Baerbock wasn't quite forthright enough. She should have said, "We are now finishing off Operation Barbarossa. This time it will work, because almost all of Europe is in harmony."
All of the blood shed and treasure expended in Ukraine are the responsibility of those who promote constant interference in the affairs of other nations, neocons truly are satanic.
I highly recommend that folks set aside an hour and 50 minutes to watch this:
"I can recommend the PMC Wagner video Best In Hell especially for those who have no military experience. Warning: It is a realistic depiction of brutal combined arms fighting in upbuild areas. It also explains what is happening on the command level. The 1 hour 50 minutes long video has English subtitles. It depicts Russian and Ukrainian soldiers as equally decent men in equal trouble differentiated only by the white and yellow sides they are fighting on."
Just read we're sending 30 Abrams over there. I have tried to remain detached about this thing but, the people running this country are f****** nuts. Between us, the Brits, French and Germans, I'll bet the Ukies have 100+ Main Battle Tanks. Putin keeps telling us to back off. ????
My wife heard on the radio that it could take a year to get those Abrams over there--the logistics of moving them and all the support is monumental. Then there's this. I listened to some tank expert--who was all in favor of sending tanks to Ukraine--but he said that most Ukrainian bridges are rated for 50 tons, and the lightest Western tank is the FR Leclerc at 58 tons--the rest are MUCH heavier. Russian tanks are all about 45 tons. This guy said, hey, the Poles have hundreds of hugely upgraded T-72s (PT-91 Twardy) that are excellent, as good as most anything in the world (Czechia has a similar upgrade). It'd be easy for the Ukrainians to transition to them, but obviously the Poles don't wanna give them up. That's how all this is going.
Listening to that MacGregor interview. He says the Ukies still have 1000 tanks in inventory. No one left to operate them I guess. Tank crew take months of training to operate efficiently. They’re dragooning guys off the streets, etc.
I spent Army time in Germany in the 90’s. Lots of inventory still there I’ll bet. They could get them to Poland in a few weeks I suppose. From there to Ukraine takes rolling stock,etc. Tough to get them to the front when Ukie trains won’t run. Russians have been degrading that for weeks.
Maybe they’re trying to develop some sort of reserve to counter what they think is coming. Given what’s been going on, I figure the Russians destroy most of that armor within a month if they put them into combat operations.
Given your assessment, what if OPEC nations decide to double the price of a barrel of oil so as to crush those highly dependent as a means to up the ante?
Assuming the bidenites actually succeed in shipping a few of those super-duper tanks to Ukraine with a battalion of troops to run them what then happens when Putin promptly blows them to kingdom come? God forbid.
Lots of history lessons in Gen. Macgregor video. I love reading history and have read about FDR pushing Japan into attacking the U.S. The US limited/stopped supplying oil to them which they so desperately needed. Thank you for this article.
"what could be termed political philosophy." Soros, totally unprincipled and highly successful in his business endeavors, fancies himself a philosopher, and now maybe Plato's 'philosopher king.' I don't think he merits the amount of attention he is generating. The NATO that could reign over the entire world doesn't seem capable of gaining a victory in little Ukraine.
To me, George Sorrows looks like a haunted man, his many billions used to keep the shades of his past at bay as he fnances the downfall of the West’s “civilization,” the combined history, culture, religious faith, customs and…sovereignty of independent states. I think his deep coffers would have been put to better use, when it was trendy on Park Avenue, finding a shrink capable of bringing insight to this self-ordained priest of the Open Society cult. Behind the NGO language (“partnership for peace” - even Nato has a major role) lies a hatred of the human. It is as if nothing good ever came from culture, so let’s just destroy it completely and replace citizens of the US and Europe with nameless others, migrants driven only by the desire for food and clothing…it is shocking how over the past 30 years this nihilistic program has been taken up and voted for by citizens of the EU/US. Highly ironic that his own country of origin, Hungary, is a courageous defender of national sovereignty, the burly Orban kind of like a Euro De Santis.
Soros comes across as a bitter psychopath. You can argue that Bill Gates and the other billionaires have some kind of vision for mankind - a twisted and sick vision, for sure - but Soros comes across as someone who just wants to see the world burn before he passes into oblivion.
I was in Russia in the early and mid 1990s. Those were incredibly sad and desperate years for Russians. Soros and his “Open Society” project swooped in to take advantage of a demoralized and bankrupt society. He was putting his money where his mouth was regarding the essay Mark quotes above. His finger prints were all over the place.
