Might it not be worth observing that we are also experiencing a war between the old and the new, the present and the past? For example, oil is continuously present: it underlies every single bit of modern productive activity. On the other hand, gold comes from the past as a measure of value: it has a "meta" value as opposed to a practical value. "Crypto" arguably serves the same "meta" function, while also providing a practical service respecting its blockchain side: it both marks transactional value and actually keeps a record of all those transactions tied to it. Long way around, we could be experiencing the real world results of this war between the old controlling methodologies and the new. I might be off base, but in this article, Richard Fernandez addresses some of the "old v. new" battle: https://pjmedia.com/richardfernandez/2022/03/07/the-end-of-the-old-normal-n1564272

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You might find Reggie Middleton of interest on this topic of gold and the working class:


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Fernandez' article is a mix. In some respects it's marred by misperceptions, such as that Russia is controlled by "strong men" but that the West--presumably--is not. He states as inarguable things that are very arguable--such as that Putin's invasion has undermined his power base and that China will now control Russia. This is a complicated situation and not as simple as Fernandez, with his Cold War mentality, wants to make it out. Yes, China is gaining from the West's War on Russia, but Russia has leverage with regard to China, as well as potential allies in the rest of the world.

Re gold, it actually does have practical value.


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I don't know what Luongo has said about the Covid Regime in Russia. From what I've seen at Wikipedia, however, it doesn't appear to be equivalent to that in the West. Lockdown lasted 2 months and I haven't heard about injection mandates--Wikipedia seems to indicate high levels of unvaxxed.


Look, this is not a Russia apologist site. But I try to be reality based. Thus I also take what "health experts" say here with a dose of skepticism, say because "health experts" in the West are trying to sell the Covid Regime and official stats are difficult to trust:

"That Russia’s sole coronavirus lockdown lasted under two months is seen by economists as one of the main reasons the country avoided the eye-watering double-digit falls in GDP or rapid surges in unemployment that many developed nations experienced. But it also explains why Russia has one of the world’s highest excess death tolls from the pandemic, according to health experts."

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Respectfully, I don't see how we come out of this in good shape as long as we have the same moron's at the helm. Case in point: Biden is actually asking Iran and The Ayatollah and Venezuela's Maduro for help in the oil-side of this manufactured crisis... you can't make it up.

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Correct. We will not be in good shape in that scenario. I'm assuming a changed scenario at "the helm".

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This is NUTS. Epoch Times reporting that US DoS is confirming that they have given the "green light" for Poland to transfer fighter jets to Ukraine. If this goes through this will mark a major escalation that may goad Russia into the Cyber Polygon event that WEF gamed out in 2021. (Or provide cover to the dc gangsters to pull it off and then blame Russia).

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Wow. This is a really good read Mark. So much packed in it I heard an interview the other day with leader of Saudia Arabia who basically turns his nose up at Zhou and his admin. as a result of Iran negotiations (give up). Also, oil has moved far beyond "texas tea" and weaponizing it further on the global market w/gold is an intriguing strategy.

Trump's just digging his hole deeper and with the possibility of HRC as a Dem candidate I don't think he'll win.

Last, if NATO is serious I'd have 5 divisions on the Polish/Romanian border on 2 weeks. However, I have not heard one word relative to NATO taking a defensive stand along the borders. Sad.

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Mar 7, 2022
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Yes, those are Republicans who have a part in the money laundering schemes that enrich themselves at our expense. The fact the Clinton's are restarting CGI speaks volumes about how much money is available for influence peddling and corruption.

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You state: "So for Trump to be saying this wouldn’t have happened if he were still president—the only way it wouldn’t have happened is if he had done a major change of course in Russian - US relations." Not necessarily. Contrast Dir Azzir February 2018 with Afghanistan Summer 2021. Of course my remarks must be taken under the understanding that I am one of Trump's "audience of knuckleheads."

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You misunderstand. The audience I'm referring to is specifically the audience at the fund raiser. He didn't say those things for public consumption--but the point is that those things have a way of getting out.

Dir Azzir, in Syria, has nothing to do with Ukraine. Russia wasn't about to go hypersonic over anything in Syria. Ukraine is existential for Russia.

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Wiping out 550 Russians as opposed to an unnecessary pullout when Afghanistan was totally under our control, and botching it at that, demonstrates a change of leadership, from where you can't get away with anything to where everything is possible. Add to that the Ukraine's importance to Russia.

