I’m not quite ready to sign on to the “genocidal” paint brush he wants to paint all Israelis with, their current leader, well yes. I’m not sure how Israel have survived til now? The general population has shown itself to be sheep to the slaughter the way they overwhelmingly acquiescence’s to the Covid jabs. Sorta harkens back to how things went so bad for them in WWII. I use to admire their toughness but now, they seem to be good little peons willingly led to whatever outcome their prime minister wants.

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I doubt that Israel wants a final showdown that could lead to its own destruction. Rather, they prefer the long game so long as the odds favor eventual domination of the region. And they were making real progress (such as with Saudi Arabia) before Oct 7th. Now they are in deep doodoo. They cannot beat Hamas, they cannot beat Hezbollah, they cannot beat Iran, and they cannot even beat the Houthis with US military assistance. How long until the other Arab nations realize how weak Israel really is? And as for the nuke deterrence, if you believe Pepe Escobar, they just tried that gambit and it failed too. What is left for them to try now? What is Plan B? Some think that Plan B was to pack up and move to Ukraine and make it Israel 2.0. And if so, that backup plan isn't looking to good right now.

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Since Iran has showed that it can reach out and touch Israel, one has to wonder whether Pakistan would sit idly by and watch its co-religionists get destroyed in a conflagration without giving Iran a nuke or two.

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According to Macgregor, who seems to have a lot of Turkish contacts, Pakistan has offered nukes to Turkey.

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Good topic! The US has no international authority anymore, from the perspective of the rest of the world, which has turned its back on the US, and thus it has no deterrence: think BRICS. This is a major shift that will not roll backwards. Israel has been an extension of the US/West, so no deterrence.

It leads to the question no one wants to broach: can Israel exist going forward? This is not a political question. Keep in mind that a good part of the Jewish population has already left the country as they have dual citizenship…

Thanks for all you do Mark.

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I don't think Israel has a future. Jews of Western descent will continue to leave and only the crazies will be left.

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I was just strolling around outside a bit. Sunset gives everything a unique coloration--clouds, lawn, blossoms, scents of the flowering bushes. Quite special.

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RemovedApr 24
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Why did they need to warn their neighbors? Perhaps Israel is truly the key part of the problem in the Middle East. They are intolerant to the rights of others who have a right to the land they are situated in.

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