In the spirit of popourri - the more I come to understand about Malthusians, the more malthusian I become about Malthusians - this ideology and the proponents need to be put out of our misery.

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Read today where Congressman James Clyburn from South Carolina decided to visit 10 ballot centers in Wisconsin recently. Beloit, Madison, and Milwaukee. Why would a Rep from South Carolina visit Wisconsin? For the cheese? For the New Glarus Spotted Cow brew? A traditional Supper club?

No, his visit is to make clear there will be no "audit" paper trail to ballot stuffing post election.

Seems to me a sign that the "barnstorming" has started whether it be Barry or his surrogate Clyburn.

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Someone's got to make sure the Dominion machines are connected to the internet and that the windows are all cardboarded up.

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I saw that. Not hiding it either. Dems lurch from one corrupt f-up to another. To hell with the country.

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"By the way, I'm proud to be the, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman, served with a black president, proud of the first black woman in the Supreme Court."

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Haha! Intersectionality über alles! Even for those that aren't.

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Like the cowboys used to say : dig 2 graves.

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William Dalrymple @DalrympleWill

Israel announces largest-ever West Bank land appropriation, dispossessing Palestinians yet again

https://timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/israel-announces-largest-ever-west-bank-land-appropriation/… via @timesofisrael

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Hmmm... I'm getting a 404 (Not Found) error on that link.

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"The bigger question is not whether he should run for reelection. I think that's already done, it's already over. The debate performance and all of these senior Democratic conversations since that time have made it irreversible. He he can't go back on and have any chance to win. It'll only get worse. The bigger question to me, the one that's more important, is: Can he even stay in office until January of next year? I don't know that he can."

It is hard to argue with this. It has been impossible for me to shake the idea that someone set up Biden by scheduling the early debate and that the media (for example, NYT) was all lined up to call for his stepping down. Too many have known of Zhou's true mental state. Something of this magnitude politically doesn't just happen overnight. It was planned and coordinated well ahead of time.

Still, no one can possibly think that Kamala can function as President (acting or otherwise). Maybe that is the idea - to get the current acting President (Dr. Jill) out of the way so they have a controllable entity in the Oval Office. So, what happens next?

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It's hard to tell with the Dems. They are evil enough to have set up Joe and Jill, but they are also stupid enough to have believed their own propaganda about Joe being sharp as a needle.

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The Empire of Lies has officially become a laughingstock, as evidenced by the Chinese professor who laughed his ass off while watching the "debate" !!! I probably should have watched it, I need as much humor as I can get these days.

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LJ and DD discuss Trump's claim that he would end the war on Russia before he was even inaugurated. Here's my take on that. Trump now feels confident that the Russia Hoax won't work a second time. Instead, he's playing a bit of political judo. By getting out front on the peace issue with Russia, Trump is possibly freezing whoever the Dem candidate is. If they try to pivot to peace, they'll be, in effect, saying 'Me too!' to Trump.

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Maybe, but Trump claims a lot of things.

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Hmm. Trumps claim that "he" would end the war before inauguration reminds of Reagan

He was giving his inaugural address and announced the hostages from Tehran were on a plane airborne to Germany.

Or at least. thay is how I remember it. Granted, I was much younger then politically naive and had a belief in the goodness and of the US. It was the Shining Light on the Hill. Sigh...

Trump is not Reagan. Iran in 1980 is not the Iran of today. The Wall came down, and from the rubble and ash rose the Russian Federation.

Putin has long taken measure of the US and the West. What he actually thinks of Trump will never be revealed.

Putin is in no way scared of the US or Trump. Putin and Dmitry M are probably rolling their eyes at the bombastic bragging.

I think Trump is making promises his diplomatic and geopolitical strategy skills can't cash.

Watching Trump and Putin will be highly entertaining.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 5

It’s going to get much worse for the U.S. in Ukraine before the November election. And the only choice the Biden Administration will do is doubling down, increasing the pressure on Russia. Expect more economic sanctions and Weapon deliveries.

Trump is smart to position himself as not responsible for the Ukraine mess.

I doubt there will be much of a change in Ukraine due to uk and French elections, but I hope I’m wrong.