He suffers from Billionaires' Syndrome. This is the idea that because you inherited billions of dollars, you have the right to decide the fate of the rest of humanity.
I don't know, Ray, but I hope that the Russians have missiles with enough precision to take out the evil ones behind this and leave the rest of us alive.
National Sovereignty is the key. Putin knows this. The EU was formed as the first step to destroying National Sovereignty in Europe. When I voted in favour of Brexit, it was because it was apparent to me that all across Europe, there was a coordinated effort from the European Commission to dilute National identities, and local tradition, i.e. the rich variety of National cultures which existed right across the entire geographical region of Europe. Brexit was the British people's Mike Tyson response to the bullying oppression of EU regulations, our "everyone has a plan until they get a smack in the mouth" moment. Unfortunately, we have yet to find a political leader with the vision and cojones to finally break free of that oppression and fly as a Sovereign, truly Independent Nation again. Our hopes now largely rest upon Donald Trump and the Patriots turning the tables on the Deep State, that is where the Salvation of every European Nation lies. This is my belief, so go Patriots! The world needs you to win!
The weak point of the globalists is that their efforts have triggered the very responses that they are fighting against. The EU has increased rather than reduced nationalist urges.
I think the Eastern members of the EU always had strong nationalist urges. However, there is no doubt that the EU's bossy, bullying and opaque way of doing business certainly raised nationalist hackles in the UK and some other Western nations like Denmark. Most other member states dislike the EU but hang in there for the freebies they get.
I have read numerous apologia for Soros' adolescent participation in Nazism, none of which acknowledges the stages of character development and the role of early-life influence. There is a misguided tendency to think of adolescents as mini-adults with a only a bit of polishing-up left to do.
Aside from the obvious flawed thinking, these sorts of category errors obscure the raison d'etre for creating an "open" society; consolidation of power. When the person who has accumulated wealth by means of inducing suffering on ordinary citizens, uses a portion of that wealth to increase the opportunity for further, similar impositions of misery, it is essential to understand his motives and influences .
It occurred to me this morning that, when evaluating Soros and the suffering he continues to inflict, there's a variation of Mcluhan's "the media is the message" at work. Soros' current mission of destabilization seems an extension of the work he was involved with as an adolescent. This does not mean that he is carrying out an ideological mission that began with Nazi confiscation. What it suggests is that Soros is subject to the same empirically-acquired influences as any other human being.
Given the nature of his financial manipulations, both acquisitional and disbursive, we would normally expect a greater amount of suspicion and inspection of his activity. It seems to me that the reason he is allowed to continue in his destructive machinations, may be owing to widespread ignorance of how the world of finance operates.
His observation about "closed societies" being bad "because they need an enemy" is widely understood as a repudiation of his fascist-intertwined early-life influences. That may well be, but his actions are in stark contrast to any meaningful repudiation. Every manipulation of government that he accomplishes has an increase of coercion at its core. Ultimately, the "one world government" that results from an "open society" has fully-centralized control of all individuals as its end point.
Closed societies do not "need" an enemy to survive and thrive. It is those seeking control of those societies that need an enemy, in order to impose authority that brooks no meaningful dissent. The fully-centralized world government that is the end-point of an open society imposes a similar totalitarian level of control, ultimately achieved by creating a series of permanent enemies.
Whether the man is nothing more than the manipulative trash that his activities would suggest, or a Utopian fool using his ill-gotten gains to experiment on relatively powerless masses, is ultimately irrelevant. It is the manner in which he wields the power that his profits have accrued that are meaningful. He stokes racial divisions, creating hatred where once was a series of troublesome negotiations over conflicts of interest. He incites and enables violence, and the result of that violence is routinely the destruction of livelihoods. He corrupts democratic expression by suborning the will of elected representatives, rendering them deaf to the will of their constituents.
He is a shining example of the corruption and procedural malevolence that have characterized the worst excesses of the wealthy throughout history. When I was a young leftist, so many years ago, we universally condemned the actions and influences of wealthy people who committed even a fraction of the malevolent actions of Soros. Perhaps the lesson is that leftists are as self-serving as anyone they condemn. One thing stands out about Soros; he is adept at getting people to do the job for which he pays them.
If someone gets rich by Pareto-optimal means, more power to them and nothing wrong with that at all. The only restriction should be that they spend their money on yachts, consorts or whatever other frivolities they might fancy, and abjure political corruption. Soros' profits, however, have accrued from the misery of others, and that is central to the issue of how and why he manipulates others.
