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While we wait for more shoes to drop in Durham world, you and your readers might enjoy this tidbit via TechnoFog:

>> https://twitter.com/Techno_Fog/status/1334530153435820037 <<

note the curious reference to DNC email dropped on wikileaks, "that was our guys" from unknown to FBI's Boone.

Unknown then talks about the emails Wikileaks put out "on Friday" (which would be the 22nd of July) getting the DNC woman fired.

Boone corrects unknown by noting she "respectfully resigned..."

This almost certainly coincides with <b>Alexandra Chalupa resigning from DNC in the wake of wikileaks DNC email drop in July.</b>

Unfortunately, there is no insight into what "that was our guys" refers to in regard to the DNC email drop by wikileaks on 22 July.

The $64K question re: Chalupa is why would Boone and unknown FBI personnel be familiar with Chalupa, and why would they take notice of her departure from DNC employment subsequent to the DNC emails dropping on 22 July via wikileaks? <b>Why is Chalupa on their "radar" at all at this time?</b>

She was instrumental, as I recall, in getting the fabricated Ukrainian "black ledger" into the hands of DOJ to use against Manafort.


>> “A lot more coming down the pipe,” Chalupa wrote a top DNC official on May 3, 2016, recounting her effort to educate Ukrainian journalists and Isikoff about Manafort.

Then she added, “More offline tomorrow since there is a big Trump component you and Lauren need to be aware of that will hit in next few weeks and something I’m working on you should be aware of.”

Less than a month later, the “black ledger” identifying payments to Manafort was announced in Ukraine, forcing Manafort to resign as Trump’s campaign chairman and eventually to face criminal prosecution for improper foreign lobbying.

DNC officials have suggested in the past that Chalupa’s efforts were personal, not officially on behalf of the DNC. But Chalupa’s May 2016 email clearly informed a senior DNC official that she was “digging into Manafort” and she suspected someone was trying to hack into her email account. <<

>> https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/441892-ukrainian-embassy-confirms-dnc-contractor-solicited-trump-dirt-in-2016 <<

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Unfortunately, Techno Fog's comment is correct--impossible at our distance to tell what "our guys" really means. The fact that Chalupa was so instrumental in the DNC's Ukraine ops at the same time that the FBI was also looking into Ukraine matters may explain their familiarity with her.

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