"Washington is donor occupied territory. Everybody who clapped vigorously for Mr Netanyahu has been the beneficiary of The Israel Lobby's largess." Sadly, this is true, just like everything else Col. Macgregor says in his quotes here. Terribly depressing on many levels.

There is no one in Washington, DC with the guts to stand up to Netanyahu, even if it means the destruction of Israel and world war ending in our defeat:


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Watched the program. Everything stated by these guys rings true. If the Israelis are going to strike this is the best time to do it. Russians are bogged down in a major war. The US is politically numb to anything we might do and in full suppport. The jews can say "Who is there to oppose us? Especially with the US at our side?" Things not mentioned. Economic. You attack Iran the price of oil will go thru the roof. Since that effects pricing all the way down the food/product chain, inflation will spike. Prepare yourself accordingly. There is also the possibility of unseen side affects like world wide terror attacks or other asymmetric warfare operations.

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Aligning to war with Israel pre-election with the Republicans screaming for it might be Trump’s undoing.

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I'm in the bizarre position of hoping that despicable Valerie Jarrett and loathsome Obama, both pro Iran and anti Israel have enough influence over this administration to help prevent this. Wouldn't hanging Netanyahu out to dry a la the Cubans at the Bay of Pigs be the ultimate way to shiv him?

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I think the time for this to go down is now. It’s horrifying yes but if there’s any chance to stop the genocide it needs to be now. The US is in a position of plausible deniability bc we have no President. We will be able to pin all of this on Blinken, Austin, Kirby, and Nutanyahoo. The evil democrat machine will be blamed and Trump can be elected and make a grand deal to save what’s left of the empire.

The distraction of ISR assets will first allow Russia to absolutely crush Ukraine, maybe even all the way to Odessa. Israel will be revealed as weak and the US will fire all its dry powder. Then China can walk over Taiwan. If things get touchy for Iran, Russia can help them sink the US fleets. Every country will be forced to finally decide which side they’re on and at the end it will be the anglozionazis against 6+ Billion very pissed off people. Medvedev is right, and if this goes far enough we can have our little war, create at least a shaky peace and in some cases a lasting one, and get on to addressing the real problems.

And for the anglozionazis pushing for this: F A F O. There has never been a worse time for the US to fight all of these conflicts and the incentives for Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran to act will be absolutely irresistible. If the US attacks Iran and Iran retaliates against our bases there will be an absolute shitstorm that will consume our attention so thoroughly that it almost feels like this was t

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The plan for the axis side along!

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Normally, we would have a president address the nation from the Oval Office to explain what the hell is going on. Or at least lie to us and tell us a fairy tale. But no, not nowadays. Instead we are distracted with arguments about cat ladies, weirdos and couches, black or Indian identities, and men beating up women in Olympic boxing. What a time to be alive! When the their world goes dark, and the interweb goes down with it, maybe then people will notice that something is amiss.

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Aug 1·edited Aug 2

Medvedev is Putin's crazier alter ego and runs his mouth a lot. However, and sadly, he is right. This only gets sorted out by war. The stark reality is that the Zionist Nazis (that is what they have shown themselves to be) and the neocons in DC and London will only see sense when they have been dealt the mother of all defeats. Even if this current episode calms down, there will be another one and another. The only way out of this is to go through it.

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Recession at home; time for war abroad.

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You're probably right Steg.

A wild card to consider is whether 'crazy time' now benefits the Dems or Trump. In particular, with the Dem Convention coming up in a couple weeks and then the full-blown election season.

I would have thought the American electorate would frown on US participation in a full blown war running up to the election. And perhaps blame the Dems? Unless I'm wrong, this suggests to me that the blob may attempt to dissuade Israel from escalating for some time (until after the election?) even if Iran hits them -hard- in the coming days. But does Israel want to cooperate with the blob at this stage?

And where will Trump come out? Is the true Trump a) Trump the Zionist or b) Trump the Not on My Watch Peacemaker? And, at this point, does Netanyahu care?

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I think U.S. involvement in a ME war on Israel's behalf would hurt the Dems more than it would help Trump. I can see the anti-war Left staying home but not voting for Trump. The anti-war Right already is set to vote for Trump. People like me will vote for Trump but not for the Republicans because:


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Having a full blown war started before the election would be a huge disaster for getting turn out for the Democratic Base in Mi and Mn. Winning the election is more important for the Democrats. And the Biden WH has a love / hate relationship with Netanyahu, favoring the hate. Basically say enough nice things about Netanyahu so U.S fund raising is not impacted. While proving enough support to not be accused of being anti Israel.

The issue is the US no longer has the means to devastate Iran. With the improved air defenses, and more missiles, it would be costly. And Iran would retaliate.

I am surprised the economic cost is not having more of an impact on Israel. Both from conducting the war, and the mobilization.

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Economic cost? There might be a cash flow problem, but we can always print more money and give them some.

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Supposedly per various sources the inflation rate has stayed steady. The war has had no effect.

Which does not make sense. A huge amount of the Israeli work force is in the military. Areas of the country have been evacuated. And war are expensive. Plus the Red Sea blockade.

Either the various agencies are lying on the inflation rate. Or ?

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2

See the Dow today! Down 900 points. Next to no new jobs created in July (114k - a big miss per Zerohedge). This by itself may pose a bigger threat to the Dims than the hell-bent Netanyahu.

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My guess trying to force a rate cut.

My cynical thought is the official inflation and unemployment rates are “massaged” or “juiced” to help the Democrats election chances.

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Yes. So many questions.

Among them --

How do the Dems manage the opposition to Israel of the Squad and the pro-Palestinian elements of their party? Including young Democrats?

Kamala has expressed support for Israel, on the one hand, and the Squad and the pro-Palestinians, on the other, in the past. Which memory hole will she choose?

Can the US provide enough support to Israel for Israel to 'win' a war against Palestine, Hamas, Hezbollah, Lebanon and Iran?

Will Russia, China, North Korea...and/or Turkey support Iran? Actively?

How will the United States' nominal allies and their neighbors in the Middle East respond if the United States lends troops and/or weapons and/or financial support to Israel? And what action will they take?

So many questions.

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Kamala is an Erdogan wanna be.

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I personally find Erdogan more physically attractive, but that's just me.

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