"Good luck with this. The Cyrillic here is pronounced “Inside”. ??" Инсайд - information from an insider.

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OSINTdefender @sentdefender

At least 3 additional Teams of Russian Special Forces from the Federal Security Service and Special Rapid Response Unit have now entered the Crocus Concert Hall after it was reported that several of the Gunmen had been Discovered inside of the Building, with them Holding several Dozen of the Concertgoers as Hostages.

ayden @squatsons

Russians captured one of the shooters alive…

The absolute last person on earth I would wanna be right now. I’d rather enlist in the AFU and go sit in a trench.

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And when it turns out after a little, shall we say, interrogation, that the captured terrorist was working for Ukr/MI6/CIA...

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There may be a chain of intermediaries, and the investigation will take more than a little time.

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I would not be surprised if Russia looks at this as their own 9/11.

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Baron of the Taiga


It is worth remembering, Chechen/Dagestani terrorist groups are openly harbored by the Ukrainian government and deployed in combat. Their leaders live in Kiev.

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I’m reminded of the old adage, “be careful what you wish for”, so now that they have their war, just what do they think they are going to do with it? Ratchet up the intensity? Sorry, but you’re running low on ammo. Resort to more aggressive intimidation? Nope, your enemy has to fear you for that to work and thanks to our fearless-sorry I meant feckless-leader, that ship sailed a long time ago. How about we hit em with more crippling sanctions? So far, everything in the sanctions department has only made Russia stronger and us weaker, so doubling down on that avenue seems like a non-starter. Ok, then we just stand around with our thumb stuck up our butt until the whole thing collapses under its own weight and then we blame Trump!! I mean blaming Trump has worked so well on everything else. Right? As a last resort, maybe we could borrow Hillary’s reset button and everything would just magically disappear. I mean after all, these people are heavily into fantasy and make believe so what’s one more Sesame Street episode added to the mix?

This would all be very funny if it just wasn’t so deadly and depressingly serious.

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Eventually when all else fails our ‘leadership’ will try sanity to see if that works. Or perhaps new leadership. At that point they will be able to say ‘Stop! Or I will say Stop again!’ They will then accept the terms. Maybe what our ‘leadership’ just wants to give Alaska back to Putin.

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TERROR in Moscow

Daniel Davis / Deep Dive

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"The tragedy in Moscow can change the entire war in Ukraine, now one question remains: is there a trace of the RDK and GUR.

40 people were killed and more than 100 were injured during the terrorist attack at Crocus, where unknown people first opened fire on people and then set fire to the concert hall itself."

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Would Vlad pull a false flag like this? Are our ‘leaders’ dumb enough to do something like this?

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I would not. They do, as sponsors and providers.

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It's a bit Dr. Strangelovish:

How I learned to luv the Deep State


The ruling class has been luving the Deep State for a long time.

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Love the list at the bottom. The classic MSM wash, rinse, repeat. Makes no difference what the subject, it is always what they do.

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Say What?

Cia blocked interview of Hunters Sugar Daddy?

I wonder if Ukrainian money is being funneled through him…


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Zelensky and Ukraine learning what #FAFO really means.

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I wonder if one can order a bunker on Amazon?

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And now there are stories of US troops at China's doorstep in Taiwan. When one or two wars are not enough......

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I'm surprised at the number of normally well informed people reporting this as breaking. I wrote about this on 2/7/24, so over a month ago. But, yes, it's crazy.


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Yes, it's old news to everyone here.

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Russia will need to do something legally in order to seize territory past the Donbas.

Some of the deepstrikes in Russia may be short range drones launched by saboteurs. MI6 trained a bunch of Ukrainian forces for this role.

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Ray, I don't think Russia's intent was to move beyond the Donbass to begin with and likely not even now despite the West's escalation. If the U.S. is chastising The Ukro-Nazi regime of Ukraine for the actions taken to sabotage facilities in Russia then it's further evidence NATO is behind this and the retards in our government are in CYA mode, but they want this they just can't say it out loud.

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My guesses:

Russia will establish a buffer zone and the attempted invasion of Russia that was attempted right before the election, and decisively defeated.

Russia will be establishing a land corridor to Transnistria.

Russia will seize Odessa, making Ukraine landlocked. This will reduce the threat of Ukraine dramatically.

The only question is how long this will take.

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Yes to all.

The only 'other question' will be what becomes of what is left of Ukraine.

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Good guesses, Ray!

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This is the most corrupt, inept, morally bankrupt administration of my lifetime, and I'm old enough to remember Clinton, Carter and Nixon. We seem to think we're still dealing with Boris Yeltsin.

Of course this is war, and we're losing. In fact it's already lost. It's just a question of terms now and how many more lives must be sacrificed until we get them.

