Glenn Greenwald's System Update 4/13 episode dealt with a very troubling aspect of this issue, specifically the utilization of the WaPo/NYT to out the "leaker" ahead of the FBI. As he points out so effectively, the media used to be willing or obligated to go to jail to protect a source/whistleblower. Now they're doing the job of the FBI....just unbelievable. Tucker also dealt with this when Glenn appeared on his show.


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FYI, this piece just appeared on Johnson’s blog, and it pretty much recaps his discussion w A Napolitano. He goes into all the weaknesses of this new “hoax,” as you put it Mark, including Bellingcat and all the other convenient bell weathers (white male, guns, God, etc.):


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The Lone Gunman strikes again! So, let me see if I have this correct. Jack the Malevolent Genius gains access to a DOD computer with TOP SECRET / NOFORN files. For weeks, he accesses this information without being detected, without anyone monitoring the computer logs, and with no one noticing that online gaming sites are publishing the family jewels. Jack is incredibly devious. He downloads the files. Does he post the files? No. Too simple, too obvious. He prints out the info onto high quality paper copies, which he then carelessly folds twice (at least). He then takes crude cell phone pictures of the now unfolded copies, with incriminating background info visible to one and all, and then posts these photos online. OK, that makes sense. Said no one ever. Jack was NOT The Lone Gunman. Some high-ranking officer at the base was grossly negligent and tossed TS / NOFORN printouts into the "Shred" bag, which was not shredded often enough or secured appropriately, and the contents were available to anyone (like Jack the Schlub) who likes to dumpster dive. But wait, but wait. If we consider this more likely scenario then the full-throated attacks on social media, the drive for the Restrict Act ring more than a little hollow. Just a thought. Just another clusterf--k repurposed by the Deep State to push their agenda. Just another step towards totalitarianism.

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So, this is what happens when Hillary’s Reset Button is pushed?

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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023

Simplicus 76 is totally on this with video footage of this hapless 21year od National Guardsmen being arrested. https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/massachusetts-national-guard-member

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poor kid, he will be likely be charged with some sort of espionage laws?

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Shades of the 3 men and a boat story about NordStream.

These people are unbelievable.

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FYI, **Bellingat is an intel cutout and no one who works there knows anything other than what they’re spoonfed by various agencies.** So mostly what this means is that we're in the phase of admitting the leaks about how poorly Ukraine war is going, etc. are completely legit.



NEW: Bellingcat's @AricToler worked with the @nytimes to uncover a trail of digital evidence that appears to identify Jack Teixeira, a 21-year-old Air National Guardsman, as the leader of an online gaming chat group where US intelligence documents leaked https://nytimes.com/2023/04/13/world/documents-leak-leaker-identity.html…

Hans Mahncke


I have a question:

Why is it ok for the New York Times to hunt down a whistleblower who exposed the extent of US involvement in running the Ukraine war while it's not ok, according to the New York Times, for a bunch of randos to identify a fraud who made up stories about Trump?

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Stephen McIntyre


"amazing that FBI and US intel agencies were able to identify the current leaker of documents of documents but were unable to identify the leakers of information about Jan 2017 ICA, about Flynn (on two occasions), about "repeated contacts" and so many anti-Trump leaks."

Or the SCOTUS leak!

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Loved the comment by Larry about the "actor" portraying the "friend" of the leaker having his SAG (Screen Actors Guild) card.

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Removed (Banned)Apr 13, 2023
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RemovedApr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023
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