It's extremely difficult to accrue gains without incurring losses from another, which is why it so seldom occurs. However in need of "correction" the value of the pound may have been, anyone denying the misery that correction imposes on everyday people is either ignorant of how such corrections are enacted, or employing motivated reasoning.
Wow, Ted you captured the essence of George Soros, who he is and his negative impact on the world while accumulating his massive wealth. He has fooled a lot of people into believing his "Open Society" shtick while managing to position himself as some sort of noble philanthropist, which he is not and never has been. He excites the imaginations of the left wing zealots who take his money and do his dirty work while elevating him unto position of oracle to the insane among us.
Open society seems completely predicated on his world view which aligns well with the totalitarian impulse of the NEOCONS and aspiring authoritarians. The bunk about closed societies needing an enemy is, of course, 180 degrees out of phase with reality. It is his vision of an open society that needs enemies hence the need to divide and conquer by any means necessary and this means stoking racial division and hatred toward the religious among us. What is a closed society in the modern world, China? Is this why he has made China his new target while rooting on the destruction of Russia an aspiring open society? It makes no sense and you are correct that this is about control of power and wealth and the destruction of those who get in the way of those select people, as John Kerry has dubbed them to be, to rule over the planet with the promise of a better world, but better for whom?
I'm old enough to remember the fall of the Berlin Wall and Soviet communism. Fukuyama was talking about the end of history and we all dreamt of a brotherhood of nations marching together towards the sunlit uplands of liberal democracy. Who in their craziest moments would have dreamt that 30 years later, the West would have adopted the warped values of the Soviet Union and that the East would be espousing the values that have sustained the human race through the ages?
Baerbock wasn't quite forthright enough. She should have said, "We are now finishing off Operation Barbarossa. This time it will work, because almost all of Europe is in harmony."
I wonder how much Soros' article reflects his fears of the outstanding Russian warrant for his arrest?
All of the blood shed and treasure expended in Ukraine are the responsibility of those who promote constant interference in the affairs of other nations, neocons truly are satanic.
I highly recommend that folks set aside an hour and 50 minutes to watch this:
MOA's review echoes my thoughts exactly:
"I can recommend the PMC Wagner video Best In Hell especially for those who have no military experience. Warning: It is a realistic depiction of brutal combined arms fighting in upbuild areas. It also explains what is happening on the command level. The 1 hour 50 minutes long video has English subtitles. It depicts Russian and Ukrainian soldiers as equally decent men in equal trouble differentiated only by the white and yellow sides they are fighting on."
Larry Johnson yesterday:
And today:
Putin comes across as reasonable and intelligent. Uses historical markers/facts to share his story in a unique way. Gotta respect that.
Just read we're sending 30 Abrams over there. I have tried to remain detached about this thing but, the people running this country are f****** nuts. Between us, the Brits, French and Germans, I'll bet the Ukies have 100+ Main Battle Tanks. Putin keeps telling us to back off. ????
My wife heard on the radio that it could take a year to get those Abrams over there--the logistics of moving them and all the support is monumental. Then there's this. I listened to some tank expert--who was all in favor of sending tanks to Ukraine--but he said that most Ukrainian bridges are rated for 50 tons, and the lightest Western tank is the FR Leclerc at 58 tons--the rest are MUCH heavier. Russian tanks are all about 45 tons. This guy said, hey, the Poles have hundreds of hugely upgraded T-72s (PT-91 Twardy) that are excellent, as good as most anything in the world (Czechia has a similar upgrade). It'd be easy for the Ukrainians to transition to them, but obviously the Poles don't wanna give them up. That's how all this is going.
The old bait and switch is another option. Like taking forever to get our tanks over there. Draw it out some. Let the Leopards go first. Typical Zhou.
Listening to that MacGregor interview. He says the Ukies still have 1000 tanks in inventory. No one left to operate them I guess. Tank crew take months of training to operate efficiently. They’re dragooning guys off the streets, etc.
I spent Army time in Germany in the 90’s. Lots of inventory still there I’ll bet. They could get them to Poland in a few weeks I suppose. From there to Ukraine takes rolling stock,etc. Tough to get them to the front when Ukie trains won’t run. Russians have been degrading that for weeks.
Maybe they’re trying to develop some sort of reserve to counter what they think is coming. Given what’s been going on, I figure the Russians destroy most of that armor within a month if they put them into combat operations.
Given your assessment, what if OPEC nations decide to double the price of a barrel of oil so as to crush those highly dependent as a means to up the ante?
