Mark this "all about Russia" is a great theory I had not seen before. But I have limited time to internet all you top Z guys. Thanks. China And Russia should just post nukes and AA complexes in Iran nip it in the bud. After all US has nukes in some of its allies countries

Don't you think that stop plans in its tracks? What are they gonna do bomb Russians and Chinas instillations? Sometimes I feel like RUssia and China are one step behind.

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You're welcome.

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Ah, yes, I was thinking of contrasting his view with the views of Macgregor and Mearsheimer. I think the best view is a bit of a blend--each has valid points, but it's a situational kind of thing. Which actor is in charge may vary depending on geopolitical factors.

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Eerie how these two wars seem to mirror each other: the years of planning and repeated provation, treaties signed and ripped up, great speeches and pronouncements about freedom and democracy, military buildup on land and sea, and three leaders lying through their teeth as more lives are sacrificed to cynical political ends. US/Israel: a hydra-headed monster. It’s gotten to the point where you can’t even tell which one is greasing the skids for the other.

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These days the Rest of the World now understands that a signed treaty or agreement with the USA, or any verbal diplomatic agreements, are worthless. The mask has well and truly slipped and a “Terminator”-like skull is what lies underneath.

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Let's call it the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire. It was launched in its present form in 1939-1941 by the Rockefeller -funded Council on Foreign Relations. Please see this:


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Anglo- is intended as an abbreviation for Anglo-American, which includes the Anglosphere (English speaking sphere) more generally. Obviously US/UK are the principle members on the Anglo- side.

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Re your article, which I'm beginning, this is why I've always maintained that this is a global war in a very real sense--more so than the more internecine European affairs as in the two "world" wars, with America dragged in.

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Mark, you are spot on. The two world wars of the 20th century were intra continent so to speak. what's going on here is a global civilizational struggle, far different.

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This closeness with our proxy is what drove anti-vote rally’s and kept voters away in the Democrat primaries (see Michigan). Now with a New Democrat nominee not so much.

It’s not about the Principles.

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Speaking of MacGregor, who spoke of Amos Hochstein, our favorite dual citizen,

I read a column by Mike Whitney linked from Lew Rockwell. Apparently Israel's response to Hamas in Gaza is endangering the "India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC)" which Hochstein was deeply involved with negotiating.

"On 10 September 2023, representatives from India, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, the EU, and the United States signed a Memorandum of Understanding which committed their countries to a groundbreaking plan that would link production facilities in Asia with markets across the Middle East and Europe... IMEC was concocted as an alternative to China’s expansive Belt and Road Initiative which has emerged as the Gold Standard of cross-continent infrastructure projects. The IMEC is Washington’s attempt create an alternate system of trade that duplicates many of the BRI’s features and which—according to the experts—will enhance America’s ability to compete with China in the new century. In other words, Washington is counting on the IMEC to preserve America’s preeminent place in the global order and to assist the US in its broader ambition to economically contain China."

(We have to contain China so it remains as the Workshop to the World because we can't be bothered to make our own stuff; it would reduce our quality of life? Dunno.)

Whitney continues,

"[The] so-called Abraham Accords are merely a subset of this broader economic integration strategy. The Accords were aimed at normalizing relations between Israel and its Arab neighbors so that traditional rivals would all agree to work collaboratively on the same integration project. But, of course, Israel’s 11 month-long rampage in Gaza has obliterated any hope of Arab leaders working with Israel regardless of pressure from the United States. Just last week, Saudi Arabia—which is a key node in the IMEC—announced that it was ‘calling it quits’ and would suspend all efforts to establish diplomatic relations with Israel."

Yes, IMEC runs through the green corridor on Netanyahu's "Blessing" map presented at the UN, in contradistinction to the BRI which runs through the black corridor on Netanyahu's "Curse" map.

So does Hochstein want a regional war, or the perception of its inevitability? Dunno.

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Interesting perspective. It seems clear that the Anglo-Zionists are not interested in a may-the-best-man-win approach to economic activity. They'd rather win through coercion.

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…or through “extermination,” per Col MacGregor. Swatting a fly will never feel quite the same.

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Mac has undergone a change in his perspective over this past year, and use of terms like "extermination" signal that change, IMO. A scales falling from eyes kinda thing.

