
“Or rather, until the US collapses during an imminent new civil war. After all, Hollywood makes films about this for a reason.”

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Caution about Indians not born in India and Indian ex-pats actually living in US/Canada/England: they are not generally pro-Modi, though they don’t talk about it publicly, and they have virtually zero impact on what Modi and the current regime does. India wants to be seen as something of a peacemaker. Importantly, Hinduism, not secular western forces, is rising rapidly in India. Just as the ROC is in Russia and spiritually is rapidly rising in China: their public talk about “morality” being the basis of politics and culture.

The Indians in Silicon Valley, as an example, have more sway on the West than India, and the more secular one is, the less connected to India one is likely to be. The Indians around the world that are still connected to India, as a culture, they even have an app to stay connected, tend to be lower down the economic scale and spread out around the world.

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Excellent assessment as usual. The Russians have dealt with far tougher adversaries than the idiots and psychopaths in the “Capital of the free world.”

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For someone as important as John Helmer imagines himself to be, you'd think he could spend a bit of money on his website which looks completely amateurish. I took a commercial art course in high school, and if I presented something like that I'd get a C- for sure.

Packaging is at least as important as what's inside. Anyone in marketing will tell you that.

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But Helmer is NOT in marketing.

It is what it is. There can be 1001 reason why. It may be deliberate. Or, it maybe that he simply has no time and rather focus on what he knows/likes/does the best. Or ... Who really gives a f...?

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"But Helmer is NOT in marketing."


Then what does "buy the book" mean? He's selling his books with that site, so how isn't that marketing?

"Or ... Who really gives a f...?"

Apparently you do, or why bother defending him?

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What part of “Buy the book” don’t you understand?

Many don't know a difference between marketing and selling.

Am I defending him? I am shining a light on fundamental misunderstandings.

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"Many don't know a difference between marketing and selling."

Maybe you could explain the difference to me then because at this point it just seems like you're splitting hairs.

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