Given your assessment. What if China offers to give Russia 100+ of their tanks in the next few days?
I don’t think Russia needs them
Assuming the bidenites actually succeed in shipping a few of those super-duper tanks to Ukraine with a battalion of troops to run them what then happens when Putin promptly blows them to kingdom come? God forbid.
No "God forbid". The moment they cross the border from Poland the spies on the Western border should call in Zircon missile strikes immediately.
Lots of history lessons in Gen. Macgregor video. I love reading history and have read about FDR pushing Japan into attacking the U.S. The US limited/stopped supplying oil to them which they so desperately needed. Thank you for this article.
"what could be termed political philosophy." Soros, totally unprincipled and highly successful in his business endeavors, fancies himself a philosopher, and now maybe Plato's 'philosopher king.' I don't think he merits the amount of attention he is generating. The NATO that could reign over the entire world doesn't seem capable of gaining a victory in little Ukraine.
To me, George Sorrows looks like a haunted man, his many billions used to keep the shades of his past at bay as he fnances the downfall of the West’s “civilization,” the combined history, culture, religious faith, customs and…sovereignty of independent states. I think his deep coffers would have been put to better use, when it was trendy on Park Avenue, finding a shrink capable of bringing insight to this self-ordained priest of the Open Society cult. Behind the NGO language (“partnership for peace” - even Nato has a major role) lies a hatred of the human. It is as if nothing good ever came from culture, so let’s just destroy it completely and replace citizens of the US and Europe with nameless others, migrants driven only by the desire for food and clothing…it is shocking how over the past 30 years this nihilistic program has been taken up and voted for by citizens of the EU/US. Highly ironic that his own country of origin, Hungary, is a courageous defender of national sovereignty, the burly Orban kind of like a Euro De Santis.
"... a hatred of the human"
Missing from much of the analysis on Soros is his "Amish" roots.
Just might have something to do with his views.
Soros comes across as a bitter psychopath. You can argue that Bill Gates and the other billionaires have some kind of vision for mankind - a twisted and sick vision, for sure - but Soros comes across as someone who just wants to see the world burn before he passes into oblivion.
The Nazi stooge that he is...
I was in Russia in the early and mid 1990s. Those were incredibly sad and desperate years for Russians. Soros and his “Open Society” project swooped in to take advantage of a demoralized and bankrupt society. He was putting his money where his mouth was regarding the essay Mark quotes above. His finger prints were all over the place.
He suffers from Billionaires' Syndrome. This is the idea that because you inherited billions of dollars, you have the right to decide the fate of the rest of humanity.
The West seems to be upping the ante in Ukraine.
What happens when Russia does not fold, and wins the hand? Double down even more?
Appears so Ray. From what I've read on this blog the past few days they've (Neocon's) backed themselves into a corner.
I don't know, Ray, but I hope that the Russians have missiles with enough precision to take out the evil ones behind this and leave the rest of us alive.
National Sovereignty is the key. Putin knows this. The EU was formed as the first step to destroying National Sovereignty in Europe. When I voted in favour of Brexit, it was because it was apparent to me that all across Europe, there was a coordinated effort from the European Commission to dilute National identities, and local tradition, i.e. the rich variety of National cultures which existed right across the entire geographical region of Europe. Brexit was the British people's Mike Tyson response to the bullying oppression of EU regulations, our "everyone has a plan until they get a smack in the mouth" moment. Unfortunately, we have yet to find a political leader with the vision and cojones to finally break free of that oppression and fly as a Sovereign, truly Independent Nation again. Our hopes now largely rest upon Donald Trump and the Patriots turning the tables on the Deep State, that is where the Salvation of every European Nation lies. This is my belief, so go Patriots! The world needs you to win!
The weak point of the globalists is that their efforts have triggered the very responses that they are fighting against. The EU has increased rather than reduced nationalist urges.
I would not say the EU has emboldened some countries (Hungary, Czech Republic, etc.) with nationalist urges.
I think the Eastern members of the EU always had strong nationalist urges. However, there is no doubt that the EU's bossy, bullying and opaque way of doing business certainly raised nationalist hackles in the UK and some other Western nations like Denmark. Most other member states dislike the EU but hang in there for the freebies they get.
Excellent look into the larger game being played!
Mark, I know you want to be precise and correct, so please change “loathe” to “loath”.
Got it--thanks!
I have read numerous apologia for Soros' adolescent participation in Nazism, none of which acknowledges the stages of character development and the role of early-life influence. There is a misguided tendency to think of adolescents as mini-adults with a only a bit of polishing-up left to do.
