Thank you, Mark for staying with the real story that is brilliantly laid out by TL. What do all the poster here who doubted, have to say now? Would you all like some sauce with your CROW?

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Thank you, Mark for staying with the real story that is brilliantly laid out by TL. What do all the poster here who doubted, have to say now? Would you all like some sauce with your CROW?

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Wow. This post and its links has been very illuminating. More and more pieces of the puzzle falling into place. If this is an accurate analysis of what’s really going on, it’s, dare I say, darned encouraging. So the Fed got control of the faucet? The faucet that gushed out countless “leveraged recycled offshore dollars coming back into the country to fund NGOs, summers of violence, politically connected AG campaigns, buying elections, vote fraud… migrant trains, fentanyl trade, the whole nine yards”? With the globalist commie cabal in control of just about every major power center in the entire West, J. Powell may be the last man standing against them. If so, he’s certainly in the right position as Fed chairman. TL concedes there are other faucets, but he got three of them, bound to put a considerable dent in the corrupt money flows. Still don’t know if it’ll be enough to turn the tide but we’ll see. If nothing else, it’s a great start - take away the money and you take away the power.

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If the enemy of my enemy is my friend...does that mean Jay Powell and Vlad Putin are besties?

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So does it make any sense to think of the reportedly impending Trump indictment/arrest as part of this gang war? These are his guys, after all, that just gave the Davosauros a haircut.

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SVB loans - sorta like a home equity loan- they keep the money while you draw it out.

But it makes no sense for a borrower to put it back in the bank (any bank) - they pay you 0.05%; you pay them 5% (assuming that's what the Big Guys can get).

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On a possibly related note (at least wrt the global financial war), did anyone see the March 19th article in Medium about Europe siphoning trillions of dollars from the US stock market via naked short-selling? I can't say I understood a whole lot of it...

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I had a Joe Kennedy in the elevator moment recently when I went to the local Philadelphia area credit union financing my new SUV purchase to open a savings account (accounts to lower my rate was the deal). The place was packed, and I had to wait for someone to help me, so I listened. Literally everyone was opening a savings account paying 3.25% (not as high as MMFs but hey....) Cash massively moving into this institution, and this must be happening all over the US. Disinflationary? I think so. JPow at work.

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Danielle DiMartino Booth




(Has JY just tacitly asked JP to be a nice boy and not hike?)

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TL is right.

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Tom, bless him, does like his big, convoluted big conspiracies. Maybe he's right, but from my lowly vantage point, the impression I have is that most of the big players are totally overwhelmed by the scale of events and are flying by the seat of their pants. If Powell holds out against the massive pressure that is coming his way to restart QE, then I'll give Tom his fair due.

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Tom Luongo’s most recent blog post adds some details:


As well as a patreon post he made public:


The CS deal Tom posits killed the AT1/coco tranche/ bonds, that were backstopping EU Banks for their capital requirements.

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