Phoenix time.

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...of the people, by the people, for the people.

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I am hardly a religious scholar. All I did was get born into and grow up in a traditional Protestant mainstream Christian home. I have since left this institutional Christianity because over the past few decades, its spokespeople (the pastors in our church) have gone over the top woke, liberal, progressive, self-hating, hypocritical, and meaningless. They have literally driven me and my wife out.

The answer may be a return to Christian faith, but not the 'Christian' faith currently professed by the ministries of affluent, white, suburban America. That, you can have.

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I understand and agree. In a sense cradle Catholics who have grown into a principled understanding of their faith (my demographic) could be likened to conservatives who grew up in the Republican party and now find themselves looking for a home. But community is necessary, even if it comes to constructing new communities. We need to provide futures for our children, not simply cast them adrift amid the craziness.

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Those of us in the Trump camp are totally immune to all the various arguments and political games now going on, and I am mildly amused by the theories and suppositions of those critical of him. He is our 'wizard' solely 'because of the wonderful things he does.' He comes up with pragmatic, down-to-earth solutions to our problems, and even manages to implement these solutions in the face of extreme opposition. His Presidency gave us a respite from the years of decline our corrupt and incapable elected officials foisted on us. You give us rhetoric. He gives us reality. He didn't do everything he promised? By all that is right and proper he could have been expected to accomplish nothing. He helped inaugurate the Covid regime? People were dying. Before Covid I trusted doctors, those with twenty and thirty years of training and experience. Give Trump credit for being concerned. I'm sure most of you hold by the rule of law. That too no longer exists for me. The Supreme Court, those nine flawed human beings, may come up with things I will be forced to take into consideration in the future, but they have no moral stature. How quickly our Bill of Rights protections and even Habeas corpus have been abrogated. Maybe, just maybe, when reality bites and we have no hope we might get a government that works for us. Until then it will be every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost.

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If you follow Strauss & Howe's historical argument, America has been through several cycles of spiritual crisis and renewal already in the past 400 years or so. (In Generations, their sources go back well before the events of the 1770s.) That doesn't by itself discount the possibility of long-term trends, but I suspect that much of what we're experiencing at present, we can chalk up to the turning of the Saeculum, in their framework.

Organized religion was, historically, the great counterbalance to our libertarian tendencies. That's what the "separation of church and state" was all about: more balance of powers. Our institutions were never supposed to be entirely subject to the formal government. But so much of popular religion has been displaced by entertainment and academia, themselves long since brought under control and weaponized. Or colonized and subverted by crypto-Marxist and "wokeist" fifth columns, or simply destroyed. Still, when I see organized and effective resistance, it's largely coming from religious people. Often, newly religious.

Russia's bucking the trend. They've just recently outlawed "LGBT propaganda". Jeff Childers commented on it in today's Coffee and Covid post, remarking how the Western media has been strangely reticent to unleash the denouncement apparatus this time. Islamic "homophobia" was fair game in Qatar for the World Cup, but Putin seems to not be getting the same treatment.


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Very true. The Founding Fathers expected a vigorous civil society outside government to be an important guarantor of sound governing. That began falling apart pretty early on and collapsed almost entirely in the 60s. I did note the Russian action (and the World Cup) but ...

Obviously this is a major reason for the hatred directed at Putin--his embrace of Orthodox Christianity as a pillar for Russian society. It's almost in a way surprising that the West attacked Islam at the World Cup. Islam has always received kid glove treatment--think about: Is there any comparable term referring to a Christian counterpart to Islamophobia? Christianophobia? Not possible, because ... But I've always assumed that kid glove treatment was a tactic to use Islam against the Main Enemy, Christianity, and then Islam would be subverted (in their dreams). Maybe it's because major Islamic countries are turning from the West to Eurasia.

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“Defined criminal acts” keep being re-defined or ignored all together. Moral corruption.

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The criminals running the country can't afford to allow another fair national election. If there are not some significant changes made to root out the corruption taking place with ballot distribution and harvesting, we've seen the last 'populist' president. These crooks can't allow the people see what they've done and will continue to do to gain and maintain power. For them it is a continuous non-ending divide and conquer strategy, the most recent with Governor Hair Gel announcing reparations for descendants of former slaves. Prior to that it was the obvious unconstitutional student load bail out carrot for votes. The changing of the order for democrat party primary states. Then there is the great immigration amnesty plan which is one of the biggest pillars in their monument to themselves. It all there for anyone to see and assemble into a bigger picture.

I could go on, but Victor Davis Hanson wrote a great piece on 4 December that summarizes much of what has transpired with the willing assistance of a completely corrupt media. Here's the link if you missed it.


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“Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving.”

- David Burge

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Voting is dead. This last election proved that thesis. You only need look to Pennsylvania's Senatorial race and Arizona's Gubernatorial race to see the proof rubbed right in your face and right out in the open.

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Dec 9, 2022
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Kari Lake

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Yeah, I wondered about that too. I think it's because so many of them have been steeped in these beliefs, beginning in grade school through University and right through their workforce experience. They can no longer see anything else. They have become blind to the truth.

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Take a trip across America along Hwy 50 doing "One Minute Bible Studies" with people along the way. We are all in the same space. Our options to do something are to read another article, or watch a youtube sermon. Starting in Carson City May 27th, finishing in DC at the Lincoln Memorial on June 17th with a God and Country presentation by local churches. Do or Wither.

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I just wish abuse of discretion was a felony

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Sad, but accurate, diagnosis:

"...America is in the midst of a great crisis in terms of its economy, its chaotic civil society, its political corruption, and its inability to defend any kind of tradition...because of the transformation of its culture by the intellectual elites."

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Dec 8, 2022
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History begins the day you are born

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