Edward Dowd on Future Recession, Shocking Findings in the CDC Covid Data, and Democide.

A vietnam war of millenial deaths suspected cause the "Vaccines".


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Not mentioned here but I hope you have all seen Edward Dowd blowing the lid on the excess death rates presumed by the life insurance industry to be caused by the injected toxins ("vaccines!") and the reactions by Wall Street traders, as he says, were bullied into taking the vaccines! Interesting well worth 20 mins.


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An excellent article from Robert Malone, who takes a deep dive into "vaccine safety and effectiveness” using the “safe and effective” smallpox vaccine as his example. Quite a history lesson.


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"In effect, Yeadon is arguing—based on his many years of experience—that the actual Big Pharma companies could not have been directing what occurred. They were complicit, but others were driving events."

I've always marveled at how so many people speak as though the puppet master in all this has been Pharma, or even the fact of Pharma's having so many politicians in their pocket. These things matter -of course they do- but the idea that people and governments around the world with infinitely more power than a handful of drug companies have been bowing to these companies is laughable, in a very unfunny way.

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Thanks for the link to that excellent Brownstone article. In addition to the parts you've already quoted, allow me to add the final paragraph:

"And here we are, with one war easily mutating to another war. Somehow, despite every promise by the great experts, the glorious triumph of the brilliant policy never arrives, and the people are left to live with the carnage, which piles higher and higher with each successive round of manipulation, compulsion, false promises, and resulting disaster. "

And then from that I'd like to highlight just this part:

"Somehow, despite every promise by the great experts, the glorious triumph of the brilliant policy never arrives, and the people are left to live with the carnage..."

If that doesn't accurately describe nearly every single government action taken from the Great Society disaster to the present -with many notable exceptions in the Reagan years and a small handful in the Trump years- I'm all ears as to why not.

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"Because We Can't Let Go Of This"

It's not so much that "We" can't let go as our political leaders, "They" can't, most specifically democrats, who are making way to much money on the graft from all this. Look at how these Covid relief funds were spent by left wing governments around the country and the outright lie coming from the Democrat chairman of the congressional budget committee who said, “There’s no money wasted in this legislation.”


"During the debate on the House floor, the Democratic chairman of the House Budget Committee said, “There’s no money wasted in this legislation.” He could not have been more wrong. In fact, billions of dollars have been wasted or mismanaged by state and local governments. As millions of people were left standing on the sidelines because of COVID-19 lockdown policies, state and local politicians saw an opportunity to use billions of federal tax dollars to pay for pet projects they had been promising voters for years, completely unrelated to COVID.

For example, President Biden’s home state of Delaware is spending $40 million of “emergency COVID-19 funding” to build libraries, New Jersey is spending $15 million on a sports complex, and Syracuse, New York, is pushing $2 million to plant trees. The city of Philadelphia has proposed spending $18 million to literally hand out free money via a universal basic income pilot program.

It gets worse. Stimulus checks as large as $1,400 were sent to Japanese citizens living in Japan. Checks went to convicted prisoners, including the Boston Marathon bomber. Michigan is spending $400 million to upgrade state parks and trails, a city in Connecticut is spending almost $1 million to build 40 luxury apartments, and Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, is spending nearly $17 million to build a golf course with a two-story clubhouse and driving range."

Most bizarrely, nearly $2 billion was sent to county governments that do not even exist.


Now congress is authorizing over $13B in aid to Ukraine? This is the money laundering operation of our political class.

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Mar 15, 2022·edited Mar 15, 2022

Epoch Times had an article several days ago on United Airlines's allowing their unvaccinated employees to go back to work. Bouria notwithstanding, the whole Covid thing appears to have keeled over of its own weight. Fatigue factor. And it is spring. Trees flowering, sun shining. Who wants to think about disease?

I did see a tidbit about some new variant - Deltacron or somesuch - but no one seemed very excited about it. We also heard that this year’s flu vax was a dud. In Los Angeles County, Covid hospitalizations have dropped significantly. No mention whether they were “for” or “with”. We wonder what the cadaverous County Health Officer Barbara Ferrer will do with herself now. Crawl back into the crypt? No masks at the hairdresser’s salon today. The only masks we saw were on a separate man and woman in the sunny fresh outdoors. Didn’t get the memo?

In other news, Barack Obama has a scratchy throat and has tested positive for Covid. Bragging that he and Mich are fully vaccinated and everyone else should be. Trying to square that with his present condition...

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My trust in the government enabled medico-insurance-hospital-pharma complex could not be any lower. As soon as I found out how the jabs worked I decided I would never, never not ever get stuck with any of 'em. I am a member of the control group! Last I heard a certain Governor whose initials are G. A. has not ended his two year long emergency order, Texas is lagging behind New Jersey.

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How do you explain Abbott getting picked to run again for governor?

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Clueless/brainwashed voters that by default cast ballots for incumbents. My default is to vote out incumbents with few exceptions, my newly redistricted state Senator, Brian Birdwell is one of a very few incumbent officeholders I voted for.

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TX might benefit from a demand to return to paper ballots & hand counts? Might turn out that those incumbents aren't as popular as they pretend.

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We had hand counted paper ballots in my rural county until about 10 years ago then the idiots on the Comanche County Commission bought paperless machines, voters still had the option of a paper ballot, which I always took. Just last year the idiots bought new Hart machines, hand marked machine tabulated ballots, what happens after the tabulator eats your ballot is anybodies guess? I don't dismiss the potential for fraud at all. That said with all the elected offices [federal , state & county every other Nov., dozens in total, plus state constitutional amendments] in Texas machine countable ballot that can be hand recounted is almost the only way to go.

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