I am taking my hat off. A superb piece. Pulling all these disparate parts into a unified whole that paints an accurate picture is definitely your forte. Don't stop.
You know, it’s kinda funny in a very dark way, but a couple of weeks ago I suggested that the end game in this country was to keep pushing “the subject population”, as Mark puts it, until the outrage reached a level where the DS could enact martial law under the cover of “we must do it to save the country and democracy”. Based on this post, I was thinking waaay too small. As long as they’re going to all the trouble of creating a “crisis” why not just go for broke and create a “global cataclysm”? As the old saying goes, “in for a penny in for a pound”.
Certainly would check all the boxes on their To Do list and it would no longer require a rationale for using whatever means necessary to deal with us recalcitrant members of the “subject population”.
Ray, regarding Trump and the election, Alexander Mercouris on the Duran regarding Macron’s mismash of an interview, said it was “sinister” that Macron revealed to the public that he had been informed by sources in the US that Trump would not be elected president in November. Very bizarre. A breach of protocol I would say, talking about the domestic politics of an ally. Fear and trembling…
Steal or just nullify it, I’ve seen articles suggesting that Democrats would refuse to certify the election if Trump wins. “Terrifying” is the right word Ray, I simply cannot believe that the DS is going to let Trump back into the White House under any circumstances. I’m just not sure how that madness will finally materialize but I have to think that it will be horrific and possibly fatal to the Republic.
Looks like the puppet briefly threw off his strings, allowing him to gesticulate wildly, and then came the call from DC tightening the strings once again, with this added (and terrifying, as Ray says), reassurance. The French as a whole are Jamais-Trumpers, so that remark must have caused them to heave a sigh of relief…I find they don’t have a clue about reality in the US -
This is the heart of the matter: our relationship with Reality. In retrospect, it is no real surprise that we have reached a point where denial of basic reality is so common at all levels of society. We have just lived through 70 years of - at least in the West - materialistic luxury and plenitude unparalleled in human history. Cocooned and protected from reality, what other mental outlook could we have but one of magical thinking? We can think crazy things because there are no consequences for thinking crazy things. That is going to change very quickly. And we can all play our part by doing as TL says: just say No!
"We can think crazy things because there are no consequences for thinking crazy things. That is going to change very quickly."
This is not a new phenomenon. I have referred to Hans Christian Andersen's 1837 The Emperor's New Clothes here in the past, but it is worth doing so again.
In the fairy tale, the Emperor is vain and obsessed. He is his own reality. A couple of con men show up in his court and easily persuade the Emperor to let them make a new suit of clothes for him, which they tell him will be invisible only to his subjects who are stupid and incompetent.
The con men set to work. The Emperor's ministers see that there is no suit of clothes being made but are afraid to say so for fear of being thought of as fools. The clothes are finished and the Emperor proceeds to parade into town proudly wearing them. The people uncomfortably pretend to see the new suit, not wanting to appear inept or stupid, until a child blurts out that the Emperor is wearing nothing at all. The people then realize that everyone has been fooled.
This is the fairy tale of our current lives. The 'Emperor' is our Deep State. It is vain and obsessed with its power. It is beset with con men, and believes it can make any lie true by simply repeating it. Drunk with power, it proceeds from smaller lies like "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction" to greater and greater lies, until we get to "Men can be women, and women can be men" and "Voter IDs are not necessary for fair elections", "All white men are racists", "Putin is Hitler", and "Trump is an insurrectionist". The ministers believe and repeat the lies, in Andersen's story for fear of being thought of as fools, which is probably true today, but also for fear of losing their derivative power and being 'cancelled'. The people believe the lies, too, just as your latte sipping, SUV-driving, Trump-hating soccer Mom religiously believes them, having heard them repeated ad infinitem on CNN or MSNBC, not wanting to appear inept or stupid before her latte sipping, SUV-driving, Trump-hating soccer Mom peers.
Until some 'child', some guileless child, simply states the truth. Which recalls the even older Biblical pronouncement from Psalm 8:2, "Out of the mouths of babes" often comes the simple truth.
I love that story. What I hate most of all about our current "culture" is how it has destroyed the innocence of children. I see this first hand as I work as a tutor with students in local schools. The perversion is reaching further and further into the curriculum and at an ever younger age. I think we all have to be that little child and speak the truth loud and clear.
