Next the Supremes need to rein in all the power abuses perpetuated in the name of stopping COVID.

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This process starts in the lower courts. FDA? CDC? Why not? And if the lower courts make the right rulings the cases never get to the SCOTUS.

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It’s great, in theory, that lawmaking returns to congress the only problem is our congress no longer knows how to legislate.

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"Cottage industry." For once the courts have created a niche, remunerative market for lawyers who will have right wing proclivities.

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I am less optimistic about the effects- I fully expect the Democrats, should they win the election this November, will simply ignore the court ruling en masse. This is part of the reason for the escalating attacks on the court itself- it is battlespace prep for two actions; (1) packing the court if the Dems can win the White House, House, and Senate; (2) ignoring court ruling altogether if they can't accomplish #1.

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Court packing is extremely unpopular. Ignoring rulings is a legit concern, but I believe it would also backfire. However, I can't say your concern isn't legit.

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Late Monday, US District Judge James D. Cain Jr. in Louisiana ruled in favor of Louisiana and 15 other red states that had challenged the "temporary pause" on new LNG export licenses. Donald Trump appointed Judge Cain, who wrote that the pause "is completely without reason or logic and is perhaps the epiphany of ideocracy."

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What a wonderful post! It engenders hope, which is priceless. The following came to my mind (although I don't mean to be sacrilegious in the sense of potentially misapplying a sacred text to a secular subject):

"The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day." (Proverbs 4:18).

Thank you.

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Working as an engineer, I encountered the famous administrative ruling that puddles could be waters of the United States if visited by geese because geese were interstate commerce.

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Yep, the whole waterways and wetlands scam has been misapplied all the way from the federal government down to local county and city governments. Usually, it has been nothing but a poor excuse for these governments to exercise a ridiculous level of control over real estate (often at the behest of their crony real estate developers).

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