One has to wonder about that enormous US embassy in Armenia and Israel’s high tech support for Azerbaijan.

Realistically any US attack doesn’t have a natural land bridge. Conceivably the only option would be a denial of territory style attack across the gulf along the coast (ala Russian style), with the hope it would prompt attacks by Iran’s neighbours.

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Obviously the U.S. should go seize another tanker full of Iranian oil.

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Just one?

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Ok, how about we take an Iranian tanker, blow up one of their embassies and blame it on the Russians? That outta move things to the front burner, right?

Hell, in for a penny in for a pound:-)

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Makes perfect sense!

The Russians did it was the approved narrative for Nordstream for a while. Then it moved onto Ukrainians in a tiny sailboat deep sea dived with massive amounts of explosives.

Plus the Russians stole the 2016 election from Saint Hillary. I hope I don’t get in trouble with Mark for blasphemy…

And it worked in Hollywood where White Russian Nazis were the acceptable villains!

I wonder….

Will that be an issue since Ukrainian Nazis are now the good guys? I believe that’s the current narrative.

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Doug Macgregor stole my thunder, because I was going to comment that I’m absolutely convinced the neocons are fully committed to starting some kind of a war, not a question of “if” just “when”. Oblivious to the fact that we are in no position to win whatever kind of war, or wars they foment, since they seem to thrive on pissing off more than one country at a time. As Macgregor has pointed out many times, these idiots live in a fantasy world and are so far divorced from reality that it never crossed their minds that it’s not a good idea to write checks with your mouth that your country is in no position to cash.

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No oil first. And pretty soon no chips. The flow of semiconductors will stop in the spring when China takes care of their Taiwan problem. The U.S. is in no position to stop them at this point. So much for that soft landing Powell was bragging about.

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The Israelis are like Team Biden: they've forgotten the meaning of diplomacy.

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And a corollary is that they don't know when to quit. I don't mean to stereotype, but its true.

No negotiation and no quit can be a very dangerous game plan.

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Well, you have to have actually know what it was to start with before you can forget its meaning. I see nothing to suggest that these clowns ever had even a passing knowledge of diplomacy, and I would offer the following as exhibit A; “F” the EU”, Victoria Nuland demonstrating a dazzling bit of diplomacy. :-)

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Jan 17, 2024
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I don’t know Frances, can’t see these people letting go of the levers of power, and particularly considering the amount of energy that they are putting into pushing the narrative that Trump will turn into a dictator/monster who will crush any and all opposition. My sense is that they are “all in” to see DJT thwarted from ever entering the Whitehouse again, not to mention being personally ruined and thrown in jail or assassinated if necessary. Sorry to be so blunt, but these people do not play by the Marquis of Queensbury rules and certainly define what it means to be ruthless, power mad and malevolent. They make Lady Macbeth look like Rebbeca of Sunnybrook Farm.

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If Trump can persuade 55% or more of the country to vote for him, and stay out of jail and alive, he will win the Electoral College in a landslide, and will be the next President. Then we'll see what the Deep State has for Plan B.

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Haven’t they already shared Plan B, C, D, E,…

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Cass: Hell man, I’m game, let’s do it!!!

Gotta die on some hill anyway.

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I hope you are right.

I’m not sure a margin of voting beyond the margin of exists any longer.

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Jan 17, 2024
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Hey Frances, I kinda like the “Aliens are invading from outer space” thing!!

Maybe Fox Mulder could help us out with that one. lol

Oh, crap, he worked for the FBI!

Never mind.

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