T remember reading that President Trump was intent on furthering a Main Street economy, with local credit unions for example, as opposed to Wall Street and the Big Banks. He definitely had to go.

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Apr 1, 2022·edited Apr 1, 2022

Would it be sacrilegious to suggest that the Biden regime has just catalyzed the final death rattle of the USD? This has obviously been coming for decades. Each congress has been kicking the can down the road knowing that the Baby Boomer retirement wave would destroy the national fisc unless spending were reduced. Ten years ago, even just paring spending back to a 1% annual growth rate would have balanced the budget in five years or so--but nobody would face the wrath of the ignorant voters that doing so would have required.

Milton Freidman had it right--we need a system structured so that even bad people do the right thing. Guess what? Our system is exactly the opposite. Good people get to D.C. and realize that everyone is doing the wrong thing--so they may as well, too. Obama and Harry Reid destroyed what was left of the appropriations process in favor of the CR (continuing resolution). In so doing, the $850 billion so-called 'stimulus' got baked into the annual spending baseline and each year additional growth above that baseline was added. That's why Obama's deficits were so massive. No budget or appropriations bills have been passed in over a decade. With the elimination of that last remaining braking / control mechanism the end of the USD was accelerated forward a few decades. Being at the end of the Baby Boom generation, I suppose I should have realized that none of what Titus calls "the social contract" would be adhered to. I'm not feeling sorry for myself. I'm incensed for what is going to be done to my children and grandchildren. There must be consequences even if it tears what's left of the social fabric.

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Non US Dollar Currency Settlements pressure has been building for a while.

I expect India to have one finalized with Russia within a week.

Pakistan probably will follow suit, since they have heavy Saudi influence.

Brazil and Turkey I also expect to follow suit, since they need Russian Fertilizer.

Probably also Egypt, since they import so much food. And also Saudi Arabia is a huge influence.

This article is from 2017...


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First thing I saw this morning was US farmers are switching from corn to soybeans to save on fertilizer.

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“Suicidal”, pretty much sums it up! Every foreign policy decision, every domestic policy decision and every financial policy decision seems to be pushing this country towards self destruction. The irony of the whole thing is that our elected officials seem perfectly content to let this whole thing play out without putting up anything more than token resistance. Whether it’s an electronic EMP or a financial one that leads to that destruction, the fools in charge don’t seem to be bothered in the least. With apologies to Aesop, a fool and his money are soon parted, along with his country and his life. Madness!

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You may want to read this article.


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Agrees with my understanding. It leaves out Bush’s impact / ideology that home ownership would catapult people out of poverty.

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