Speaking of clothes…MKB’s latest is worth a read! Even on the way to a “cataclysm,” the French are well dressed. As one of the commenters above states, hopefully we don’t get to atrocity, but remain at absurdity.
I'll read this with pleasure later, ML. However, I'm not sure if this is true. I often pop over to France to work and find that the people are even worse dressed - if possible - than the slovenly Brits. Lots of hooded figures in dank and dirty sportswear. Maybe in Paris and Lyon it's different.
"But, alas, the US encouraged the Europeans to see the so-called ‘Medvedev Initiative’ as a trap to enfeeble NATO, the OSCE, the EU and other European bodies, and reject that wonderful idea which would have anchored the post-cold war era firmly on a binding security architecture."
Yes, what might have been. For many decades we have sewn the seeds of mistrust and belligerence (just like the Israelis) and now find ourselves on the losing end, unable to acknowledge the magnitude of the disaster…and into this breach steps Macron throwing a “hissy fit” (Mercouris).
What's Macron's game? Is he after Euro leadership now that Scholz has shown himself to be a male version of Kamala Harris? Is it his Rothschild backers? Or is he just butt-hurt after being kicked out of Niger?
It is well known that Macron wants to be president of the EU, and he is also a Davos acolyte. He is a dangerous but pathetic figure, seeing himself as a latter-day Napoleonic figure at the head of a European army while at the same time having to take a knee to US power over Europe. Now that is real ambiguity!
Chesterton was spot on. Faith has not been replaced by reason but by insanity. As to being fed to the lions, or whatever the modern equivalent is, we all have to decide whether we are going to stick to our beliefs whatever the costs or compromise and bow to Satan. It's a toughie!
The open border is either irrational nonsense (for the army of people who perhaps didn’t vote for it but will go along because their ‘side’ is doing it) or cold blooded malevolent calculated power play. The pandemic was still on when they opened the border to hordes of unvaccinated unscreened masses. The next pandemic will also sneak up on us regular folks and will be widely distributed via the movement of illegals into our country. The only questions are where it will start and was it Mother Nature or another lab leak/Whoopsie! that DARPA refused to fund because it is too risky. What is the status of the law when it comes to gain of function research? Back to the Wild West? Not that we are in another Cold War made more interesting by multipolarity the potential exists for a lot more state actors to be involved in this realm. Even if they focus on defense they will have a lot of knowledge about how to create small batches of pathogens for research purposes. A small batch can leak out and get the ball rolling. Has anyone alleged that The Wuhan Virus Friendship Cooperation Clinic was growing industrial lots of virus? Not yet. So as we head into the new multipolar world and away from the first pandemic of this century political leaders everywhere outside of the west are thinking about how to defend their populations. Or at least in some places they are. The knowledge of biowarfare is going to become more widespread and all of the right people tell us that lab leaks are impossible. So we know they happen a lot more than we are told. This combined with the open border will carry leaked bioweapons used to create vaccines into our population. That is the best case scenario. The worst is a true biological attack that will involve several agents released around the same time. 5-10 engineered viruses with 5% mortality and we are finished. The open border is insanity at best, perhaps suicidal, and intentional nihilistic destruction of this civilization at worst.
I eagerly await the day when the neo-Jacobin "elites" get theirs . . . a similar, yet updated, 21st century version of the end of Maximilien Robespierre's reign of terror !!!
We call them "excess deaths", but our Death Cult calls them VERY necessary deaths, and to be continued, and enlarged by "any means necessary"
If you want to use the Gaia model, the earth needs to defensively kill these creatures trying to kill it before they release more deadly pathogens. As an artillery person says, after locking onto the target, "fire for effect". Have they perfected the biowarfare agents sufficiently yet? Only time and the Elites intention to remake the world in their image, will tell us the answer!
I am taking my hat off. A superb piece. Pulling all these disparate parts into a unified whole that paints an accurate picture is definitely your forte. Don't stop.
You know, it’s kinda funny in a very dark way, but a couple of weeks ago I suggested that the end game in this country was to keep pushing “the subject population”, as Mark puts it, until the outrage reached a level where the DS could enact martial law under the cover of “we must do it to save the country and democracy”. Based on this post, I was thinking waaay too small. As long as they’re going to all the trouble of creating a “crisis” why not just go for broke and create a “global cataclysm”? As the old saying goes, “in for a penny in for a pound”.
Certainly would check all the boxes on their To Do list and it would no longer require a rationale for using whatever means necessary to deal with us recalcitrant members of the “subject population”.
