Of all the people who need to be put before some kind of justice system - not the current one - my hope is journalists who propogated this horror are first in line. Governments and public health scientists may be the instigators but journalists not only allowed them to get away with it; they enabled them by disseminating the lie. For shame.

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Well, well at least some of the doc's at the federal wealth, sorry I meant "health" agencies have consciences. For the foreseeable future I will continue to define the aforementioned agencies thusly;

NIH are the Natural Immunity Haters

FDA are the Fraudulent Drug Approvers

CDC are the Corrupt Disease Creators

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It’s a really good thing that we don’t have a two-tiered justice system in this country, because it’s gonna be really sweet to see the FBI perp walk Birx and Fauci after an early morning, SWAT assisted, raid to arrest them and cuff them so they can meet their well deserved punishment in a court of Law.

No way these two keepers of the Hippocratic Oath escape their day of reckoning. Yep, Garland Merrick and Chris Wray are going to be all over this one!

Sorry gang, I was channeling my inner “Joe Biden”, got confused and couldn’t see the teleprompter. Also, I’m still pretty shook up after finding out that I have cancer and Covid. But I did finish all of my lunch, wanna see my plate?

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Good news is all the super woke types are on booster treadmill, and won’t get off. And with each jab, the side effects get worse.

I feel sorry for the people forced by their work to get boosters.

Serious question is best methods for mitigation, for those of us hoodwinked into getting the original 2 shots.

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Say what you will but I have it...in writing...from no less an authority than Doctor Benjamin Mazer, a Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology Fellow at the Yale New Haven Hospital, writing in no less than the Atlantic Magazine (established in 1857 by Ralph Waldo Emerson, among other estimable worthies), that "[t]he COVID vaccines are, without exaggeration, among the safest and most effective therapies in all of modern medicine. An unvaccinated adult is an astonishing 68 times more likely to die from COVID than a boosted one."


That's without exaggeration!

So there. :-)

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So sad. Birx and Fauci have no remorse. They are inoculated to their own ways and could care less about the impact.

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The military infectious disease personnel were likely silenced as well - or ordered not to proceed with any examination of the virus and let the civilians deal with it which would have been their excuse to save their careers.

It is amazing how successful this political operation was, both nationally and internationally. A virus with a greater than 99% survival rate while the CDC, politicians, and the news media were making non-stop announcements that the sky was falling, trying to shame those who refused to be injected with an experimental vaccine. It made no sense at the time, but is beginning to make sense now, especially for those who succumbed to the unrelenting pressure and were vaccinated and the unknown future health issues that may await them. What a travesty.

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