don't put much faith into these Western pundits on either side. I just think about how even Stalin took 7 years to get Western Ukraine under control after German Nazi benefactor was defeated! Slavs will fight to last man. Tough SOBs look how many Russians were killed by Germans - like 30 million and still didnt give up. Next thing Germans knew Russians were in Berlin. Ukrainians are Slavs like Russians are. Just as "hard to kill." I think Ukraine can fight for YEARS more. Mid 2025 at least IMO. Of course Russia will win, simple maths being 8x as big all things being equal, but will be much more deaths to get there.

Then, After that, maybe Putin will have a 7 year insurgency to deal with like Stalin did.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

A lot of nonsense here.

“Slavs will fight to last man . . . Ukrainians are Slavs like Russians are. Just as "hard to kill." I think Ukraine can fight for YEARS more.”

You are comparing apples to oranges. In WWII you are fighting an existential war against an enemy who literally wants to enslave and/or exterminate you (Nazi Gemany) vs. fighting an enemy (Russia) who (A) is not merely “also slavic” but practically the same ethnicity and speaks the same language; (B) was reluctant to go to war with you to begin with and (C) always had reasonable demands. The difference in terms of motive to continue fighting in these two situations is beyond huge.

“Of course Russia will win, simple maths being 8x as big all things being equal, but will be much more deaths to get there.”

If Russia’s likely victory hinged on its advantage in size, you would be seeing a typical attritional standoff playing out, where both sides suffer casualties at comparable rates but with the larger side merely outlasting the smaller. That is definitely NOT what has been happening. Among the many reasons why this is so is that post-soviet “Ukraine” is a highly dysfunctional state — economically, politically, ethnically, ideologically.

“Then, After that, maybe Putin will have a 7 year insurgency to deal with like Stalin did”

This only makes sense: (A) if “Putin” has the desire or will to conquer and rule ALL of Ukraine — i.e., including the most hostile and dysfunctional western part of the country. But, assuming Russia does end up occupying all that territory, (B) the population will have to not already be utterly exhausted by then — i.e., it will still need large numbers of fighting age men who remain motivated (see above) to stage the insurgency. And (C) the insurgency will need ongoing military and moral support from western sponsors.

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Obviously Russia will take whole coast to land lock Ukraine for leverage into perpetuity, not to mention linking up with transnistria Russians - may go as far as Hungary so they have land bridge to Serbia so Russia can uparm them to the max - so there's potential there for Insurgency taking so much of western Ukraine. Anyway just my opinion mid 2025 at least till Ukraine Army expires then it goes underground- insurgency - time will tell.

NATO in some form will probably enter too. Western elites will not just let go of 500 years of global domination/dictating without a fight - supporting insurgency is least they will do.... This war has legs for YEARS IMO.

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Macgregor and Davis are both former military men and students of history and they are right. Armies in high intensity warfare break up fast in many cases. But it has to do with cultural factors.

Look at the opposite examples: The Germans fought to the bitter end. The only reason the Japanese laid down their arms was because the Emperor told them to. Many in the Confederacy wanted to continue the fight. The only reason the South surrendered was because Robert E Lee said it was time to stop.

But the Ukraine with its high level of corruption , uninspiring leadership and its lack or sacrificial elites? I doubt it will survive much longer. Its army is breaking down because the new units have no leadership and the soldiers have no training or buy-in to the units they are in . The new guys....all they are ..... is FNGs , raw meat. The unit leaders and senior fighters? All they are doing is trying to hold on and because they have seen so much fighting, they know it is only a matter of time before they fall. Both the old and new troops are trapped in a death spiral and there is no stopping it.

There is no Emperor or R.E. Lee to inspire them to fight to the bitter end.

The problem will be with the NAZI units like Azov. They will never give up or stop. They will need to be hunted down and destroyed. The SBU types? Unless they are fanatics, (and many are not) they probably have their escape plans all worked out.


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Excellent comment.

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Companion piece:


The sooner the victory of Russia over Ukraine happens the better for all concerned. What a terrible tragedy for the people of Ukraine (and Russia) this has been. It would be just if this outcome would be concomitant with the Biden family's fall; therefore I hope that it happens prior to the U.S. Presidential election. But make no mistake, the greed, delusion, and irrationality that led to the globalist and Biden family pillaging of the Ukraine could not have happened without Zelensky, his corrupt Ukraine government, and its corrupt associated corporations. Justice should happen (and will happen, as it always does) for all parties concerned.

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All very true and well-said. However, the Bidens are only the most notorious pigs feeding at the trough of Ukraine. I would say the filthy lucre coming from the Ukraine cash register may rival that coming from the Israel cash register.

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My understanding is the Russians with the large glide bombs can now quickly demolish any Ukrainian fortifications. And the Ukrainian’s / West has no cost effective way to stop them.

And Ukraine/ West has exhausted most of its stock of anti missiles, that don’t work well anyway.

While Russia has increased its production rate tremendously of missiles and glide bombs.

The West has not increased at the same rate the anti missile production.

Plus Russia is destroying the launchers in Ukraine.

Plus the Western anti missiles cost a lot more than the Russian glide bombs and missiles.

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In the same vein, J6. Everything we've learned over four years raises serious questions about it having been a staged event.

Trump will make himself a dictator? Who staged a military occupation of DC for several months?

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Takes one to know one: Zhou barricading himself in the WH is what dictators do, while rambling on about saving democracy! C’mon, man!

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Not a joke!

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Removed (Banned)Jul 10
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Genocide free zone.

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