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That's not the point I was making. Try this one out:

Donald Trump: “They’re all saying, ‘oh he’s a nuclear power.’ It’s like they’re afraid of him. You know [Putin] was a friend of mine. I got along great with him. I say, Vladimir, if you do it, we’re hitting Moscow. I said we’re gonna hit Moscow"

Really? We're gonna go nuclear over Ukraine, and then Russia is bound to respond?

Why is he saying these things? They're not true. Trump would not have gone nuclear over Ukraine.

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Is he just being provocative and trying to needle the hysterical clowns in the Biden administration who are looking more desperate by the day? Throwing FUD around is a time worn tradition when trying to disrupt your rival

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I don't know why he is saying this stuff. It could be he is simply in campaign mode and his style therein is to brag to highlight the differences between him and the resident. Nevertheless, as a former President and potentially a future one, he should be measuring his words very carefully and should project the idea that he is a pragmatic leader with self-control and sound judgment, who will ensure peace through strength rather than through threats. That is the image of him many of us have through the actions of his Presidency.

Somebody better advise him that his present comments resonate not only in small campaign settings but generally - and become especially meaningful when the future of the entire world is at stake.

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I don't understand "peace through strength rather than through threats." Where is Teddy Roosevelt's 'big stick.'

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So you have never heard about Trump's "peace through strength?" OK:


But do a search as you will find many more references.

As for TR's "big stick," I imagine it is buried with him ;)

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Right. This is America--nobody cares about 2018. They don't even remember it. Differentiate yourself from the non compos Zhou, don't make stuff up about the past.

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Putin cares. He remembers.

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Love it. Trump exaggerates, the press goes crazy, but Putin understands that something very disagreeable will happen if he goes into the Ukraine.

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It's exactly that kind of talk--if it happened--that convinced Putin that he had no alternative to invading Ukraine. Trump was in no better position to respond than Zhou is now. Trump got lucky, and Zhou and his gang were stupid.

Actually, I believe Trump is simply lying. I don't believe he ever said anything of the sort, any more than I believe he and Putin were "friends". And there was no way Trump would have gone nuclear.

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Your way of looking at Trump is shared by a great many people. The problem for me, and the only reason I take the trouble to comment, is that I hold that the only way out for this country to recover from a 'fortified' election is to rectify all the, dare I say, fraud, or if you will, irregularities and possible felonies, so that people will once again have faith in their government. The only one willing and able to address this is Donald J. Trump. Should he prevail, you will just have to put up with it for a few years, but I assume they will be prosperous years. Should he not, the divide in this country will be permanent.

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Thanks - Luong's article ties together all the other info I've encountered today in a manner that even I can (mostly) understand!

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One word of caution about Trump. His tweets were brilliant and his every public remark is calculated to provoke a desired response. That he is out of power gives him a latitude to say things he would never say as President. I am a true Trumpster, but he knows the art of the con as well as the art of the deal.

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Good post. I read the Luongo. Neocons I don't see as dominating the US State Department. I argue for more globalistic, and spreading the religion of Wokism to the little benighted people around the world. The Elite People's Burden.

Amazing the decline of the Euro.


Couple of areas not gone into:

- The Saudi's hold a grudge. And the Biden Administration and allies support of Iran, and attempted side lining of the Saudi Leadership using the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, not to mention the Yemen Civil War lack of support under Biden. Not to mention all the financial warfare being used against Russia probably terrifies the Saudi's. How do they know they are not next?

- Russia has a HUGE amount of influence over the Iran Deal that Biden is so desperate to sign.

- The going after Russian Oligarch assets, and other Russian assets in Europe, is a HUGE Wake Up call to non Western countries. This probably has a bit to do with the decline of the Euro. Assets in Europe are no longer safe.

- The Visa / Mastercard issue is also huge.

So many financial balls in the air have not fallen yet. Putin has a huge amount of cards he has yet to play. Interesting times.

I am surprised at how one sided the propaganda is, and censoring of Russian Sources. If they have the guts to do this to Russia, what of a smaller country?

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Ray, I agree with everything except DoS--all the Hillary retreads and hangers on fit the Neocon bill. The Woke stuff is more for the little people and as a tactic against normals.

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My definition of Neo Con is basically a Leftist that got disillusioned with communism and pacifism (Vietnam protest types) And they became a very powerful force inside the Gop for foreign policy. Big into promoting Democracy and remaking societies, through any means possible.

The Woke part of Womens rights, lgbt, climate change, green energy, and spreading Democracy through hiring of right think (brainwashed) Ivy League and ngo alumni types is built into Foggy Bottom. The top people don’t seem to have much control over the actual bureaucracy, especially in a Gop administration.

I see The State Dept as more Wilsonian, with a strong “city on a hill” culture.