I am surprised on the U.S. deploying medium range missiles to Russia, crazy. Typical U.S. escalation of sending Russia a message! As mentioned in a previous post of Marks.

The Chinese elite laughing - how apt. Unfortunately as a U.S. citizen, I feel more like crying.

Do these idiots realize the reputational damage they have doing been doing to U.S. elections, monetary, and justice systems?

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Maybe they don't realize the damage they're doing. Maybe they don't care. Maybe they're not intelligent. Maybe they think that they know everything. Or, as in a multiple choice test question, E. All of the above.

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@Ray, @It's Just, @ML, @Mark, @History Lass

Pls try this theory on for size.

Several years ago Vladimir Putin was asked by Oliver Stone what he thought of the continuing insults hurled at him and Russia by American politicians.

In what I thought was a very candid response, he replied: they don't bother me at all. I know they are just lies coughed up for domestic American political consumption.

In this vein, I'll venture to say...Let's not take the escalatory comments of American political figures too seriously. They think they have to be hawks to get the American electorate to vote for them. They're all afraid to be perceived as anti-war wimps. This includes both parties. Other than Rand Paul and Thomas Massie and MTG and...I hate to say it, RFKJr, nearly everyone.

Who's kidding who here? In the video Mark recommends, Danny Davis and Larry Johnson say (if I remember the numbers correctly) that they think the Ukrainians have suffered 600,000 fatalities and maybe 2 million non-fatal casualties. They think the volume of PTSD cases suffered by the surviving male Ukrainian population will wreck the country for decades. The war is an utter and total disaster. And we really think it can be 'won' by escalation?

In reality, I believe American foreign policy makers and generals are in fact not 'stupid', nor do they want a hot war with Russia. More to the point, they know that at this juncture in time they cannot win a hot war with Russia. Let alone a nuclear war. So, they are not going to really double down. They're just going to act like it to try to win the election.

Somehow we have drifted into this bizarro world here in the USA where our politicians will say anything to us to get elected, without any connection to the truth. Both parties do it, and they do it all the time. The media (in particular, the so-called investigative reporters) is complicit and so the liars are never called out.

I do think its a dangerous game, however, as the lies compound, and the likelihood of mistakes and misunderstandings increases. Not every one is as insightful and disciplined as Vladimir Putin when they are attacked or insulted.

As Sir Walter Scott is thought to have said, "Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive."

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The bizarro world. That's it. I used to read comic books and you nailed it. That or WWF wrestling.

One thing that definitely isn't funny is the death and devastation they wrought on the Ukrainian people. By non-fatal casualties, I guess we are talking men who are physically maimed.

Who will answer for all the evil that's been done in our name?

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In any case, the Zhou residency has more and more blood - Russian and Ukrainian, on its hands and there’ll be no “out damned spot” moment to “account” for all the cynical maniacal butchery. As Zhou withers on the vine, our man in Kiev has changed his tune too: many dead and wounded, peace plan needed…huh? The fates are busy spinning their web, first coming for Zhou, then Zel…a hideous spectacle for us as Americans, and for the world.

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Yes to all that you stated.

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But will the "Residency" not continue on ? All that has happened in these past 4 years were done by someone (s)other than Zhou.

So whoever, the Dems plot to replace Zhou will be, by requirement a controllable cardboard cut out.

So if the Dems prevail, nothing changes policy wise

Hearing tales that the new Prime Minister in UK, has Obama as a close mentor and advisor these past many months. Another ill wind ...

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Who knew what, when, and who will hold them responsible? Should be the big campaign issue, right? First the pivot to dump the hapless--but also evil--Zhou, then another pivot to gaslight us all to forget who did this to America.

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Well Johnson and his crowd will not be much help. They will try and make some campaign hay out of it, Few fundraising soundbites. Nothing to upset the Lobby and the gravy train. They have KNOWN all along as well. They are equally complicit.

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as per usual, the Ds and their media “mavens” will offer excuses - that’s all they have, that’s all that is on offer, that, and orange man bad…I just hope Americans will wake up to this scam - I mean, campaign? Zhou could barely get out of the basement in Wilmington 4 years ago!

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