
Megatron @Megatron_ron · 54m

NEW:  Trump will help us go to war with Iran" - Ben Givir

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The end of the empire of lies is coming no matter what. The only question now is whether it’s with a bang or a whimper. At this point it’s FAFO attacking Iran. Israel+USA+EuroNazis do not have the ordnance and ISR assets to effectively subdue Iran without creating an irresistible gap somewhere else and I think they all know it. Plus there’s the small issue of Iran’s extremely successful strikes on Israel proper. If it’s not bluster it’s stupidity, and we shouldn’t underestimate that, but if they have to find out then so be it. The axis of resistance knows that they will pay for their victory with blood and they’re prepared to do just that, the question is whether “we” are. I don’t know a single person in the military who wants to fight Iran for Israel and I don’t know a single person who wants to be in the military. When the body bags roll in there will be a political price to pay and I believe and hope that both Trump and Vance realize that, electioneering bluster aside.

Israel as an idea is dead. Their mystique is forever shattered. They can’t provide security to their citizens. They have turned the whole world against themselves. Their patrons are a spent force. They have run out of options so escalation looks like the best option. FAFO.

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It is interesting that Mercouris thinks that the Trump foreign policy team will be "realists" and averse to fulfilling Netanyahu's wishes to involve us in his wars. I don't know how he would know this at this point but I certainly hope he is right.

Trump's conversation with Netanyahu has the potential of having great import, while also being fraught with political danger for Trump. I can't believe Trump would agree to meet with him without wanting to send him a direct and strong message. I hope that message is "Do not start up a war with Iran or invade Lebanon before I come into office. I will not support you in those initiatives."

The problem is Netanyahu will use all of the U.S. political pressure he can against Trump's election if Trump does not "completely" support him.

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I think the world back in October 2023 understood that Israel head retaliate against Hamas for the attack. I still have a number of questions about that attack and where the IDF was at that particular post where the enemy came through. Aside from that Netanyahu and certain elements in Israel have use that attack as an excuse to totally decimate Gaza. If Israel had made a deal early on to get the hostages back after the initial attack and worked out something I think they’re standing in the world right now would be looking very well. But they continued systematic decimation of Gaza and its people have absolutely destroyed Israel’s reputation, I believe. I don’t believe there are but a few countries out there still supporting Israel in this war. Of course, I mean the United States and England for sure. But the tire world pinion has turned against them, and I believe that will bode ill for them for the future. Even if Israel were to stop the war now, the damage to their country and their reputation has been done.

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Again, Trump just can't seem to help himself from jumping into this fray. Lose/lose proposition. All he needs to say is that, as a private citizen and political candidate, he's not in a position to discuss foreign policy matters with overseas heads of government/state. That said, this is not a reality in which we all live, unfortunately.

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I think Trump should have declined the meeting. It may come back to bite him

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Absolutely! The only smart move, unless, of course, your moves are otherwise circumscribed.

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A huge number of US Zios support Trump because they think (insanely) that Biden/Harris are not sufficiently pro-Israel and are wrongly preventing Israel from entirely destroying Gaza and every remaining Palestinian.

They are angry that Biden admin has so far avoided Israel's provocations to start a war w/ Iran. They think Trump as prez will oblige them and attack Iran.

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Yup--thus, my caveat at the end about the reality in which we live.

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And remember uberZio Miriam Adelson, whose top issue is Eretz Israel w/ all Palestinians erased, is dangling $100 million for Trump. Don't know if he's accepted it yet. Conditions will apply.

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