No worries. Trump has a tight leash on Li’l Marco. The delusions will be continued in the form of chatter such as this from Marco, but reality will dictate action. As Mercouris says, Trump must distance himself from this mess and take care of the MAGA agenda at home, a far more compelling need.

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Excellent article. The delusional thinking in Washington and London continues despite their overwhelming failure to cow or destroy Russia. The idea that Russia will accept a ceasefire or will negotiate with America and make concessions is asinine. People like this are dangerous because of their failure to learn from their and others mistakes. Of course that’s a difficult thing to do when you’re incapable of recognising those mistakes in the first place. Perhaps cosying up to Nazis wasn’t such a good idea after all.

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“Nothing good can come of hidden practices which negate the stated mission.”

Truer words…,

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How many times did Sen. Lil Marco vote aye for funding the slaughter in Ukraine ? Now nominee Lil Marco sez the war must end . . .

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Don't they call that cognitive dissonance, TK?

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Trump may be humiliated in negotiations with Russia if he thinks that side-deal-making out of the public eye will add to his aura of lovability with his supporters. Giving Witkoff the message to Netanyahu that zero-click hacking software is permissible for US Government bureaucrats to freely use in their sneaky deepstate undertakings is an ugly action on Trump's behalf, just for the talking point of making peace before he's formally "on the job" (as POTUS). Kevork Almassian discussed this portion of the cease-fire deal between Hamas and Israel on Judging Freedom. He names the related super-kill hacking technologies: Lavander and Call Your Daddy (e.g. the exploding cell phone tech). Also, if Trump told Witkoff to whisper into Bibi's ear that re-starting the war in Gaza would be acceptable/supported by US Govt., then, Trump is not promoting peace; he's going to get steamrolled for bait-and-switching behavior. Nothing good can come of hidden practices which negate the stated mission.

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Totally agree.

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This seems encouraging--we'll need to see the replacement:

House Speaker Mike Johnson booted Rep. Mike Turner as Chairman of the House Intel Committee at Trump’s request, WaPo reported.

“Speaker Mike Johnson has removed Mike Turner as chair House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, three people familiar with the decision tell POLITICO. Turner has been an outspoken advocate for Ukraine funding and other hawkish national security stances.” – Politico reported.

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In fairness to Rubio he's only just skimmed the first chapter of "Diplomacy for Dummies".


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I’ve never thought of Rubio as particularly brilliant, especially in foreign affairs. But he is more capable than Blinken and Sullivan.

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There's a DEI hire for every ethnicity, but white unless you can wear a skirt and twerk for the kiddies..

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It clouds the issue of Empire when we debate which is a better Toadwart.

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The Russians are direct, clear, and firm in their statements about ending the war in Ukraine.

The Americans' speech about bringing an end to the war is muddled. The US diplomats cannot commit...they talk in general terms and mixed messages.

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When U.S. diplomats face a tough foe who is serious and direct and not in it for the money, but for country they get stumped pretty easily. When your time horizon is the next quarter and your opponent is thinking 20-100 years out they are clueless.

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Jan 15Edited

Hey Mark - don't waste your valuable time on that Little Popcorn Fart Rubio. I realize you have to report the news but keep in mind, he's always been a puppet and a totally desperate wanna-be. That man has never uttered the truth or his own thoughts a day in his entire life. It's clear the only reason they brought him in is because he's such a patsy especially when the shit hits the fan. The NYT did a great piece on him back in 2016 when he was running against Trump. He personifies the term PUTZ a total piece of shit. Did they bring up the fact he was sleeping with all his students when he was teaching at that college during the hearings?

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Leave it to the Russians - they’re more than able to handle Rubio. But you have to ask if Trump chose him more as a close ally and supporter and that in the end, when the rubber hits the road in negotiations, Trump himself will take the wheel?…pure speculation.

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I believe that the upcoming negotiation, and its outcome, will be all Trump.

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I can't even SEE Putin agreeing to meeting with him. A) Can you imagine the size of this popcorn farts ego being appointed to SOS? B) Rubio doesn't know his ass from his elbow and Putin would wipe the floor with him. I can only imagine what Putin would say in Russian to everyone else in the room - talk about a great SNL skit.

Little Marco nothing more than a messenger.

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