If true, a pretty ballsy end run around the Polish sanctions regimes. Vive la résistance! 😉
I agree on the planned cataclysm.
As Rahm Emanuel said, “never let an emergency go to waste.”
And they will do anything to prevent Trump from becoming President. This memo lays out Trump’s opposition and their coordination beautifully:
The increase in censorship powers across the West is not a coincidence.
Ray, regarding Trump and the election, Alexander Mercouris on the Duran regarding Macron’s mismash of an interview, said it was “sinister” that Macron revealed to the public that he had been informed by sources in the US that Trump would not be elected president in November. Very bizarre. A breach of protocol I would say, talking about the domestic politics of an ally. Fear and trembling…
Obviously they are going to work hard to steal a 2nd election.
Steal or just nullify it, I’ve seen articles suggesting that Democrats would refuse to certify the election if Trump wins. “Terrifying” is the right word Ray, I simply cannot believe that the DS is going to let Trump back into the White House under any circumstances. I’m just not sure how that madness will finally materialize but I have to think that it will be horrific and possibly fatal to the Republic.
Looks like the puppet briefly threw off his strings, allowing him to gesticulate wildly, and then came the call from DC tightening the strings once again, with this added (and terrifying, as Ray says), reassurance. The French as a whole are Jamais-Trumpers, so that remark must have caused them to heave a sigh of relief…I find they don’t have a clue about reality in the US -
And as that Frenchman, Voltaire said, "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities".
Saint Paisios foretold a long time ago that there would be a second vaccine.
Seems like the social planners are ploughing on full force with the cognitive dissonance program.
This is the heart of the matter: our relationship with Reality. In retrospect, it is no real surprise that we have reached a point where denial of basic reality is so common at all levels of society. We have just lived through 70 years of - at least in the West - materialistic luxury and plenitude unparalleled in human history. Cocooned and protected from reality, what other mental outlook could we have but one of magical thinking? We can think crazy things because there are no consequences for thinking crazy things. That is going to change very quickly. And we can all play our part by doing as TL says: just say No!
"We can think crazy things because there are no consequences for thinking crazy things. That is going to change very quickly."
This is not a new phenomenon. I have referred to Hans Christian Andersen's 1837 The Emperor's New Clothes here in the past, but it is worth doing so again.
In the fairy tale, the Emperor is vain and obsessed. He is his own reality. A couple of con men show up in his court and easily persuade the Emperor to let them make a new suit of clothes for him, which they tell him will be invisible only to his subjects who are stupid and incompetent.
The con men set to work. The Emperor's ministers see that there is no suit of clothes being made but are afraid to say so for fear of being thought of as fools. The clothes are finished and the Emperor proceeds to parade into town proudly wearing them. The people uncomfortably pretend to see the new suit, not wanting to appear inept or stupid, until a child blurts out that the Emperor is wearing nothing at all. The people then realize that everyone has been fooled.
This is the fairy tale of our current lives. The 'Emperor' is our Deep State. It is vain and obsessed with its power. It is beset with con men, and believes it can make any lie true by simply repeating it. Drunk with power, it proceeds from smaller lies like "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction" to greater and greater lies, until we get to "Men can be women, and women can be men" and "Voter IDs are not necessary for fair elections", "All white men are racists", "Putin is Hitler", and "Trump is an insurrectionist". The ministers believe and repeat the lies, in Andersen's story for fear of being thought of as fools, which is probably true today, but also for fear of losing their derivative power and being 'cancelled'. The people believe the lies, too, just as your latte sipping, SUV-driving, Trump-hating soccer Mom religiously believes them, having heard them repeated ad infinitem on CNN or MSNBC, not wanting to appear inept or stupid before her latte sipping, SUV-driving, Trump-hating soccer Mom peers.
Until some 'child', some guileless child, simply states the truth. Which recalls the even older Biblical pronouncement from Psalm 8:2, "Out of the mouths of babes" often comes the simple truth.
I think we are all awaiting that inevitable day.
I love that story. What I hate most of all about our current "culture" is how it has destroyed the innocence of children. I see this first hand as I work as a tutor with students in local schools. The perversion is reaching further and further into the curriculum and at an ever younger age. I think we all have to be that little child and speak the truth loud and clear.
Speaking of clothes…MKB’s latest is worth a read! Even on the way to a “cataclysm,” the French are well dressed. As one of the commenters above states, hopefully we don’t get to atrocity, but remain at absurdity.
