Hopefully the Celtics will take out the Mavericks in game 4, Cuban makes me ill.

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Go Coach! (I'm not a Christian, but people who actually live their faith, whatever it is, have my total respect.)

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This is more proof that we cannot live together.

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I think our country is Best suited for this type of cultural chasms. Don't like where you lives culture there is somewhere in the country you can move to where 'your tribe' thrives.

Also as much as the DOOM purveyors prognosticate the 'end of america', instead it will be the end of Federal Dominance, and the Local State Sovereignty will prevail due in part its flexibility.

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Your suggestion of a state-led devolution is the best case scenario. However, DC will fight tooth and nail against it. A key part of the leftist personality is that they never leave you alone.

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RemovedJun 13
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You can accept and tolerate the LGBTQ among us, but as the article stated it is no longer about acceptance, it’s about dominance and punishment of heterosexuals. Have you read the gay manifesto? I have and like other self perceived victim groups who play victim and use human rights as a cover for government protection through a hierarchy of rights which translates into dominance for the purpose of revenge and dominance. To criticize these self perceived victims invites legal woes which frankly destroys the notion of equal rights.

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The fact that our embassies abroad and governmental agencies at home (most conspicuously, the White House) fly their flag is all the evidence you need to see that they are in power.

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Astute comment and observation, BA.

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