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Yup! At one time, Obama thought evil Rooskies were so 1980. We were energy independent. The border crossings were moderate, wars were winding down, inflation was tame. I don't know how one regime --Biden, can do so much damage across the policy spectrum in 4 short years, yet try to gaslight with a babbling dementia patient assuring us how everything is so great and how Trump and Putin is the real threat to democracy.

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"This is what the American Empire’s Deep State has been doing for decades, now. Supporting terrorists to effect regime change. That’s what we’ve done in the Middle East at Israel’s and the Neocons’ bidding..."

Its a shame that it will cost over a million Ukrainian, Russian, Palestinian, and Israeli lives (and perhaps in the end multiples more of their and other people's lives) to show me and the world who we really are. What 'democracy' really is.

I didn't understand how they always play the game of provocation, where they goad, and undermine, and terrorise those who they would destroy, until they finally get a response. Then they put on their white hats and go out and (attempt to) destroy. And tell the world it is for the sake of 'democracy'.

It looks like Putin won't let them get away with it here, although we may (unfortunately) still be in early innings. I really don't see the Deep State giving up.

After all, this is the face of the US Government:


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Yes, you have only to look at Jake-the-Russia-Hoax Snake’s face to see the moral and intellectual decay…I can’t bear to hear his voice as he tells Zelensky in Kyiv, “we like what you did, don’t do that again, more money will eventually be coming, so carry on, get on with destroying more lives and limbs. And all this to cover for “the Big Guy”…

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This is a really excellent exposé laying out all the gruesome details of CIA capers and our embrace, as it suited our lives mpetialist aims, of Nazis. words fail…

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our imperialist aims - sorry

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Thanks Mark for this article. Not your fault but my Friday morning is ruined. Born and raised “behind the Iron Curtain” I can just guess what’s coming. Unfortunately many of you don’t.

Growing up with Soviets tanks in our backyard I’m the last fan of Communists.

Ruskies will die before surrendering, how many times last 200 years we saw it?

Is the West ready for the same?

I’m not, neither my kids will be sacrificed for some F! vegetable in the WH!!! Period!

The war is when government tells you who the enemy is. REVOLUTION is when YOU realize who is the enemy.

Keep it coming, Mark.

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It's not for the vegetable in the White House, it's for the Zionists controlling our government.

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I'm stunned at how foolishly the former Warsaw Pact countries--and Baltics and Scandis--have behaved. Trusting the American Empire? Trusting Neocons?? Cutting themselves off from the Russian economy??? Recipe for disaster.

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For the eight years of Obama's regime my next door neighbor was a LTG on active Army duty. We had many lively conversations on geopolitics and I perceived him to be conservative. He had been transited in and out of the Balkans initially then the Baltics in the last few years he lived next door. He eventually sold his home as the time spent in the Baltics was increasing and just didn't have the time for the upkeep of his large home so he moved on. Before he moved he told me there was increasing tension in the Baltics, but did not state the specifics as I suspect he was operating in a confidential environment given his rank and knowledge. I suspect it was tied into the coup in Ukraine, but he did not comment on that. They were doing maneuvers with what are now all allies in the region. He was very uncomplimentary about the Ziocons running our foreign affairs specifically the Kagans. Because he moved I lost track of him and do not know if he got caught up in the Covid purge, but it would be interesting to get his perspective now after what's taking place in the region and in the middle east. He was also very anti-Bush. He felt Bush broke the middle east with his ill fated incursion on behalf of Israel to invade Iraq and the mess he created by having no well thought out plan for post war rebuilding and government. This mess has been building for years as we here have all realized.. It's clear our government leaders are working towards totalitarian power and with the Western countries like Canada introducing laws to jail for life dissidents who openly criticize the government or any protected ethnic group the West is headed for a reckoning none of us have ever experienced. The only people who will save us is ourselves. I don't see Trump as our savior, he's too tied to Israel, and the need to placate the elites who support him and simply want a larger cut of the money laundering operation. Speaker Johnson made that clear with the passage of a Trillion dollar porkulus spending bill.

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Finland, Sweden, and Norway’s actions have surprised me, but it just shows the power of the Wef backed politicians.

Baltic is so anti Russian, so no surprise.

Switzerland backing the Russian Sanctions surprised me.

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No one who I’m talking from Czech Republic for example cannot understand why Czech President is acting like this. No reason to run around the world and look for extra shells for Nazis. I mean no one can explain his behavior. He used to be hard core communist, served in communist army then on NATO.

I just don’t see any benefits from doing it.

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The benefits used to be put in Swiss bank accounts. Maybe investment opportunities, too?

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Or avoiding Kompromat or getting on the Eu commissions bad side?

Orban folded after Eu threats.

Or perhaps getting re-elected?

Czech Republic idolizes the Prague Spring of 68.

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