I'll read this with pleasure later, ML. However, I'm not sure if this is true. I often pop over to France to work and find that the people are even worse dressed - if possible - than the slovenly Brits. Lots of hooded figures in dank and dirty sportswear. Maybe in Paris and Lyon it's different.
Hah. Yes they are. After all, they are French.
I especially liked MKB's closing line:
"But, alas, the US encouraged the Europeans to see the so-called ‘Medvedev Initiative’ as a trap to enfeeble NATO, the OSCE, the EU and other European bodies, and reject that wonderful idea which would have anchored the post-cold war era firmly on a binding security architecture."
Ah, the beauty of hubris.
Yes, what might have been. For many decades we have sewn the seeds of mistrust and belligerence (just like the Israelis) and now find ourselves on the losing end, unable to acknowledge the magnitude of the disaster…and into this breach steps Macron throwing a “hissy fit” (Mercouris).
What's Macron's game? Is he after Euro leadership now that Scholz has shown himself to be a male version of Kamala Harris? Is it his Rothschild backers? Or is he just butt-hurt after being kicked out of Niger?
It is well known that Macron wants to be president of the EU, and he is also a Davos acolyte. He is a dangerous but pathetic figure, seeing himself as a latter-day Napoleonic figure at the head of a European army while at the same time having to take a knee to US power over Europe. Now that is real ambiguity!
The Duran discusses the televised interview with Macron, calling it “worse than a trainwreck,” and “an absolute total and utter shambles” - Mercouris.
Chesterton was spot on. Faith has not been replaced by reason but by insanity. As to being fed to the lions, or whatever the modern equivalent is, we all have to decide whether we are going to stick to our beliefs whatever the costs or compromise and bow to Satan. It's a toughie!
Thank you. For me, this is the best explanation I have seen that details the absurdity surrounding us.
'Build back better'... Or...'Bilder-berg bastards' as I prefer...
"so I’ll confine my remarks here to these most recent article."
I believe 'article' should be pluralised. ;)
Also... good article. :)
The open border is either irrational nonsense (for the army of people who perhaps didn’t vote for it but will go along because their ‘side’ is doing it) or cold blooded malevolent calculated power play. The pandemic was still on when they opened the border to hordes of unvaccinated unscreened masses. The next pandemic will also sneak up on us regular folks and will be widely distributed via the movement of illegals into our country. The only questions are where it will start and was it Mother Nature or another lab leak/Whoopsie! that DARPA refused to fund because it is too risky. What is the status of the law when it comes to gain of function research? Back to the Wild West? Not that we are in another Cold War made more interesting by multipolarity the potential exists for a lot more state actors to be involved in this realm. Even if they focus on defense they will have a lot of knowledge about how to create small batches of pathogens for research purposes. A small batch can leak out and get the ball rolling. Has anyone alleged that The Wuhan Virus Friendship Cooperation Clinic was growing industrial lots of virus? Not yet. So as we head into the new multipolar world and away from the first pandemic of this century political leaders everywhere outside of the west are thinking about how to defend their populations. Or at least in some places they are. The knowledge of biowarfare is going to become more widespread and all of the right people tell us that lab leaks are impossible. So we know they happen a lot more than we are told. This combined with the open border will carry leaked bioweapons used to create vaccines into our population. That is the best case scenario. The worst is a true biological attack that will involve several agents released around the same time. 5-10 engineered viruses with 5% mortality and we are finished. The open border is insanity at best, perhaps suicidal, and intentional nihilistic destruction of this civilization at worst.
I eagerly await the day when the neo-Jacobin "elites" get theirs . . . a similar, yet updated, 21st century version of the end of Maximilien Robespierre's reign of terror !!!
Glimmers of hope to challenge the”power” institutions. https://www.thefp.com/p/exclusive-female-athletes-sue-ncaa-transwomen
Heartening. It’s about time.
We call them "excess deaths", but our Death Cult calls them VERY necessary deaths, and to be continued, and enlarged by "any means necessary"
If you want to use the Gaia model, the earth needs to defensively kill these creatures trying to kill it before they release more deadly pathogens. As an artillery person says, after locking onto the target, "fire for effect". Have they perfected the biowarfare agents sufficiently yet? Only time and the Elites intention to remake the world in their image, will tell us the answer!
Actually, I'm not being paid for my thoughts. Jerkoff free zone.
Have you been criticising Madame Macron again, Mark?