A challenging and thought-provoking article, Mark - as always. Despite his brash, say-it-how-it-is persona, Trump is in many ways an enigma. To me, he still seems like the same old Trump, and doesn't seem capable of learning any new tricks. However, maybe I underestimate the man. Unlike most, I am not going to spend tomorrow morning (or whenever the final results are in) celebrating what is most likely going to be a GOP landslide; I am going to spend it praying that the right GOP shows up in January and gets to work on Day 1 to restore the US.

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Griffin is an idiot. Albeit a successful one. He just sounds stupid and short-sighted to me, based on what I read here.

Trump does need to show that he learned something since he was in office and will not make the same mistakes --:mainly in personnel, especially the inner circle. Weasels need to be “you’re fired!” Right away. Even Jared.

There was more I wanted to say, but your articles are so full of juicy bits that I can’t recall all of them by the end!

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Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said that he would not support Mitch McConnell for Senate Majority Leader if the Republican Party takes back the Senate on Tuesday.


... “Hawley ticked off a list of decisions over the last 2 years he disagreed on – Ukraine funding, infrastructure & public safety bills, campaign spending in AZ/NH. ‘I did not agree with the idea that you go out there and badmouth our own candidates in the middle of an election.'”

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It basically comes down to Hitler liked dogs' doesn’t it?

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Washington Post:


2022 Midterms Forecast


Republicans — 54

Democrats — 46

GOP Pick Ups: AZ, GA, NV and NH


Republicans — 246

Democrats — 189


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One of Trump’s amazing abilities is he learns from his mistakes.

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I see no evidence of that.

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Mixed bag.

Trump has woken up on Ryan and McConnell’s eGOP backstabbing. From what I can tell at the end of his term, he was finally learning how to get things done. And Trump has been supporting a lot of more Maga type candidates, against the establishment.

A weak area is the jab, and jab injuries. Plus he got snookered good on the 2020 election, especially the eGOP having his back on election integrity.

Culture War Trump did not start fighting to the end of his administration. DeSantis is making his bones on the issue.

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What do you suppose he's learned from Operation Warp Speed?

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What a loaded question!

My guess is before operation warp speed he trusted the medical / regulatory establishment.

I wish he would address the jab issues…

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It was never supposed to be about Trump because all attention would focus on him instead of us, and it was our one chance. Yet everyone including Trump is desperate to keep focus on Trump instead of why he was elected in 2016. You mention Trump's "vision." Trump's "vision" was to make Jared de facto president, to promote Ivanka at Davos, and to merge financial operations with RNC which Jared and he did in 2019 via WinRed creating a new Kushner/Trump family and girlfriends profit making empire. Jared runs all the "America First" groups which are loaded w. his open borders, globalist cronies. The "civil war" you mention took place in March 2020 when by fiat Trump suspended US normal government and declared "emergency government." At one time we believed that coup d'etat could only happen in the US via foreign intervention, but we learned otherwise. Trump was fully behind "social distancing" and lockdowns which he knew were based on a fraud. UK computer modeler Neil Ferguson publicly admitted on his twitter (still posted) on 3/22/2020 that his supposed scary Covid computer model was actually something he'd written 13 years earlier for a different disease, the flu. The only people who would've objected to being arrested for walking in the park were right of center Americans who had voted for Trump (if they voted). But we were told, hey "even Trump is behind this," so we were silenced. Trump was only supposed to be our weapon. Trump was elected for one reason: a Wall (promised daily without condition but never happened, Jared was put in charge, we only got a few feet of fence). We also thought Trump would end US foreign intervention (Trump did the opposite, became worse neocon than McCain); we elected him to pull back from NATO (Trump did the opposite, huge NATO promoter, ran expensive "training" flyovers buzzing Russia's borders); normalize relations with Russia (Trump did the opposite, from day one was sending more tanks to Russian borders, sent lethal weapons to Ukraine that even Obama wouldn't do, bragged recently that he told Putin he'd bomb all the turrets in Moscow Square if he dared touch Ukraine). Jared accepted a $250 million credit line from Soros in 2015. We were told how great it was that Jared passed "criminal justice reform" in 2018 with "bipartisan approval." "Criminal justice reform" remains a plank in Jared's Am. First groups, and Jared is eager to do much more of it if front man Trump is re-elected. I got the opposite of what I voted for in 2016. So please save the rap about Trump winning and his "vision." His "vision" displayed in his 4 years in the White House aligned perfectly with that of his pal Soros.

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Washington Post:


2022 Midterms Forecast


Republicans — 54

Democrats — 46

GOP Pick Ups: AZ, GA, NV and NH


Republicans — 246

Democrats — 189


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Good morning Credenda (and July), I don't have that answer, but I can recommend this essay for all Christians to draw back and take a deep breath... https://www.thecatholicthing.org/2022/11/08/catholics-at-the-midterms/

Yeah, it's election day, but for those of us not immediately involved in ensuring its integrity, we can make sure we go do something good and true and beautiful instead. I'm cleaning my bathrooms. ;)

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Actually!I don’t think there should be real time results. Everyone should be required to report by a deadline. Say midnight. Then there would be no more padding of the stats.

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True. And the gaming of calling the victor in earlier timezones.

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Good question.... hope we get an answer. :)

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No victims of colonialism or victims of GWOT days?

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