Aside from the obvious flawed thinking, these sorts of category errors obscure the raison d'etre for creating an "open" society; consolidation of power. When the person who has accumulated wealth by means of inducing suffering on ordinary citizens, uses a portion of that wealth to increase the opportunity for further, similar impositions of misery, it is essential to understand his motives and influences .
It occurred to me this morning that, when evaluating Soros and the suffering he continues to inflict, there's a variation of Mcluhan's "the media is the message" at work. Soros' current mission of destabilization seems an extension of the work he was involved with as an adolescent. This does not mean that he is carrying out an ideological mission that began with Nazi confiscation. What it suggests is that Soros is subject to the same empirically-acquired influences as any other human being.
Given the nature of his financial manipulations, both acquisitional and disbursive, we would normally expect a greater amount of suspicion and inspection of his activity. It seems to me that the reason he is allowed to continue in his destructive machinations, may be owing to widespread ignorance of how the world of finance operates.
His observation about "closed societies" being bad "because they need an enemy" is widely understood as a repudiation of his fascist-intertwined early-life influences. That may well be, but his actions are in stark contrast to any meaningful repudiation. Every manipulation of government that he accomplishes has an increase of coercion at its core. Ultimately, the "one world government" that results from an "open society" has fully-centralized control of all individuals as its end point.
Closed societies do not "need" an enemy to survive and thrive. It is those seeking control of those societies that need an enemy, in order to impose authority that brooks no meaningful dissent. The fully-centralized world government that is the end-point of an open society imposes a similar totalitarian level of control, ultimately achieved by creating a series of permanent enemies.
Whether the man is nothing more than the manipulative trash that his activities would suggest, or a Utopian fool using his ill-gotten gains to experiment on relatively powerless masses, is ultimately irrelevant. It is the manner in which he wields the power that his profits have accrued that are meaningful. He stokes racial divisions, creating hatred where once was a series of troublesome negotiations over conflicts of interest. He incites and enables violence, and the result of that violence is routinely the destruction of livelihoods. He corrupts democratic expression by suborning the will of elected representatives, rendering them deaf to the will of their constituents.
He is a shining example of the corruption and procedural malevolence that have characterized the worst excesses of the wealthy throughout history. When I was a young leftist, so many years ago, we universally condemned the actions and influences of wealthy people who committed even a fraction of the malevolent actions of Soros. Perhaps the lesson is that leftists are as self-serving as anyone they condemn. One thing stands out about Soros; he is adept at getting people to do the job for which he pays them.
If someone gets rich by Pareto-optimal means, more power to them and nothing wrong with that at all. The only restriction should be that they spend their money on yachts, consorts or whatever other frivolities they might fancy, and abjure political corruption. Soros' profits, however, have accrued from the misery of others, and that is central to the issue of how and why he manipulates others.
It's extremely difficult to accrue gains without incurring losses from another, which is why it so seldom occurs. However in need of "correction" the value of the pound may have been, anyone denying the misery that correction imposes on everyday people is either ignorant of how such corrections are enacted, or employing motivated reasoning.
Your conclusion is inescapable, Pete.
Wow, Ted you captured the essence of George Soros, who he is and his negative impact on the world while accumulating his massive wealth. He has fooled a lot of people into believing his "Open Society" shtick while managing to position himself as some sort of noble philanthropist, which he is not and never has been. He excites the imaginations of the left wing zealots who take his money and do his dirty work while elevating him unto position of oracle to the insane among us.
Open society seems completely predicated on his world view which aligns well with the totalitarian impulse of the NEOCONS and aspiring authoritarians. The bunk about closed societies needing an enemy is, of course, 180 degrees out of phase with reality. It is his vision of an open society that needs enemies hence the need to divide and conquer by any means necessary and this means stoking racial division and hatred toward the religious among us. What is a closed society in the modern world, China? Is this why he has made China his new target while rooting on the destruction of Russia an aspiring open society? It makes no sense and you are correct that this is about control of power and wealth and the destruction of those who get in the way of those select people, as John Kerry has dubbed them to be, to rule over the planet with the promise of a better world, but better for whom?
I'm old enough to remember the fall of the Berlin Wall and Soviet communism. Fukuyama was talking about the end of history and we all dreamt of a brotherhood of nations marching together towards the sunlit uplands of liberal democracy. Who in their craziest moments would have dreamt that 30 years later, the West would have adopted the warped values of the Soviet Union and that the East would be espousing the values that have sustained the human race through the ages?