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Notice that these people called "Neocons"--Blinken and Nuland in this situation--are not disillusioned Lefties. They're people who want to run the world and want to use force to do that.

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Ron Paul had this definition of neocon view of foreign policy -- pre-emptive war, American exceptionalism at the barrel of a gun, military Keynesianism, national security state at home, NSA surveillance of Americans, gunboat diplomacy without the diplomacy, and so on.

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*American exceptionalism at the barrel of a gun*

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Fascinating! And it all makes perfect sense. Luongo is a genius at seeing the "big picture." His articles about Ukraine have been singular and spot on. As have yours, Mark. Thanks!

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Mar 7, 2022
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Hmmm.... it seems some people have been misrepresenting themselves to conduct research. Apparently the word has got out that this site provides the truth.

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Mar 7, 2022
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You could even take it a few years further back to the NATO war on Serbia. I believe Yeltsin objected strenuously to the savage bombing of Serbia, a country with historic and cultural ties to Russia. That was the Clintonistas, too.

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Mar 6, 2022
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This quote from Barr’s book explains Trump:

'"Do you know what the secret is of a really good tweet?" he asked, looking at each of us one by one. We all looked blank. "Just the right amount of crazy," he said.'"

Trump says stuff to get the medias attention.

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OTOH this doesn't sound like Trump to me. Sounds more like Bluto Barr trying to sound plausibly like Trump to get it past MAGA crowd but also further subtly the Trump is a crazy madman meme. I would like to hear Trump take credit for this "strategy" at some rally or somewhere. Otherwise I still hold to the master persuader model - trump is speaking for effect but I don't think he would characterize that as mixing in a little crazy to each of his utterances.

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... a la Nixon and to a lesser extent Reagan. Yes a certain amount of perceived craziness can be of value vis-a-vis your adversaries when you are a President. But it is not of value when you are running for President (even if you have already been one). Look at Eagleton for one. And look at how the Dems tried to bring into question Trump's mental faculties already. They will certainly take any advantage to do it again. People most of all want predictability and stability in their leaders.

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Well said. I've always believed that convincing the other side that you're a little bit crazy can be an advantage, but you need to understand the context.

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Mar 6, 2022
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NO. This isn't about speculation on gold. It's about payment on the one commodity that runs the world--oil. Demanding payment gold is not about cornering the market. Putin knows how much gold the US has, but that doesn't change the equation for the rest of the world. Countries that have BOTH gold and energy resources won't be affected, but the EU?

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Excellent. Gold may be a store of value, but it is also a commodity. There is a Wall Street adage-The bulls make money. The bears make money. Everybody loses on commodities.

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I listened to a long podcast of a Gromek (sp?) interview today. He used $100k as a hypothetical figure to illustrate the point he was making & was pretty clear abt it, iirc.

Dunno anything abt the Hunt bros, but didn't US operate on the gold standard until ~1973 when the petrodollar took over?

I'm content to simply watch & see how this plays out, but my gut says I better have more than US$'s stashed aside for the grand finale.

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Mar 6, 2022
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Re Trump, I feel similarly--but the stuff he's saying currently is very unhelpful, lining up with the Globalists.

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Not really. He is having fun, pointing out the weakness of NATO. Nobody is going to start a war with Russia, especially when we are all dependent on Russia for oil, fertilizer, etc. This could and should have been prevented. Any suggestions now?

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My suggestion--he should be saying that he would have headed it off by talking with Putin, coming to an understanding based on the realities of the situation, etc. NOT making braggadocio style statements which aren't true.

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Agree completely! Trump is not perfect, and his latest comments are discomforting. Nonetheless, if not Trump to lead us out of this, then who? DeSantis seems promising, but does he have any foreign policy experience or acumen? Tulsi Gabbard? Yes, she is a Democrat, but she is one of the very few politicians (or ex-politicians) saying generally reasonable things, but again no foreign policy experience, and she does not command enough attention (at least not yet). Putin is showing the world how he deals with amateurs like the unelected Biden and, to a lesser extent, Obama before him.

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Husk, re Trump or bust, realize that neither Trump nor Desantis nor anyone i can see out there right now will fix what's infected and killing America. It was beyond Trump's power to fix 2017-2020 and things are *much* worse now. The only fix requires forcible removal of everyone in DC. Every. One. No elected person can do that. DC is in the hands of a criminal enterprise that absolutely won't give up power. We all need to stop thinking that a change of fraudsters and fakes in dc will do any good.

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Husk, do not be fooled by Gabbard. Look at her website. She is on board w almost all of the same crazy crap that the openly marxist criminals want.

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