Mearsheimer for Secretary of State!! He would be phenomenal. What if Trump got elected and made JM the SoS? ....

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Be interesting to see who keels over, or is pushed, first, Zhou or Zel. Both are staring into the abyss.

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I don't see how Russia ends war without total capitulation Appomattox Courthouse Style. They want all the books, the NATO files, the SBU files and war criminals to pay thier dues. From lowly Azov executioners to people like Porochenko who ordered shelling of civis for 8 years. Anything less risks startup again and betrays the tens of thousands of Russian dead and dead troops.

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Yep. We’re not seeing the end of this until victory of one side. And it won’t be US.

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How much more territory will Russia capture before November?

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Not as much as you’d think or that Russia would like.

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Russia doesnt want any of it. Bunch of deadbeats who did nothing with great wealth inherited from USSR but have cam girl/surrogate baby nation, mobs running every city, and utter corruption. That's why they waited for 8 years while ethnic Russians being shelled. Finally had to do something as public pressure in Russia mounted on Putin. It's a briar patch. But Russia will take all ethnic Russian area about 10 Oblasts and leave rest cut off from Black Sea for leverage going forward.

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Both JM and DD are of the view that a collapse could come suddenly, at which point areas of control could change quickly.

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"And, from this standpoint, it makes little or no difference to Russia who is installed in the White House in January, 2025." Absolutely.

How can Russia trust in anything the U.S. might promise? Especially after Minsk and Antalya/Istanbul. Even if Trump becomes President and Putin actually trusted Trump personally, whatever promises Trump would make would only be good for the next (maybe) four years. Then what? Putin needs to have faith in much, much more than just Western words.

I'm skeptical that Trump could actually do an end run around the "Interagency" and Congress to get a peace accord accomplished, anyway. His old pals Lindsey Graham, Tom Cotton, and Marco Rubio are certainly not going to help him.

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Great comment!

But Trump could stop supplying weapons.


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Thanks, Cassander. Yes, I would think he could do that, perhaps.

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Max Blumenthal @MaxBlumenthal

Odd how every time Hillary crawls out of her hole it’s to advance the genocidal agenda of Israel

Odd? It simply looks like she wants to be installed as POTUS by the Israel Lobby.

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So the Chardonnay mistress of Chappaqua becomes the Harridan of Haifa, the Terror of Tel Aviv, the Jezebel of Jerusalem. Yeah, I can believe that... easily.

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Money talks.

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Q: is Trump, credibly, still the “peace” candidate?

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Another interesting piece of the puzzle is the Hunter Biden guilty verdict. Is this just the Blob virtue signalling to gain votes ("See, justice is blind. We go after the Dems too!") , or are they doing it to make Trump's likely imprisonment seem less shocking? Or are they sending a powerful message to Biden and his sociopathic wife that they need to be out of the WH by August latest? What a year it's been so far. And the best is yet to come!

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Did you notice jurors speak out in Hunter’s trial and no speak in Trump’s?

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It appears the verdict was not a function of the blob. The jury apparently was not compromised and the evidence against Hunter was overwhelming. Turley can't figure out why Hunter's lawyers did not plead guilty rather than going to trail.

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Needed a jury verdict to legitimize Trump's jury verdict? Juries work!

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

I've seen it credibly argued that they cued up Hunter's trial to follow hard on the heels of Trump's trial to use Hunter's trial as a demonstration that the law is, in fact, blind so we can all go back to sleep now. And, it focuses attention on Hunter's drug use, not Hunter's role in the family's decades-long money laundering business, so of course Hunter went to trial. Win-win for the Democrats.

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Could well be (as Meredith Hobbs suggests below). But I don't think that motivation had direct influence over the jury's verdict.

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Limited hangout.

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Hunter and Zhou wouldn’t let ‘em. Biden pride. C’mon man.

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A very glaring misunderstanding? misinterpretation? of Russian goals in Ukraine. They do no want "territory", they've made that clear from day one. They have tried for peace many times, but the US says no. Fight to the last Uky! Also, ask yourself. Would any sane person, or country, really want to take over the Ukraine West of the Dneiper River? Nazi's, oligarch's, the scum of the earth running the most corrupt country on earth? Galicia, with the Banderites? The Russians are way too smart. Destroy the nazis. Disband the military, have a buffer zone for their protection. The goals when the SMO started, same goals today.

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Via Megatron:

Hezbollah fired around 250 rockets towards targets in northern Israel today.

This is the highest since the war started.

The missile attack came after Israel killed a Hezbollah commander in southern Lebanon.

Israeli Channel 13:

"Austin informed Gallant that the American administration is not interested in escalating the confrontation in the north"

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Saw last night two B52’s and two KC135 tankers flew from England to Cyprus. Assume hedging action either in Lebanon or Yemen.

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If Austin and all of the factions in the Biden admin are on the same page (something which is quite questionable) that is very good news, indeed. Thanks for the reference.

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