Joe calls in to say he's still "running"


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When you say pressure on Biden, you’re talking Dr Jill and the crackhead, right? I don’t think the big guy can even count his 10% anymore.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Funny how the Dims see the light just before an election that they realize they could lose bigly, and to Trump! If time were not of the essence, this pathetic sharade would likely continue…it’s a tough call, because as lots of us with experience of a family member with dementia know, the sufferer can become, as we see with Zhou, even more stubborn, cantankerous, irascible and nasty - doubling down as it were in character flaws he’s had since his lunchbox days…I think the pressure to get him to step down (watch those stairs!) must play to his overweening narcissism, totally adulatory, and be expressed in simplistic language, the “canned” expressions he uses (C’mon, indispensable nation…etc) to be successful. Anyway, we shall see. Should be fun watching the media trying to keep a straight face…

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Couldn't resist (after the Magic Sam post) plugging my favorite Chicago blues guy, political considerations aside. Also, couldn't resist plugging Koko Taylor along with the "dog":


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Definitely. These are bluesy times.

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OT: “Allies will reaffirm that Ukraine’s future is in NATO [and] will make significant new announcements about how we’re increasing NATO’s military, political, and financial support for Ukraine,”


They are insane.

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…and this is exactly what caused the war in the first place…! Hopefully the “bridge membership” will go down like the Key Bridge in Baltimore Harbor…

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And evil. They’d fit the mold of a classic Bond villain . . . if they weren't also incredibly stupid.

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Yup. And can’t wait for Oliver Stone’s version of all this…

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That was my prediction made in various forums- if Biden can last out the next week he is the nominee.

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Would seem if they’re serious about dumping Bai Den then drumming up evidence of his grifting from China/Ukraine/et al shouldn’t be difficult to leak to the media in an orchestrated fashion.

Re: Meathead - here’s the skinny on this guy: friend of mine was a secretary @ Castle Rock Entertainment back in the early aughts. She said Reiner would come in every day ranting & raving about Shrub II. Producing feature films wasn’t his main focus, politics was. She said the guy is a real nut case, obsessed a’la Ahab with The White Whale. His unhinged behavior got so bad she complained to Warner Bros (parent company) HR & they did nothing because he’s Rob Reiner. She wound up retiring. She couldn’t stand to be in the same room with him & neither could anyone else.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

So he really was, I mean is, a meathead!

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