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Thank you for this article. It is always interesting to hear MacGregor speak. He does well on Judge Nap. But him and Davis are like, for me, the "its old home week show". The military culture really comes out . They start using the concepts of delineation between the Tactical, Operational and Strategic fight. And watching Davis is really good stuff. Ever notice how tries to lead the guest into "predictive analysis"? He is good at it.,

Its like LTC Dubois pointing his stump of an arm at you and asking that question...

" Well Battle Staff Officer , what is your analysis on what will be the possible: primary, secondary and tertiary effects of the action taken?"


One item of interest is the Chinese. What will be the Chinese reaction to the Israelis destroying Iran's oil industry????


Reasonable man theory says, one would assume that with China's unquenchable thirst for oil, that their position on this matter would not only be no , but hell no. We will see. It will only get more interesting.

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I agree that DD and Mac have a special complementary dynamic going.

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We seem to be coincident with Israel at this point in history. We can't have Christian Nationalism, but we can have Christian Zionism.

The narrative that Israel is always the innocent victim is working better than Iron Dome.

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"this orthodox Mackinder based vision of the world" you perfectly encapsulated it, Mark. This neocon fever dream has always centered around Russia and it is complete and utter madness. Blinken, Sullivan, Nuland, et al, are what I call the "second generation neocons" dedicated to this delusion.

Something I've been wondering about: we're sending millions to the Taliban in Afghanistan every week. They have our kit & equipment and reportedly there are approximately 30+ training camps for AQ/ISIS (our tax dollars at work!). If it all kicks off in the ME (even more than what's going on now), whose side will these jihadists be on? Would they choose to sit this one out or would this conflict, if it spreads, be what finally blurs the line between Sunni & Shiite forces?

Plane geek stuff: between Sept 30 & Oct 2 there were many flights of numerous Russian & Iranian gov't planes between Moscow/Yerevan/Tehran. They were definitely travelling & meeting face to face. Including an Iranian jet that left Moscow the morning after the reported late-night Russian Security Council meeting the other night.

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The Taliban are our friends now. We pay them to keep quiet and commit humanitarian crimes. We will leverage this relationship in due time. Perhaps a new air base for future use.

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I question if the Biden Administration is strongly behind Israel. My guess they are being strong armed and have no choice due to Israeli influence in politics, especially in this period of key fund raising. They don’t want to be seen as the administration that betrayed Israel.

They are probably terrified of a spike in oil prices due to the Gulf of Hormuz being closed and/ or Iranian oil installations before the election. They are doing every manipulation they can think of to keep the price of oil low. From draining the U.S. strategic oil reserve to…

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In other words… Politics.

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Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Georgia, Syria, Myanmar, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Balochistan, Ukraine, Venezuela, Gaza, Lebanon and now Iran.

One wonders how the Pentagon sees these conflicts, is this what winning looks like? Maybe they’re happy just to see these regions disrupted, sow civil discord and degrade the capacity for unified states to act as sovereign actors.

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I am too busy fighting my personal battle with coma inducing current events to comment other than to say sincerely, Thank You, for your continued deep dive research on all of this.

As I stated to my ex friend who labeled me a "Putin lover", it's hard to stomach the decision to choose a war as a chess move.

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I heard that only three people died in Israel from the Iranian missiles (and one was actually a Gazan). Imagine the care as well as precision. Netanyahu is bent on a campaign of Israeli destruction, not the destruction of his enemies.

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Google Iranian missile falls on man.

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MacGregor is right, the Iranians and their allies have yet to comprehend the enormity of Israel-US intentions for the region. By being diplomatic and simply 'making a statement' they squandered the initiative for meaningful deterrence. Hopefully it won't come back to bite them.

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Wars are now unwinnable: May 14, 2018, “John McCain: A Life Wasted?“ by Raul Ilargi Meijer, The Automatic Earth blog

"McCain’s main tragedy is that he didn’t learn the one lesson he should have learned about his time in Vietnam, and didn’t turn his back on warfare. Instead, he turned into the biggest and loudest pro-war campaigner in Washington for decades.

Talk about a missed opportunity, a life wasted. If there was one person who was presented with the first-hand experience needed to turn against bloodshed, it was John McCain.

What’s more, during his time in the House and later the Senate, McCain completely missed out on a development that might yet have changed his mind.

That is, wars became unwinnable.

Something even that the US losing their war in Vietnam might have taught him. It entirely passed him by. McCain still never saw an opportunity to wage battle somewhere, anywhere on the planet, that he didn’t like.

