"This is just unfathomable. The rulers of America, the Uniparty, decided that this man was good enough to fill the post of POTUS."

Not unfathomable to me. In his present condition, he is easy to control and pliable. As an added bonus, whoever is controlling him (Obama, Jarrett.......) can stay neatly in the shadows.

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Something is rotten in Denmark.

All of a sudden It's become too easy for Mr. Orange. Either a deal's been made somewhere between who knows who or everyone had a brain fart at the same time.

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The ruling class conceding the Oval Office to Trump? No way!

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I couldn't get my fingers to type the name of the gov of michigan, but that seems the only remotely plausible pick. I see you tab her as a loser, too. I still don't buy that the DS is shiifting to Trump. I don't believe they could trust him. Granted, it's possible all he really wants is the title, but that wasn't the way he was first time around. I remain skeptical, although I see your argument.

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May 24·edited May 24

Also, whether the Deep State is for or against him, it's not like they can just snap their fingers and magically transform support from Trump to Biden. Yes, I know our countrymen are sheep, but they aren't led that neatly, turning on a dime. It's the cost of gas, the failure of electric cars, inflation for everything, Israeli genocide, LGBT tyranny, woke fever, fewer good job prospects......

Biden's been a dumpster fire and sometimes you can't polish a turd.

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They could do a '28 trial run for someone just as much as someone takes the hit for the team and will get rewarded later elsewhere.

I think the DS shifted to Trump over a month ago (Barr fawning to get a jig in a future admin was the giveaway, for me).

I don't think trust has anything to do with it. Unless we think the DS is someone else's pawn, which I sincerely doubt, they adopted the "if you can't beat him, then join him" adage. The DS plays on all sides (if they can).

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OK, thanks. One piece of info. that seems relevant is how the Repubs. have become 100 percent behind Israel's genocide. That may be be part of their deal with the devil. We'll know more after we see if Trump walks in NYC.

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Oh, I understood that was part of your reasoning, but I'm not sure whether that's a condition of the Deep State. It would be a condition of The Lobby, and that's a matter of campaign funding--not the Deep State pulling the strings. The Dems officially are behind the genocide, it's just that they have a few more dissenters than the GOP.

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I think the best explanation of the DS is that they control the wind. And you can either walk with the wind behind you or in your face, whichever you find easier, and if you're not well grounded, it'll blow you away.

Maybe I'm confusing Bluto as DS vs lobby, but all 3 trials falling apart at around the same time. It's a train wreck. For me it's like the wind changed for Trump.

Or maybe it was all an elaborate hoax to give Trump a hero's journey.

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And I do think you stretch things a bit when you say that Bluto "endorsed" Trump.

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I don’t see how they take Biden out at the convention and replace with whoever it is, they would like to. Now my scenario would be after the convention, they find a way to ease him out, and then the DNC committee would choose the new candidate and avoid anything and everything at a convention. You can be sure they would have all that worked out an advance on who they wanted, and it will be Michelle Obama because she doesn’t want to work or do anything in the public guy? She’s got her life just like she wants it. So that’s not gonna leave a lot of choices out there he would have Gavin Newsom., maybe Andrew Cuomo, the god-awful Hillary Clinton would be waiting in the wings finally for her chance. The Democrats have a pretty weak bench of candidates to pick from. Of course the Republicans aren’t any better because they’re offering Trump.

My problem with both of these guys is that neither one or addressing the really most pressing issues we have and those are the fiscal ones we have in Congress.

I predict Joe Biden will have a disastrous debate with Donald Trump and it can only get better if they finally allow Bob Kennedy in there who would probably wipe the floor with both of them .

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May 24·edited May 24

They could easily solve their Biden dilemma by taking away his Secret Service detail on August 31 and telling him that Baskin-Robbins gives 31% off of ice cream on the 31st in all months that have a 31st day. He'd wander off and problem solved.

Kind of mean of me to make reference to his mental deterioration, but after almost four years of him, his lawfare, his speech with the red background, his abortion fixation and all that, he kind of deserves it. Especially the hell he put me through my last year of working at NGA when I refused to get his 'vaccine.'

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June debate on the heels of 2 Hunter Biden trials. How will Zhou focus for the debate?

Trump demands drug testing for Zhou. Watch him bow out on this 1 demand especially after all the conditions Zhou's set.

Gov Newsom's speech at the climate conf in Italy was full of Trump bed wetting. My money's on Gavvy boy.

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Just rubbing our faces in it. Mafia government. First they steal it, then taunt us with, “what are you gonna do about it?” Step out of line and they’ll lock you up or worse, sic some three letter alphabet agency after you.

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A joke country indeed, as is Georgia with their foreigner Pres. and the entire NATO collective of vassal "states".

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Zhou says these things because The Lobby tells his handlers to have him say these things. What does that tell you?

Max Blumenthal @MaxBlumenthal

At Morehouse's commencement, Joe Biden falsely claimed he "saw pictures of [Palestinians] tying a mother and a daughter in a rope, pouring kerosene on them, burning them and watching as they died"

No such photos exist

Yet another sickening lie to justify Israel's genocide

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Yes, it's truly a sick and evil world we live in. Governments can basically declare a crime has been committed without having to provide any evidence of the crime, the corporate media spews the propaganda 24/7, then government can go and wage war and commit mass murder and genocide. I'm sickened to death that they have slaughtered 15,000 children and babies for LIES!!

And where's Trump (Mega-Zionist puppet)? Didn't he spend 4 years telling us the media was fake? Didn't he used to say that the media can lie us into wars? Now he's out there condemning anyone who doesn't believe the BS about 10/7.

America has been captured. And most Americans are too dumbed down or brainwashed to care.

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Where's the MSM fact checkers when you need them. They must have run out of Pinocchio's.

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AC those are my feelings exactly!

These clowns want us to believe that they are “journalists”, when you have a sitting POTUS who is clearly a clueless buffoon who actually thinks that he was VP when Covid hit and BHO was President, yet the proud members of the Fourth Estate have nothing to say?? Oh, and did I mention that they just can’t understand why the public has nothing but contempt for them.

What a truly despicable bunch of political hacks.

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It is just so much drama to take away your attention or even knowledge of the real American Government (unincorporated) that has assembled in every state and gaining momentum. Biden or Trump it doesn’t matter, that foreign corporation is bankrupt. Our Republic is coming alive again and it’s time for everyone to pay attention and realize we are self governing and we need to take charge of our employees who are destroying the country.

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