Didn't V. Zelenskyy shut down "independent media" outlets in Ukraine some time ago?

I hope Denninger is wrong, he is probably correct:


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I find the obsession with disinformation amusing. The war has pretty clearly been a master class on propaganda, but however much information, or false information, or disinformation, or fake information any given side puts out, reality will win out in the end. As a wise man once said, nothing is what it seems, but everything is exactly what it is.

I see no serious peace efforts underway, so this is going to go on for a while, and it will produce at least one loser. Comes the day, the authors of disinformation may find themselves embarrassed and with some explaining to do

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Au contraire mon frere.

1. Reality is often only what we perceive at the time, and particularly at critical junctures where decisions must be made. Ex. Tet Offensive. Reality: disastrous defeat for NVs and VC. Wiped out many of their best units and exposed networks to extermination. Propaganda: the US is losing, the enemy is everywhere, this war is hopeless, etc... Result: huge impetus to exit Vietnam. History is replete with nations that should have won but didn't because a narrative undermined morale or national resolve.

2. The conflict in Ukraine is quickly finishing up w a massive slaughter of Uke troops in the east and mass surrenders. See The Duran, Alex Mercouris, Scott Ritter, Col. Mcgregor et al.

3. Notwithstanding 2, the Oligarchs are using the same powerful psy ops against American opinion that brought us mandatory muzzles, mandatory death jabs, and forfeiture of most rights formerly guaranteed under the Bill of Rights. So whatever the reality might be in Ukraine, we in the US might live a very different one if we underestimate dezinformatsya.

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The significance of Tet was in part that what the government claimed and what the media reported diverged considerably, which isn't likely to be a problem in these times, and frankly I doubt public opinion counts for much in America or Russia either

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Well perhaps in part. But the most recent example where reality wildly diverged from propaganda was the Scamdemic. Ordinary people of every class and education fell for the Wuflu scamdemic and suffered terribly as a result. The Constitution was shredded due to propaganda. People died, many thousands, at the hands of doctors and nurses who knew better, because of propaganda. We are still getting the body count for all the people killed by the jabs they took only because of fear induced propaganda. We dare not disregard its power and effect. Reality is unquestionably altered by it.

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Reality is that which, when you ignore it, doesn't go away. It didn't in the scamdemic, and it won't here. As I write this a renewed Russian offensive is underway. We cannot foresee the outcome. To quote from Lawrence of Arabia, nothing is written. But the outcome will be impossible to hide through any means of disinformation. War is like that. And that is my last word on this.

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Philip K. Dick on reality. Yes, admire the quote. No one is disputing the nature of reality. I merely point out that propaganda, lies, disinformation can become more important than reality because it can induce terrible decisions. Thus attention must be paid.

As to the battles in Ukraine you can be sure that TPTB will lie about it and millions of Americans will believe that Russia has lost and the Ukrainians are glorious victors and many more billions must be spent in rebuilding etc... The real outcome will be hidden and most won't know the difference.

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