That makes him a dinosaur and a fossil who should never have been allowed to remain in the Senate for as long as he did. At the age of 81, and after ‘serving’ for 35 years in Washington, it apparently becomes too difficult to see how the world outside changes, let alone to adapt to those changes....

Moreover, if wars are unwinnable, but you incessantly call for new wars anyway, then regardless of moral issues about going to war in the first place,

you have de facto become a threat to your own people and your own country

that you purport to serve. Especially, and first of all, to the American soldiers you desire to send out there to fight those wars. But also a threat to the image of America around the globe.

When wars are unwinnable, there is no reason to fight them.

Again, even apart from morals and ethics. You will have to find other ways to deal with ‘elements’ that feel and act less than friendly towards you. To find out what, it helps to realize that they understand it’s just as futile for them to attack you militarily as it is for you to attack them. It also helps to figure out why they are unfriendly.

What doesn’t help is to take yet another stab at Putin and say “Vladimir Putin is an evil man, and he is intent on evil deeds”, as McCain does in a forthcoming book. If that’s the best you can do, your best-by date has long since passed.

That’s language fit for a 4-year old. And George W."...https://www.theautomaticearth.com/2018/05/a-life-wasted/

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I agree that McCain certainly seems to have been tragically misguided in hindsight. Which of our many wars which he advocated during his tenure in Congress did we unambiguously 'win', including where the result was an improvement in the lives of the people in whose country we were making war? Was there a single one?

I must say that I find the absence of a full-throated anti-war movement in the US today somewhat surprising. For starters, war, and especially 'voluntary' war, is so unquestionably barbaric that enlightened human beings have always opposed it. Especially when the war results in large numbers of civilian and non-combatant deaths (as are resulting in Ukraine, Gaza, and Lebanon).

Many Americans have openly opposed many wars in the past. Fifty years ago a broad-based and grassroots anti-war movement was undoubtedly a proximate cause of the end of the Vietnam War.

Yet today anti-war sentiment in the US is surprisingly muzzled. Neither Presidential candidate is running on an explicitly anti-war platform and their true intentions with respect to the numerous wars we are supporting today are masked by indirection, innuendo, and, in the case of Israel, outright support. In the VP debate the other night the Ukraine war was not even discussed, notwithstanding the undoubted enormous costs (direct and indirect) of the war to the US and the very uncertain, not to say chimerical, benefits.

And the reports of gratuitous civilian killings in the Middle East war are so horrifying that it is surprising there is not a massive outcry in opposition.

At the same time that so-called micro-aggressions in woke Western schools, universities and workplaces are called out as offenses for which the perpetrator can be literally 'cancelled', a few million war-related casualties and the destruction of billions of dollars of property are...well, ok.

We do live in interesting times.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

I was happy to see an article today, 10/3, in EADaily about a big anti-war rally in Berlin, Germany. Headline, ""NATO is engaged in genocide!": thousands of anti-war rally held in Berlin." Protesters demanded that Germany “stop supply of weapons to Bandera regime in Ukraine,” no more US missiles, stop lies about Putin, Russia should be our friend.


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I've also noticed the absence of an anti-war movement or party. Such was very big in 1960s and early 70s. There was a draft lottery in 1969. I read somewhere that they figured out that anti-war protests would end if they ended the draft. Dr. King was assassinated because of his anti-war work, going to UN to try to get them to force US to stop bombing Vietnam. During 8 years of George Bush #2 there were anti-Iraq war protests every weekend but the protests ended as soon as Obama was elected. There's an anti-war blog but it's mainly a news site. I see the only hope of separating US taxpayers from the Pentagon is breakup of US into at least 3 separate countries.

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Amazing segment on DD / Hoh. Video of Christiana Amanpour talking to Prez of Lebanon, who sez:

Hezb told US and French they agreed to ceasefire proposals. US told Hezb that Netanyahu also agreed. Nasrallah went to bunker to hammer out details with military leadership, US/Israel took him out. Think about that.

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She’s full of crap. She’s the worst.

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Outrageously wicked!

They are FIENDS.

We are seeing the demons of hell--in human flesh on this earth.

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That’s the U.S. dishonest, deceitful, treacherous.

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hard to "like" this revelation but agree with JM: wow.

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Listening to DD and Hoh. DD says he heard that Israel - US used up a years worth of missile interceptor *production*. How long can that go on? Also, DD referenced reports of heavy Israeli casualties just trying to enter Lebanon.


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I learned here today that digital clouds can be created to hide physical things on the surface of this planet.

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