The reason I trust this man's judgement and insights is because he says "I don't know" a lot. Speaks to wisdom.and experience.

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Having worked and consulted -- very naively -- for government entities in the build-up to the gigantic mortgage implosion of 2008 - 2009, I have learned that the interest of most politicians and almost all of the interest groups that support them is solely for themselves. The " impulse and emotion" are advertising slogans to sell the well-meaning and good-hearted fools who make up the populace to support those self-interested policies. The people running the show know exactly what they want for themselves, and their policies to accomplish that are excellent. What it does to our country means nothing to them. I am not exaggerating.

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Definitely worth watching. I was impressed with the Colonel's retelling of Eisenhower's advice to Kennedy, Ike told JFK to be a good butcher or find someone else to be your butcher, to rid his administration of bad actors. The colonel also correctly observed that Trump was too nice and trusting, not a butcher, to our detriment.

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Was/is there anyone in Washington who could be trusted?

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